Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 32: Hiruzen: Danzo, I've Given You Enough Face

The efficiency of Konoha Village is quite fast.

While Hyūga Hinata was in a coma.

Sarutobi Hiruzen even sent the head of the Yamanaka clan.

Yamanaka probed Hyūga Hinata's mind by himself.

This investigation was very effective, from the first day Hinata was tied up to come back.

There are pictures every day.

But unfortunately, they don't know.....

Regarding the important dialogues and pictures that revealed the true information of Shiraiyasha, no trace was found.

Everyone was busy late into the night.

Hokage's office in Konoha Village is still brightly lit.

"Lu Jiu, what do you think?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the silent Nara Shikahisa.

The only thing bothering them now is about Hinata being rescued.

It always feels too easy.

After being called, Lu Jiu said, "Master Third Hokage."

"Is it possible that Shiroyasha did it on purpose?"

"Otherwise, with his degree of caution, why did he suddenly appear in the place closest to Konoha Village?"

As soon as this statement came out...

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Yamanaka were stunned for a moment.

"But we still have to combine all the intelligence to speculate."

Nara Shikahisa paused, and turned into a famous ninja detective.

"You mean?"

When Sarutobi Hiruzen heard this, his face suddenly darkened.

Lu Jiu naturally saw that Sarutobi Hiruzen was unhappy, so he didn't say it directly, but just nodded slightly.

"Lu Jiu, are you suspicious of Danzo?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's tone became extremely dull.

Combined with the information brought back by Xiyan Uzuki, it really surprised Sarutobi Hiruzen.

It's no wonder that Sarutobi Hiruzen suspects that this matter has something to do with Danzo.

The main reason is that what Su Bai said is absolutely true, which is the most basic tactic that Danzo formulated for Anbu at the beginning.

There is really no way, and it cannot be said that Konoha Village is a bunch of idiots.

After all, for Su Bai, he knew too much about what this group of people did and said.

"Well, as far as the current situation is concerned."

"Bai Yasha never had any contact records with our Anbu. He probably doesn't know our Anbu's basic tactics."

"Besides, the people in Anbu are very strict with their mouths, unless they have a strong ability of mental investigation."

Having said that, Lu Jiu sighed.

These things are indeed too troublesome to think about.

If it is said that this is a conspiracy against Konoha Village, it is definitely not clear in one or two sentences.

"Master Third Generation."

"Right now there are only a few possibilities."

"1. Shiroyasha holds a grudge against Konoha Village, and racks his brains to deliberately let Hinata back to do things that are harmful to Konoha Village."

"Second, Shiroyasha has a close relationship with Danzo-sama, but it is not clear why the two fell out, so Hinata was sent back to target Danzo-sama."


Speaking of three, Nara Lujiu blushed and stopped abruptly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "????"

"Lu Jiu, what's going on? You said it!"

Under the aggressiveness of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Nara took a long breath, cleared his throat and said:

"The third is that Shiroyasha was interested in it on a whim, but now he has lost interest in Hinata, and in the process, he just turned his goal on Xiyan."

"But Xiyan didn't seem to suit his inner taste, so he gave up."

After a moment's pause, Lu Jiu asked instead: "But if he targeted Konoha Village, why didn't he kill Anbu who attacked?"

"The weirdest thing is still with Hinata being taken to watch the battle in Hidden Grass Village and go to the Colosseum."


Speaking of this, Lu Jiu's expression became extremely serious: "And Hinata's strength has improved rapidly."

"Able to defeat a ninja using Boil Style."

"Hinata kept looking towards the stands throughout the fight, and I wanted to stand among those two figures high up in the stands."

"There must be White Yasha."

so what?

Sarutobi Hiruzen listened for a long time, as if he didn't understand but he seemed to understand.

Combined with the previous things.

He slapped his head: "Shiroyasha is training Hinata specially, and the person who will be released is Danzo?"

"Well, that's the most likely possibility."

Nara Shikaku nodded.


Sarutobi Hiruzen is also very satisfied.

All this will be a matter of course.

When he sent someone to Cloud Shinobi Village, Hinata was killed by Shiroyasha in the street.

Then he once again offered Bai Yasha a reward of 500 million taels.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is very clear about the matter of crossing rivers and destroying bridges, and Shimura Danzō is very slippery.

And no one knows better than Danzo that he wants to be Hokage.

In order to become Hokage, Danzo even assassinated him.

"now it's right."

Sarutobi Hiruzen breathed a sigh of relief.

Danzo wants to be Hokage, but he has lost power and can only find Shiroyasha from the black market.

Kidnapped Hinata, who was out on a mission for the first time, in order to show the Hyuga clan.

To prove that Sarutobi Hiruzen was a failure as a Hokage.

It's a pity that Danzo didn't give Bai Yasha the reward he wanted.

After all, in Danzo's mind, can a wandering swordsman in the black market still use his brains?

Instead, he crossed the river and demolished the bridge with one move, and sent people disguised as Bai Yasha and Hinata to stage a scene of murder in the street.

Forced himself to have to increase the reward for Bai Yasha and chase him down.

This caused Bai Yasha to resent him.

Kill two birds with one stone.

In this way, whether it is Shiroyasha or Hyuga Hiashi, both of them will vent their resentment on him.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a breath, and lamented in his heart that it was fortunate that he had given Hiashi the face and actions he should have in the first place.

Fortunately, Bai Yasha is not an idiot.


Yamanaka was a little puzzled and said, "Does Shiroyasha underestimate us ninjas?"

"When I checked Hinata, I didn't find any mental shackles or any mental problems."

"Does he think that he can make Hinata obey him by intimidation?"

It is not important to say these now.

Ever since Uzuki Yugao brought the information back, Sarutobi Hiruzen has suspected whether Danzo has a relationship with Shiroyasha.

Check out the complete incident and Shiraiyasha's tone of taunting Danzo at the end.

This matter may have changed from a cooperation between Shirayasha and Danzo to a personal grievance between the two.

"Don't mention this matter again, tell Hiashi about it."

"It's fine for Hinata to continue being her ninja, but stop as soon as she gets close to Danzo."

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed and froze for a few seconds...

He continued: "In any case, Danzo and Hinata are from our Konoha Village, and they must not be used by Shiroyasha."

"We can't fall into White Yasha's tricks and have unpleasant things happen with Danzo."

"Danzo and I have been friends for decades. I understand his thoughts very well. You don't have to worry."

As soon as these words came out, Nara Shijiu and Yamanaka Haiyi were a little anxious.

"Master Third Generation..."

"Master Danzo, he..."

It's a pity that Sarutobi Hiruzen just waved his hand to signal the two to stop talking.

"I'll take care of Danzo's matter."

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