Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 136: Su Bai's Departure, Big Brother's Teaching

I usually eat some fruit to satisfy my hunger.

Now that I am practicing, I must increase some protein.

The simple words made the three of them feel grateful.

In particular, the scene of Su Bai cooking in the cave and waiting for them to come back is very similar to what he used to be at home.

for a while...

San Xiao only had the feeling of falling.

In the following time, Yahiko, Nagato and Konan practiced more diligently.

Moreover, Su Bai also gave the three of them some of the life skills he had learned before.

Like fishing techniques.

There are many rivers in Rain Shinobi Village. After learning to catch fish and shrimp, the three little ones will naturally be able to do less so-called bad things in their lives.

At least this way they can save them from being beaten.

Yahiko, Nagato and Konan are outside practicing how to control Chakra to walk on the lake.

Su Bai sitting in a cave.....

Quietly digesting the news from Shadow Clone in the Land of Fire.

Shadow Clone has an advantage, as long as it disappears, what he sees, hears and thinks will be transmitted to the main body in an instant.

According to the waiting and guarding of these days.

A Shadow Clone spotted the movement of Cloud Shinobi Village on the border of the Fire Nation.

As Su Bai knew, three ninjas from Cloud Shinobi Village came.

According to their itinerary, they will probably be able to arrive at Konoha Village within the next day.

"Looks like it's time to leave."

Su Bai murmured.

He hasn't forgotten what his main purpose of coming to the past is.

It was to find traces of Uzumaki Kushina.

The reason why I came to Yahiko and others was also a whim before I came.

Although this farewell may never see Yahiko again.

But for Su Bai, he can still control his emotions rationally and calmly.

At least he didn't do anything to offend the three of them during this trip.

When the three of them came back from practicing, Su Bai had already prepared a rich dinner.

"Well! As expected of Brother Sanlang, I can smell the fragrance from all the way."

Yahiko wrinkled her nose, drooling from hunger.

You're welcome, and sat directly on the seat.

Konan and Nagato smiled at Su Bai, and sat down around the table with Yahiko.

"I'm gonna start now!"

After a few people spoke, they ate voraciously.

While eating, he told Su Bai the results of today's practice.

For example, Yahiko thought that his Chakra control ability had reached the level where he could walk on the lake.

As a result, I fell into the lake as soon as I went there, and I had to drink a lot of water.

With smiles in his eyes, Su Bai quietly listened to what the three of them had confided to him.

Halfway through, I didn't express any opinions.

"By the way! Brother Saburo, we have been together for a long time, and I don't know what your wishes or ideals are.


Su Bai was taken aback by Yahiko's sudden words.

Pretended to think for a long time...

Su Bai shook his head.

"Is it ideal? It seems not!"

"Idiot Yahiko, brother Saburo's dream must be to become a famous artist!"

Konan tapped Yahiko beside him, and said with a smile.

Isn't the ultimate goal of a wandering street performer to become an artist?

"Ah! Really?"

Yahiko was a bit of a Muggle and had no idea what Konan meant.

However, Su Bai shook his head, looked at Konan and asked, "What about Konan's ideal?"

This is indeed a random question.

Yahiko's ideal is very simple, secondary school wants to conquer the world.

The current Nagato is basically empty-headed and has no ideals.

Konan should be the same as Nagato.

But in the final analysis, with the development of time, the three get along.

Nagato's ideal is to follow Yahiko's side to complete each other's ideas.

The same goes for Konan.

It is quite interesting to listen to the innocent ideals of children once in a while.


After facing Su Bai's question, Konan blushed.

Did not say anything.

But Nagato beside her said weakly: "Konan's words..."

"She should want to be someone like San Lang who cooks delicious food and takes care of others."

"Because she is always boasting that elder brother Sanlang knows how to love others."

When Nagato said this, he didn't forget to take a look at the hairpin on Konan's head.

It was given to her by Su Bai before.

According to Su Bai's words, it was bought in the process of performing arts, and it has been kept until now.

Seeing that it matches Konan very well, I gave it to her.

And Konan is also very fond of it.

After wearing the card, the number of times I look in the mirror is red.

"Shut up and eat"

Konan shoved Nagato, signaling him to keep his mouth shut.

This behavior is not self-inflicted.

"Ha ha!"


"You clearly don't understand Konan."

Nagato just shut up, but Yahiko, who knew Konan better than him, laughed.

"Konan wants to marry Saburo when he grows up."

Su Bai: "????"


Su Bai was shocked by Yahiko's bold words.

This kid really dares to say anything nonsense.

People with bigger farts don't even have full hair, and they just open their mouths like adults, talking about things that adults can only talk about.

On the other hand, because of Yahiko's rhetoric, Konan's face was flushed, and he lowered his head deeply in embarrassment.

Not a word.

However, when such problems arise, Su Bai is still very understandable.

After all, girls are more precocious than boys.

Especially in the ninja world, this phenomenon is particularly obvious.

The care during this period of time will indeed make the helpless three people have deep feelings for Su Bai.

After all, Su Bai is the first person besides their parents to take care of them like this.

"No no no!"

"Konan will definitely become a great beauty in the future, and if he wants to marry, he must marry an outstanding boy."

"You can't find someone who fails like me."

"And if you marry an outstanding boy, your life will be hundreds of times better than it is now."

Su Bai hastily beckoned to decline.


This is called playing hard to get.

Even today's Su Bai doesn't know, when he returns to his original time and space...

What will it be like when he meets Nagato and Konan.


Su Bai's words made Konan somewhat displeased.

Sticking out her tongue at him, she said dissatisfiedly: "I don't want it, and who will I marry in the future? Humph!"

Su Bai:


Konan's sudden temper made Yahiko laugh even louder...

Then he clenched his fists tightly and said solemnly, "When I stand at the top of the world and conquer the world in the future, we won't have to live such a difficult life.

"When the time comes, Konan doesn't need to marry someone else to live a good life, we will have a good life ourselves. 27

"Brother Saburo, I will set up a circus for you when the time comes."

"The biggest and biggest kind in the world."

"Then it's settled, cheers!"

After Su Bai heard that Yahiko had one more ideal, he didn't do anything to hit him.

Nor did it preach.

It's just that he was able to congratulate him in advance with an attitude of recognizing him.

There is no other reason.

Because Su Bai knows very well that for most people who live in pain, the ray of light in their hearts may be more precious than the things that give them reality.

In the middle of the night, there was still the sound of rain outside.

This is the country of rain, a country where it rains all the year round.

The three little ones slept soundly due to their practice during the day.

Su Bai looked at the three people on the floor.

In turn, they re-covered the quilt well.

He smiled and disappeared in place.


Yahiko was awakened with a scream of pain.

"What's wrong?"

He rubbed his sleepy eyes, but saw Nagato crying and looking at him.

This scene completely dispelled Yahiko's drowsiness.

"What happened, Nagato."

He quickly got up and came to Nagato.

Konan on the side also sat motionless on the ground with red eyes.

"It's early in the morning, what's the matter with you?"

"By the way, where's Brother Mulang?"

Yahiko looked around, but did not find Su Bai.

After asking suspiciously, he was surprised to find that...

There is a stack of banknotes on the wooden box.

"This is?"

Before he could open his mouth to ask, Nagato said in a tearful tone: "Leaving 0.0 in one day

"The money is all his belongings, and he left it to us."

"There is also this letter, which is very clear."


After hearing this, Yahiko was taken aback.

He hurriedly picked up the letter next to the banknote and read it.

It's roughly like what Nagato said.

Su Bai left, and the money he left was all the savings he had accumulated over the years as a street performer.

Not a lot, but....

There is nothing more that can be left for them.

Su Bai likes the three of them very much, and thinks that all three of them have the potential to become strong.

But I can't give them better guidance.

To become stronger, they need to find a strong and reliable kind person to guide them.

And just to give them some final life advice....

Tears are such a good thing that when they flow out, they can wash away sadness and discomfort together.

But one day you'll grow up and find out...

There are greater sorrows in life that tears cannot wash away.

There are precious pains that cannot be forgotten.

But really strong people will laugh louder when they want to cry more.


come on!.

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