Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 129: Danzo: Humph! Young People Are Young!

In Konoha Village.....

Tsunade walked side by side with Su Bai on the way to the meeting room.

"What about Terumi Mei?"

"Now in the home space, there are Yuhihong and Uzuki Xiyan accompanying her."

Su Bai smiled.

When he picked up Terumi Mei, he quickly returned to Konoha Village.

Of course again before...

He asked Yuhihong and Uzuki Xiyan to accompany Terumi Mei in the home space.

Negotiations in the Konoha Village meeting room.....

Su Bai would not be interested at all.

What he wants is to bring Samui back to his home space after the negotiation is over, and hold his private meeting.

Of course, Su Bai himself has shown signs of wanting to show his fangs to several people.

"When the time comes to return to the home space, I hope you will behave more piously."

Su Bai looked at Tsunade beside him.

Those words made Tsunade tremble.

Be religious?

What do you mean?

Tsunade was slightly stunned, but Su Bai shrugged and smiled: "Just do what I say, don't have any resistance.

"Of course, there should be no emotional resistance, and you must keep smiling."


Tsunade was completely dumbfounded when he heard this.

Does the so-called being pious mean making her regard Su Bai as a belief?


Although it is not clear what kind of medicine is in Su Bai's gourd.

Tsunade froze in dissatisfaction, but nodded slightly.

Enter the conference room.

Samuel has been waiting for a long time.

She was accompanied by two Elite Jōnin guards brought from Cloud Shinobi Village.

This is a must have for every village kage-level person out and about.

Just like Su Bai with Yuhihong and Uzuki Xiyan before.

It's a status symbol.

Samui is dressed in a white robe, and there is a Raikage hat on the table.

It is enough to explain her current status.

No-nonsense Cloud Shinobi Village Fifth Raikage.

"Hello Fifth Hokage, Hello Assistant Hokage, we meet again.

Seeing Tsunade and Su Bai enter the room, Samui immediately stood up.

After saying hello, she secretly glanced at Su Bai.

But he found that there was no expression change on Su Bai's face at all.

"Damn Shiroyasha, how dare you treat our Cloud Shinobi Village like this."

Samuel was a little annoyed.

If it wasn't for Su Bai's reasons, she wouldn't be under such great pressure.


Facing a monster-level character like Su Bai, she has nothing to do.

It's just that Samuel is quite curious, does Konoha Village know Su Bai's strength?

If it is really clear, why the two old consultants seemed so flustered when faced with the threat of Cloud Shinobi Village during the first negotiation.

Of course things are different this time.

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura have completely different attitudes from last time.

From time to time, the current Konoha Village still doesn't care about other ninja villages at all.

Even if it is affected by the Houkai plan.

Today's Konoha Village, at least Tsunade's strength is not comparable to Samui.

Plus Jiraiya....

Other villages, no, no!

"Ahem, I don't know why Fifth Raikage came to Konoha Village again?"

Utatane Koharu's tone was a bit strange.

It seems that there is a little bit of difficulty.

Samuel's face changed slightly when he heard the sound, but he recovered quickly.

"We, Cloud Shinobi Village, want to form an alliance with Konoha Village and discuss how to deal with Akatsuki.

Samui had already thought of the reason before coming to Konoha Village.

She is actually not very clear about the Xiao organization.

But can a group of Renegades do anything good?

And she had previously attributed all aspects of Cloud Shinobi Village's encounters to the Akatsuki organization.

Although it was false information, no one knew exactly what the Akatsuki organization was doing.

The more this is the case, the more people will be jealous.

"Are you organized?"

As Sam expected, when she mentioned the Akatsuki organization, Utatane Koharu's face suddenly turned ugly.

She is indeed not afraid of the current Cloud Shinobi Village.

But guys who can kill the Fourth Raikage without anyone noticing are not easy to mess with.

The Akatsuki organization is definitely a thorn in the heart of Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura.

I am afraid that the other party will target Konoha Village.

not to mention....

Uchiha Itachi is among them.

"And I've heard long ago that Orochimaru, who destroyed Konoha Village, was once a member of Akatsuki's organization."

"So this time, we should have a common enemy."

Samui continued.

Back when Fourth Raikage was still in power, their Cloud Shinobi Village had information on this.

Didn't expect it to come in handy today.

"What! You mean Orochimaru used to be a member of Akatsuki?"

"Of course, I heard that he defected to the Akatsuki organization, but I don't know whether he defected or not.

Samui was very satisfied with Utatane Koharu's surprised expression.

Mentioning others is useless, but Orochimaru is different.

As long as he's alive, Konoha Village will be very worried about a comeback.

A few simple words open the door.

Su Bai has been quietly listening to Samyi's speech, and he admires her performance very much in his heart.

With the current state of Cloud Shinobi Village, it is indeed very correct to take out the Xiao organization to suppress Konoha Village.

And Utatane Koharu's performance also illustrates this point.

She was scared.

Originally, I wanted to take this opportunity to get a little benefit from Cloud Shinobi Village.

But now it seems that the chance seems a little slim.

But at this moment, the door of the meeting room was suddenly opened.

Shimura Danzō suddenly appeared in front of everyone.


Utatane Koharu was taken aback when he saw this.

Danzo ignored her and looked at Tsunade instead.

"Tsunade, last time you asked me to investigate the Konoha Village attack on the Cloud Shinobi emissary, I wanted to say a few words.

"Based on my research, it seems like Cloud Shinobi Village is putting on their own drama.

"The point is to start a war between Konoha Village and Cloud Shinobi Village."

When Shimura Danzō narrated these things, his face was not blushing and his heart was beating, and what he said was like the truth.

"So now they have problems within Cloud Shinobi Village, and they want to form an alliance with us, why?"

"Even if you want to form an alliance with our Konoha Village, don't you have to solve the previous things first?"

Regarding whether Orochimaru is still a member of the Akatsuki organization, Shimura Danzō is very clear in his heart.

He will not be bluffed by Samui in front of him like Utatane Koharu.

What he wants to do is naturally force the current Cloud Shinobi Village to jump over the wall, and it is best to kill Samui when Tsunade gets angry.

At that time, Konoha Village will definitely face the crazy revenge of Cloud Shinobi Village.

Even if the opponent can't beat Konoha, aren't there other ninja villages?

For example, Iwagakure, who has always been stable.

Danzo still knows Ohnoki very well.

That big-nosed old man is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Once Cloud Shinobi Village and Konoha Village start a war, the opponent will definitely take the opportunity to attack Konoha.

After all, if you want to get more benefits, Konoha Village is the best choice.

As long as the war is going on all sides, if Konoha Village makes a slight mistake, he will jump out and pull Tsunade off Hokage's seat.

By the way, the responsibility has to be pinned on Su Bai, the assistant.


"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"How could our Cloud Shinobi Village sacrifice our companions to sow discord between the two villages?"

Samuel was a little annoyed.

She has heard a little about Shimura Danzō.

According to the words of the former Raikage...

Shimura Danzō of Konoha Village is definitely synonymous with darkness in the entire ninja world.

Referred to as the darkness of tolerance.

"Huh, compared to being able to take advantage of Konoha Village (bcfd)'s weakness and sneak in, can Cloud Shinobi Village really care about the lives of a few ninjas?"

Danzo snorted disdainfully.

The earnest expression made Su Bai applaud.

This acting skill, this kind of performance of shouting "stop thief" is really amazing.

Samyi did not expect that a character like Danzo would appear in the middle.

It was quite unexpected.

And Danzo's strong attitude made her a little overwhelmed.

For this kind of thing, before there is definite evidence, anyone who says will consider it from their own standpoint.

Therefore, even if Samuel has mouths all over his body, it is impossible to convince the people of Konoha Village.


At this critical moment, Samyi cleared his throat and laughed disdainfully.

"That's pretty interesting to say."

"Why would we blame Konoha Village for doing things that hurt our own companions?"

"At that time, we originally came to seek justice from Shiraiyasha."

Danzo seemed to have expected Samui to say this.

After a sneer, he said lightly: "The matter of Su Bai is naturally a trivial matter, he didn't really kill the people of your Cloud Shinobi Village."

"Injury and direct killing are still different."

Danzo didn't change any expression.

The tone of speech is also calm.

Now, with confidence in his mind, he has pushed the crux of the problem to Tsunade.

It depends on how Tsunade, who is the Konoha Village Fifth Hokage, will deal with the matter of Cloud Shinobi Village.

If she agrees to form an alliance, it will naturally cause dissatisfaction among many Konoha Village ninjas.

Especially for the Hyuga clan, this is an absolute shame.

And for Su Bai, maybe there will be a gap with Tsunade in his heart.

If you do not agree to form an alliance

Even accusing Cloud Shinobi Village of self-directed and self-acted killing of its companions on the other party's unwarranted charge will inevitably lead to dissatisfaction everywhere in Cloud Shinobi Village.

By the time...

Shimura Danzō can cause friction between the two villages, and even small-scale wars, with only a small plan.

As long as the peace of the five major countries is broken.

Other countries will naturally take advantage of it for their own interests.

By the time......

Danzo couldn't help but sneered in his heart.

Young people are still young after all, and they don't understand the conspiracy and tricks in it at all.

But before Danzo could digest the joy in his heart, Tsunade suddenly said: "Now our main enemy is the Akatsuki organization."

"I remember that my master Third Hokage once mentioned about the Akatsuki organization.

"This is also the important information that our assistant Hokage of Konoha Village, Su Bai, has worked hard all year round undercover."

"So, if the Akatsuki organization caused the internal crisis in Cloud Shinobi Village, we Konoha Village shouldn't watch the fire from the other side.

Shimura Danzō was taken aback by Tsunade's words.


This irascible woman actually still has two brushes.

In a few words, he even praised Su Bai.


Tsunade paused, no

Utatane Koharu and others were given a chance to speak, and immediately said: "For the sake of peace among the villages, I think it is very necessary for us Konoha Village to form an alliance with Cloud Shinobi Village.


Hearing this, Danzo roared immediately: "Did you forget that Cloud Shinobi Village used the pretense of forming an alliance to steal the eyes of our Hyuga clan?"

"It also caused Hizashi to replace Hiashi and die for no reason."

It's okay to shout twice.

There is no other reason, I just want to show it to everyone,......

Shimura Danzō's force field is for every big family in Konoha Village, and even envelops everyone.

Tsunade, who wants to sign an alliance contract with Cloud Shinobi Village, obviously does not respect the deceased.

But Tsunade ignored Shimura Danzō.

After learning of Su Bai's true purpose and strength.

Tsunade regards Danzo in front of him as a small person, and there is no need to care about it at all.

Even if he wants to provoke the relationship between Tsunade and other families in Konoha Village, it is not so easy.

Not to mention that Tsunade and Hyūga Hinata are sisters who once slept in the same bed.

The other party will never be shaken by such a thing.


Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura also don't know what's wrong with Tsunade today.

He didn't even discuss with them and made a decision directly.

"That's it, I think I've made it pretty clear."

"And the daimyo of our country of fire once said about the Akatsuki organization."

"Do you really think they are charitable existences for the ninja world?"

"Now that Cloud Shinobi Village is willing to join the alliance, we Konoha Village, Sunagakure and Cloud Shinobi Village...."

"The Ninja villages of the three big countries are united, and they can exchange resources and information faster, in order to prevent the Akatsuki organization."

"I'm done talking."

Before the three old guys could react, Tsunade made a decisive decision.

By the way, he looked at Samui: "Master Raikage, let's find a quiet place to sign the contract later.

The sudden change of things made Samui still a little unable to react.

Her original purpose was to find Su Bai.

But during the whole process, Su Bai didn't say a word, which made Samuyi a little confused about what the other party was thinking.

"Hmm! Well, let Master Hokage arrange everything."

Samui smiled.

Although she had doubts in her heart, she had no clue at all.

You can only take one step at a time. .

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