Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 31: Danzo: The Iron Pot Is In Hand, I Have It In The Ninja World

Looking at the team members lying on the ground and moaning slightly in pain.

under the moonlight

A black shadow appeared in front of Xiyan.

Her heart sank instantly.

Can't beat it!


Uzuki Xiyan still wanted to hold the Short Sword tightly in her hand.

But at this time, she found that her arm was shaking non-stop because of the impact just now.

She really didn't expect the White Yaksha in front of her to have such strength.

Faced with the encirclement and suppression of more than a dozen Anbu members, they beat them to the ground without any effort.

What was even worse was the teammate codenamed Tiger.

With a burly body, his head was held by Shiroyasha and turned back and forth in his hands.

As a result, the tiger's whole body looks like a spinning top.

Spinning and crashing into the next room.

But what makes Uzuki Xiyan feel unbalanced in her heart is...

The opponent is also a person with a sword.

However, he didn't use any swordsmanship, and the whole battle process seemed to be subconsciously moving.

Lift the knife, cut it, lift the knife again, and chop it again.

The Konoha-ryu swordsmanship that Xi Yan is proud of is vulnerable to the opponent's eyes.

Konoha-ryu swordsmanship · dance of crescent moon.

Summon two clones to fight together.

Unfortunately, it was defeated by Su Bai.

"What are you shaking?"

"Is there such a thing as fear?"

"Look at you, you seem to be the only female ninja among them."

"It's nice to grab back and replace Hyūga Hinata for cleaning and cooking."

"So don't worry, I'm using the back of the knife, your teammates are still alive, I don't want to be hated by my housekeeper every day."

"It would be bad if you serve me a bowl of poisonous food and let me eat it with a smile."

Su Bai joked with a smile.

I remembered the sentence: so and so, it's time to take medicine.

But poison immunity, there is no way.

"Damn White Yaksha."

After Maoyue Xiyan heard this, the pretty face under the mask suddenly changed.

As soon as he frowned, a surge of anger couldn't help rushing up from his ribs.

This is simply a humiliation to her.


It should be said to be a humiliation to their Konoha Village ninjas.

What's more, they are Anbu's ninjas.

What does it mean to survive?

Accept the reality that their mission failed?

Let them live in the shadow of mission failure and be talked about by others?

Or tell the outside world that the ninjas in Konoha Village are a bunch of cowards?

"Then let me see what you look like under your mask first."

Su Bai looked eager to fight.

Through the mask, Xiyan seemed to see a trace of greed in his eyes that she didn't understand.

Taking advantage of the moment Su Bai is approaching...

Xi Yan held Short Sword's arm and forced herself to raise her strength.

"Go to hell, White Yasha!"

With such a close distance, the other party had no chance to react.

But when Uzuki Xiyan shot, Su Bai's back of the knife had already chopped on her arm.


Xiyan was in pain, and the pretty face under the mask was slightly distorted.

The Short Sword in his hand also slipped down.

next second...

Xi Yan only felt an extra pressure on her shoulders.

Su Bai's black knife was already on her neck.

"Hmm! Not bad, you have a temper and a personality..."

"It's a good seedling..."

While talking and laughing, Su Bai directly took off the mask on Mao Yue Xiyan's face.

pause time....

The air was quiet.

Uzuki Xiyan frowned and closed her eyes tightly.

Being unmasked during the mission is simply a great shame for her as the captain of the Anbu unit.


"It's ugly, it's a waste of excitement."

Su Bai put away the black knife in his hand, and ignored Xi Yan who was sitting on the ground in a daze.

Turn around and leave.

Of course, Uzuki Xiyan is still very beautiful.

It's just that the current Su Bai doesn't have any reason to take her away.

It is not of much use and benefit to take it away.

Moreover, according to her character who stays in Anbu all the year round...

She certainly wasn't like Hinata and the rest of the young ninjas.

It would be a pity if something goes wrong and there is an extra suicide female corpse in the home space.

"Damn bastard!"

Uzuki Xiyan cursed in her heart.

Right now, she wished she could pick up the Short Sword on the ground and rush up to give Su Bai another stab.

But unfortunately, in her current state, she is already unable to act.

Maybe Xiyan never thought she was good-looking.

But being called ugly by others, as a female ninja's nature of beauty, is really unacceptable.

"Ah! By the way."

Su Bai seemed to feel the unwilling roar in Xi Yan's heart.

He stopped suddenly, then turned his head to look at Uzuki Xiyan who was slumped on the ground.

"If the enemy's ability is higher, then use quantity to make up for the gap in quality."

"The basic tactics that Master Shimura Danzō taught Anbu back then were excellent."

"But we have to divide people."

"If the enemy's strength is too much higher than yours, no matter how much you come, it will be for nothing."

Su Bai still didn't forget Zhao Xiyan waved her hand and showed a kind smile: "Goodbye, remember to put on makeup when we meet next time."

It's a pity that Maoyue Xiyan didn't hear Su Bai's last words at all.

That sentence from Master Shimura Danzō had already shocked her extremely.

This information... the amount of information seems to be a bit large.

Shimura Danzō: Thank you so much for the compliment!

PS: The new book asks the boss for food, flowers, votes, I am very grateful!

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