Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 137: It's Outrageous To Force Yourself

Regarding Su Bai's influence on Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan, he didn't take it too seriously.

Future history cannot be changed, but Su Bai doesn't think Nagato and Konan have other options.

The advice left is just to hope that they can really get through this dark time.

After he finishes dealing with the matter here and returns to the regular timeline, he can find a way to get the three of them together again.

Even Yahiko's body has been changed into Tendo Payne.

But even if Impure World Reincarnation's body is combined with Rinne Tensei's technique, Yahiko can be resurrected.

Of course, this kind of thing depends on how Nagato makes a decision. Su Bai doesn't want to influence his thoughts on this kind of thing.

For a day, Su Bai, who is near Konoha Village, has been observing the movements of the three Cloud Shinobi Villagers.

After a night of rest, they planned to do it the next day.

According to Su Bai's memory, it should be the evening of the next day.

They sneaked in and captured Kushina when there was no one in Kushina's house.

During the Second Ninja World War, most of the ninjas in Konoha Village were sent to the front line.

There are only a handful of Genin left.

Su Bai observed it for a long time, and he really reflected his thoughts when he was reading the original work.

Konoha Village at this time...

Very empty.

But what Su Bai has to admire is Namikaze Minato's ability to move and think carefully.

And the degree of attention to the girl I like.

Very high indeed.

This matter is that Sarutobi Hiruzen personally sent him to make a good relationship with the future Nine Tails Jinchūriki of Konoha Village, Su Bai dare not give an affirmative answer.

After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen in this period was still very fond of his unfilial apprentice Orochimaru.

If one wants to control Jinchūriki, why not place Kushina in Orochimaru's own care.

Of course, Su Bai does not deny that Sarutobi Hiruzen is thinking about the future, but in any case, as a high-level executive, this so-called conspiracy can barely be called wisdom.

Looking up at the sky, the sun has gradually set.

Su Bai counted, and it was about time for the three unlucky ones to act.

Today's Su Bai, Tenseigan can see places farther away.

The entire Konoha Village is under his surveillance.

According to the previous thinking, the three unlucky people did sneak into the place where Kushina lived while there was no one in her house.

Also, the house where Uzumaki Kushina lives should be the home of Uzumaki Mito.

The house is big, but the location is a bit quiet.

Three Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas also hide, even hiding under the kitchen table.

This made Su Bai almost speechless.

Even more speechless was Uzumaki Kushina's bewildered behavior.

When she searched for her family for a long time, she found that no one responded to her.

Coming to the door of the kitchen, Kushina glanced again and found no one, just about to leave.

It seems that because she discovered something, she had to turn back and stood at the door staring blankly for a long time.

This look...

problem occurs.

Three Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas with ferocious expressions leaned out slowly, and Kushina's face changed suddenly in fright.

Turn around and start running in the corridor.

While running, the little mouth kept opening and closing.

By comparing the shape of the mouth, Su Bai touched his chin.

If you think about it, Kushina should be shouting at this moment: Is there anyone? Help!

It's a pity that Uzumaki Kushina, who was trotting for a while, tripped to the ground and was caught by the Cloud Shinobi Village ninja behind him.


Wait until everything goes well, after the Cloud Shinobi Village ninja leaves Konoha Village.

Su Bai discovered a very interesting thing.

Uzumaki Kushina is really smart, as she said, she started to use her red hair as a mark from the moment she was taken away.

"It's no wonder Namikaze Minato was able to catch up slowly, and it seems that's why.

So obvious!

As a man, Su Bai is very aware of how much a man pays attention to the girl he likes.

That really hits the nail on the head.

As long as it is about the other party, no small details will be let go.

Not to mention such a careful kid like Namikaze Minato.

It was definitely after discovering that Kushina was missing that he hurriedly searched for clues.

"It's terrible, it's terrible."

Su Bai applauded.

Namikaze Minato is truly the ninja who came out of nowhere to save Konoha Village from the Third Ninja War.

Really good at such a young age.

It was slowly getting dark.

The three ninjas from Cloud Shinobi Village [the pace of the trip was not particularly fast because of the reason for taking fourteen-year-old Kushina.

However, they also did not dare to be negligent, and rushed towards the border of the Kingdom of Thunder without stopping.

It's a pity that Uzumaki Kushina's body is not as strong as theirs.

Excessive fatigue and panic made Kushina look very ugly at this time.


Kushina accidentally tripped and fell to the ground heavily.


The sound frightened the two Cloud Shinobi in front to turn around hastily.

The target this time is an important person in their Cloud Shinobi Village, and there must be no mistakes.

Cloud Shinobi, who stayed behind Kushina and held the rope, tugged at the rope in his hand.

Signal Uzumaki Kushina to get up and move on.


There was not much movement between them, as if they were afraid of being discovered by others.

Su Bai, who followed them all the way, stood on top of their heads, seeing everything very clearly.

Namikaze Minato also picked up Kushina's long red hair along the way.

According to his travel speed, he will have to catch up with several people in less than 20 minutes.

"Then act!"

Su Bai said silently in his heart.


The figure disappeared into the branches.

When it appeared again, it was already in front of the two Cloud Shinobi leading the way.


The sudden block also startled the two Cloud Shinobi leading the way.

They didn't understand why a man suddenly appeared in front of them.

No sign.

This kind of thing frightened them on the spot, and those who didn't know it thought they had bumped into something terrifying and unclean in the middle of the night.


It's a pity that what answered them was a chill on the neck.

Su Bai didn't have the idea of ​​talking to them at all, so he waved his arm lightly.

The Chakra Scalpel in the palm cut the neck of Cloud Shinobi who was leading the way with precision.


Two lives!

"Who are you..……"

Cloud Shinobi behind him was frightened.

This night, who is the other party?

And when such a terrifying guy appeared in Konoha Village, he actually solved Jōnin of Cloud Shinobi Village in an instant.

But before he could fully utter his words, he followed in the footsteps of his companions in front of him.

After instantly killing three unlucky Cloud Shinobi Villagers, Su Bai took out Kunai and swung his arm.

A note was pinned to the back of one of the Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas.

"You can't blame me, mainly because your future Fifth Raikage said that the three of you in this period were killed."

"I have no choice but to do things according to the progress of the situation."

"I didn't want to kill people at first, but the three of you must die, so I have no choice but to end your lives for the sake of future stability.

I muttered in my heart.

Speaking of it this way...

Su Bai thought he was aggrieved.

He will be forced to act according to the script one day, which is not in line with his life creed.

The most speechless is...

He still has to do things according to his own script, which is a bit outrageous.

And the note he left said: If you want to get back Uzumaki Kushina, go to Caoyin Village.

Signed: Kojiro. .

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