Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 138: Kushina: I Thought I Escaped, But The Person Who Saved Me Was Even More Terrifying

As Namikaze Minato was about to arrive on the scene, Su Bai who killed the three people in Cloud Shinobi Village didn't linger much.

Leave the note and leave with Uzumaki Kushina with Flying Thunder God Technique.


The two have already arrived at the hotel that Su Bai has booked in advance.

With the Flying Thunder God spell, no one has found the whereabouts of the two.

"Thank you for saving me?"


Uzumaki Kushina, who came back to his senses, sincerely thanked Su Bai.

He wanted to ask something, but he didn't have the nerve to say it.

The reason is simple.

Uzumaki Kushina wanted to ask about Su Bai's identity.

After all, seeing that the opponent does not have a forehead protector that symbolizes ninjas, but has such terrifying strength.

Apart from being curious, Kushina was still a little nervous.

However, Su Bai just nodded slightly, and didn't talk to her immediately.

Judging by the Uzumaki haori becoming the Nine Tails Jinchūriki.

At this time, Uzumaki Kushina does not have Nine Tails in his body.

At the beginning, Su Bai did not discuss this issue with Tsunade.

The reason is relatively simple. About Uzumaki Kushina went to Konoha Village to become Jinchūriki, except for the senior management of Konoha Village, Uzumaki Mito and herself knew.

No one is clear about this matter.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't even mention his apprentice, Sannin.

This is why Uzumaki Kushina, after becoming Nine Tails Jinchūriki, is able to maintain a normal life in the village.

Thinking of what happened to Uzumaki Kushina in the past, Su Bai smiled intriguingly.

Because of the long conspiracy, he is well aware that Uzumaki Kushina is obviously just a victim of Hokage's competition.

Even the Nine Tails Rebellion ten years later was the same.

Why do ninjas in Cloud Shinobi Village know that Chakra is special, so they have to catch her?

Why is Uzumaki Mito not at home just this day?


Why, ten years after the Nine Tails Rebellion, Uchiha Obito was able to find the secret cave where she gave birth so easily.

Could it be that Obito can confirm all this just by Kakashi saying that Minato's child is about to be born?

Of course the key is why Obito knows that Uzumaki Kushina is Nine Tails Jinchūriki.

Could it be that Namikaze Minato was ill and told his disciples?

This is obviously impossible.

For no other reason, what happened to Obito was like Shimura Danzō's dying battle, and the conversation between the two spoke a lot.

"Danzo, we haven't seen each other for a long time, since the Uchiha genocide."

"I'll finish you right now, Uchiha Madara!"

As expected of Shimura Danzō who can assassinate even old friends.

Su Bai still quite approves of Shimura Danzō's means, and for the purpose, he really thought of many ways to pull Sarutobi Hiruzen out of office.

But unfortunately, there is always one step short of realizing the ideal of becoming Hokage.


"Brother, are you a ninja from Konoha Village?"

Seeing that Su Bai was silent, Jiu Xin asked tentatively and nervously.

In her heart, she thinks that Su Bai in front of her is most likely a ninja from Konoha Village, otherwise why save her?

But there are still problems.

Now that the other party has rescued her from the hands of the Cloud Shinobi Village ninja.

Why not take her back to Konoha Village, but directly to a hostel?

"Oh! Sorry, I'm not a Konoha Village ninja right now."

Su Bai didn't want to hide Uzumaki Kushina in front of him.

He has been thinking about how to dye this pure white paper into the color he wants.

He is also very clear that the current Uzumaki Kushina is not very dependent on Konoha Village.

The reason why she said she wanted to become Hokage at the beginning was because as a foreigner, she wanted to be recognized by her fellow villagers.


Things were a little different from what she thought. Most of Konoha Village's contemporaries, apart from laughing at her red hair, were just watching the show.

Of course Namikaze Minato is temporarily included in the party watching the show.

Even in Kushina's eyes, the current Namikaze Minato always has a sissy feeling.

As for Konoha Village, Kushina has no feelings for anyone except Uzumaki Mito, her grandmother of the same clan.

But when Su Bai said that he is not from Konoha Village, Sui Kushina inevitably became more nervous.

Although she has little dependence on Konoha Village, she is more resistant to strangers.


Kushina faltered and quietly stepped back a few steps, looking at Su Bai with panic and vigilance.


Su Bai smiled: "Twenty years later, I will be the ninja of Konoha Village.

Uzumaki Kushina: "????"


Faced with this sunny and handsome smile, Kushina was obviously taken aback.

Twenty years later?


It's just beyond words.

Uzumaki Kushina stared blankly at Su Bai in front of him, as if seeing a psychopath, a lunatic.

Wait a moment!

Thinking that the other party is a psychopath and a lunatic, coupled with Su Bai's killing methods.

Uzumaki Kushina felt a chill in his heart.

It's all over.

I just escaped from the hands of Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas, I thought I was safe.

Unexpectedly, it fell into a worse situation.


"You don't have to call me big brother, my name is Bai. 171

"Well, of course there are many people who would like to call me White Yasha."

"You can call whoever you think is easy to call."

Su Bai?

White Yasha?

White Yasha?

Uzumaki Kushina trembled even more when he heard the word White Yasha.

This is obviously not a nice name.

Just imagine what a Yaksha is? It is a monster that kills people without blinking an eye, and eats people without spitting out bones.

It's a devil!

Uzumaki Kushina was frightened, his face turned blue, and he didn't dare to express his thoughts.

Su Bai didn't seem to notice her strangeness, and touched his chin in embarrassment.

Thinking about how to explain his affairs to Kushina.

After thinking for a long time, Su Bai thought it would be better to explain everything clearly.

Even if he hides Kushina, there is no guarantee that the other party will not have the idea of ​​running away.

And Su Bai can't put him in a prison-like place.

After all, it will take a moment for Su Bai to go back, but Uzumaki Kushina will have to wait for 23 years.

Twenty-three years of detention life, even if he did not die, his whole body would stink.

"Let me explain the current situation to you first."

Su Bai thought for a long time, but decided to tell Uzumaki Kushina truthfully about his affairs and ideas.

Then proceed to the next step.

"I am a Konoha Village ninja from the future, and I came here to save you.

"Also, I don't intend to send you back to Konoha Village."

"Because when you return to Konoha Village, you will become Nine Tails Jinchūriki, and all you will face is death.

That's a pretty good excuse.


Uzumaki Kushina obviously felt dizzy after hearing this.

what's going on?

The opponent turned out to be Konoha Shinobi from the future?

The purpose of coming here is actually to save her life?

This inevitably made Kushina so surprised that he could not accept Su Bai's remarks at all.

Su Bai looked at Kushina's bewildered expression and smiled secretly.

It doesn't matter if you can't accept it temporarily, but at least the meaning Su Bai conveyed to Kushina can make the other party relieve some vigilance.

The rest is easy to solve.

"So you don't need to call me big brother, but I need to call you senior. y


When Su Bai said this, Kushina finally spoke.

The more she listened, the more surprised she was, and the Nine Tails Jinchūriki that Su Bai said really existed.

Kushina knows very well that when Uzumaki Mito really fails, he will replace him as Jinchūriki.

The person in front of him was even aware of this matter, so he probably wasn't lying to himself.

But she was still in shock, and she didn't know how to ask Su Bai in front of her why she came to save herself.

But who is Su Bai?

He could see through what Kushina was thinking at a glance.

By the way, sigh: "" I found your information in the ninja files of Konoha Village one day. "

"This glance..."

"I found your hair really beautiful, the most beautiful I've ever seen.

"So I asked our Fifth Hokage Tsunade-sama about you."

"The result is such a pity... hey!"

When the words fell to the ground, Su Bai let out a long breath, showing sadness on his face.

But after a while, he smiled again: "So I took an opportunity to travel through time and space.

"The reason is to come to see the person I miss day and night."

"Well, of course I don't want to watch you die, so I made a move."

wait! wait!

Uzumaki Kushina was Muggle-like.

Traveling through time and space just to see yourself?

The reason is to see that your hair is beautiful?

This White Yaksha...

No, this Su Bai...

Does it mean you are interested in yourself?

This idea is really beyond Uzumaki Kushina's expectations.

Some are flattered.

She had never felt such treatment.

Not to mention traveling through time and space to see her, the only thing she came into contact with was being ridiculed for having red hair like a tomato.

Shock is shocking, but Uzumaki Kushina is not so easy to fool.

She calmed down and looked at Su Bai seriously: "You know how important Nine Tails Jinchūriki (good Li's) is to Konoha Village.

"If I was rescued by you, what should I do if I don't have the Konoha of Nine Tails Jinchūriki?"

"Speaking of it this way, wouldn't there be huge changes in the future, and maybe the original you will also be affected.

After saying this, Kushina showed a suspicious look, apparently not believing Su Bai's nonsense.

Good guy!

Hearing this, Su Bai called out to the experts in his heart.

The Kushina in front of him seemed to have a tough temper, but he didn't expect that he was also a thoughtful guy at a young age.

"Ahem! So I left a note for Konoha Village."

"There is a way to solve the Nine Tails Jinchūriki matter, you don't have to worry about this kind of thing."

"It won't affect the future."

Su Bai explained, but Uzumaki Kushina didn't say a word, his brows were wrinkled, and his eyes were more vigilant.

Coughing again, Su Bai smiled: "Okay! Let me speak from my heart again.

"It's impossible for me to watch you die in vain."

"Whether you like it or not, it is temporarily impossible for you to return to Konoha Village."

"I will stare at you tonight, and I won't let you have a chance to escape."

"Starting tomorrow, I will take you to a distant place. Of course, if you want to return to the embrace of Konoha Village..."

"It will have to wait until twenty-three years later."

Uzumaki Kushina: "?????"


This guy is exactly what people call him.

White Yasha!

Totally a bad guy!.

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