Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 135: The Three Little Ones Acted To Do Bad Things And Were Thrown Into The Garbage Dump

It's been a few days of getting along.

The three people's resistance to Su Bai is very little left.

Especially Yahiko.

Practicing with excitement is more important to him than anything else.

But it's a pity.....

Excessive movement caused their appetite to be much larger than before.

In order to be able to guarantee the problem of food reserves, they must start to do bad things.

"Brother Sanlang, stay in the cave and watch the house."

"This kind of thing still needs the three of us to come forward~.

Yahiko's natural leadership skills are on display in this moment - on full display.

As an adult Su Bai, the goal is much older than their three children.

Coupled with his ragged clothes, he doesn't look like a normal man.

So it will attract the attention of people in the market.

In that case, their success rate will be even lower.

"Nagato, don't be nervous either."

"You and Konan will talk to the stall owner normally as I said."

"To get their attention, I took the opportunity to move from behind."

Nagato was visibly nervous.

This was his first time doing theft.

But what Yahiko said before also made him feel deeply.

During the days when Nagato was wandering away from home, he was almost starved of hunger.

Going door to door trying to beg for some food.

But in the end, the family told him that there was no food at home, and asked him to go to another house to ask.


That was the last one.

Moreover, after the other party closed the door to drive him away, through the window through the door, it was obvious that there were a lot of bread in the other party's house.

As Yahiko said.....

Now is the time of war, and everyone is in danger.

If you want to survive, you must do something against your will.

When you have the capital, you will double it and return it to the other party.

The most important thing is that even if they steal some food, it will not affect the life of the stall owner.

This is the starting point for Yahiko to do this.

"Nagato, don't be in a daze."

"Hurry up and keep up, it will be fine in the future when you become proficient."

"Again, this time, you just stand beside Konan, or focus on Konan, so you don't have to worry too much.

Yahiko put her arms around a nervous Nagato and pushed him out of the cave.

And he turned his head and said with a smile: "Brother Sanlang, you have to take care of your family!"

Su Bai didn't say much, and waved to the three people who went out with a smile.

Human talents are indeed forced out.

At this age and in this situation, Yahiko's performance is indeed much better than that of his peers.

If it is said that he was born in a peaceful age, maybe he can really become an outstanding leader.


Reality has no ifs.

Su Bai's time travel is like a kind of time refutation.

For others, it's history.

But for Su Bai, this is what he will do in the future.

But the wheel of history does not revolve around one person, it will only affect the future because of changes in certain things.

History can never be changed.

Thinking of this, Su Bai smiled wryly.

Even if he wanted to change, he couldn't change it.

The reason is that the timeline is too long, and it is too troublesome to act.

Black Zetsu and Uchiha Madara don't die for a day, in order for Nagato to activate Rinnegan, then Yahiko has to die.

Just like when Nagato opened his eyes to Rinnegan, it was because a certain ninja who fled in the war wanted to kill Yahiko.

Nagato, desperate to protect Yahiko, turned on the Rinnegan in a panic.

And therein lies the problem.

Su Bai couldn't figure out why the three of them, who had been living in peace all along, were attacked by fugitive ninjas at the end of the war.

The other party is just a child displaced by the war.

There is nothing of value on him.

Could it be that they were slaughtered to eat meat?

But so far, they haven't seen them doing anything, and I just want to observe it. For Nagato

Who can cause his mood swings more.

"Forget it, don't get involved in too many things."

Su Bai smiled.

Since I got mixed up with the three of them.

Then at least I can make them happier during this period of time.

It was the only thing he could do.

Of course, it was also his own purpose to find the three of them.

It is also the basis for contacting Nagato and Konan after returning to their own world.

Somewhere in the country of rain.

People are in a hurry.

Even in the flames of war.

But to be honest, the Land of Rain is much richer than the Land of Waves when Su Bai lived.

Below the rows of white tents.

Loaded with food.

There is no shortage of vegetables and fruits.

There is very little meat food, almost all fish.

However, there are really too many fish at the Rain Country stall.

"Could you give us some?"

"Just a little bit! Please!"

Konan and Nagato, the two piously put their hands together, begging the fish seller in front of them.

Want to get a fish from him to take back.

But the boss was very angry. Facing the pitiful, weak and helpless two people, he said angrily, "Is there any extra fish for you? Let me go."

Taking advantage of the gap between the three people's conversation, Yahiko has already sneaked to the back of the booth.

Cautiously poked his head out.

"Not bad! These three brats."

Su Bai, who sneaked up from behind the three of them, hid in a corner and watched for a long time.

I couldn't help admiring in my heart.

"This feeling seems to be more fun than when I was in the black market before!"

Nagato's red hair covered his eyes, so he couldn't see a specific expression.


That pitiful, weak and helpless expression is really well acted.

For such a lovely girl, the owner of this shop is probably a little bit clueless.

If replaced by Su Bai.....

I must ask a question: In the future, do you want to inherit my fish stall and become the fish seller in this street, the future proprietress?

"What! There are so many, stingy!"

Konan saw the boss chasing her and Nagato away angrily, but behind the boss, Yahiko had already touched the fish quietly.

She acted decisively, but angrily scolded the boss for being immoral.

"What did you say, you brat?"

Sure enough, the boss got even more angry because of Konan's reverse operation.

Completely lost my mind.

He just wanted to go forward and drive the two of them away.

"Amazing! Konan!"

"It's so cute."

Su Bai also didn't expect Konan at this age to have such an interesting scene.

It's really that she and the future look indifferent, and she who never smiles is like a different person.

Seeing that the boss is going to walk towards Konan and Nagato, Yahiko has quick eyes and quick hands.

Pick up a big fish and prepare to evacuate.

It's a pity.

Their plan failed.....

The moment Yahiko turned around...

He accidentally bumped into the lap of the proprietress who had been waiting.


"You nasty little thieves..."

Yahiko grinned in embarrassment with the vicious look of the aunt holding the rolling pin.

next moment....

The three were thrown into the trash at the same time.

"If you do it again next time, I won't forgive you!"

The shop owner clapped his hands and ignored the three people lying on the garbage.

diameter left.

"Are you both okay?"

Yahiko smiled and brushed off the mess on her body.

Looking at Konan and Nagato with a concerned smile.

"It's fine!"

Konan narrowed his eyes, and also smiled.

Only Nagato...

Apologetically, he said, "Sorry! I was the one who dragged my feet."


Seeing this, Yahiko and Konan looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Pfft! Hahaha!"

Yahiko laughed for the first time: "It's okay, it's okay."

"This kind of thing happens occasionally."

"After all, those adults are not fools."

‥...seeking flowers...0

"Me and Konan get thrown in here a lot."

Nagato's face was slightly startled, and he glanced at Xiao Yu.

As usual, Konan didn't talk much, but he did smile and nod by default.

"Huh? Nagato, you bastard, do you still think I'm lying to you?"

Yahiko pretended to be upset and joked.

"No! No..."

"Okay, it didn't go well this time, let's think of a better way next time.


Looking up at the sky, Yahiko sighed: "It's getting late, let's go back early.

"I can only take the remaining apples to replenish for the time being."

The three were arrested shortly after.

Through the observation of pupil technique, Su Bai found that their mood is still very optimistic.

I also breathed a sigh of relief.

Come to the fish stand.

The shop owner was still angrily complaining about the petty theft of the three of them.

"I didn't learn well at a young age, but I learned how to steal like a thief. It's really..."


Sighing, the boss looked up, only to see Su Bai looking at him with a smile.

"Boss, do you think this money can be used?"

Su Bai's understanding of the ninja world has nothing to say about the currency revision.


The money you want to have in the past can work here.

Seeing this, the boss smiled and said: "This little brother can really joke, why can't the money be used?"

"What do you want?"

"Oh! Then bring me a bigger fish!"

The cave is getting closer and closer.

It was also getting darker.

Grunt a few times.

Yahiko, who had driven such a long distance but found nothing, seemed to be too hungry to bear it.

"I really don't know how to explain it to Brother Saburo."

Yahiko pursed her lips, as she said so nicely when she left before, but she returned empty-handed.

"He will definitely laugh at him."

It's just that Konan and Nagato didn't hear Yahiko's melancholy at this time.

The two wrinkled their noses at the same time.

"It smells so good."

"It seems to be the smell coming from the cave."

"Yahiko, don't you smell it?"

Konan's prompt made Yahiko slightly startled.

Quickly and carefully sniffed.

Sure enough, a scent came from the cave.

"Do you think it's because we're hungry and faint?"

"Having hallucinations?"

The bursts of fragrance from the cave made Yahiko's stomach churn even more.

"Ah! It seems..."

"That's right! To be honest, I'm hungry too."

Nagato lowered his head in embarrassment.

The three of them strolled for a while, and the closer they got to the cave, the stronger the aroma became.

Wait until the three of them appear at the cave entrance.

But at this moment, Su Bai was alone around an iron pot, as if he was doing something.

The white mist emanating from the iron pot is the source of the aroma.

"Brother Saburo?"

The three saw this...

They all froze at the entrance of the cave, they didn't know what Su Bai was doing in front of them.

"Oh? You're back!"

"Welcome home."

Seeing that the three were indifferent, Su Bai immediately smiled at the three with apology:

"Ah! I'm sorry, I remembered that I hid an iron pot before you left.

"I'll take it back when I find time."

"On the way, I happened to pass by a river, and I went down to catch a fish and came back.

"So I'm not looking after the house as Yahiko asked."

"Sorry sorry!"

Seeing that the three of them still didn't move.

Su Bai grinned, isn't it just a pot of fish soup?

Although he cooks very fragrant and delicious food, he shouldn't be stunned in place!

"Ah, hello! I'm sorry! You must be starving after a day of action in the rain.

"As compensation, I made a pot of fish soup, so hurry up and drink some to warm your body."

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