Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 143 I alone launch a surprise attack!

As Root Ninja B shouted loudly,

Everyone immediately focused their attention on the document in his hand. When they saw that it was indeed signed and stamped with the official visas of many high-level officials in the Konoha camp,

Everyone was shocked.

Let this Uchiha brat lead their surprise attack force?

He's only twelve years old, right?

Konoha's most talented young ninja, Hatake Kakashi, is still just a chuunin, and he is still working under Minato Namikaze.

And Uchiha Ci is actually about to become the leader of an army?

For a moment, everyone looked at Uchiha Ci in surprise, feeling as if they were dreaming.


After witnessing the young man's heroic appearance on the battlefield, they had no objections to this decision. Even the Uchiha members in the army who had a stubborn temper like donkeys had no objections.

On the contrary, on the battlefield of the Kingdom of Rain, which was so chaotic and where everyone was beaten to pieces, like a meat grinder,

With such a strong leader leading me,

Their probability of survival will also be greatly increased!

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Uchiha Ci and couldn't help but feel a little hope, hoping that this young man could take over the appointment.

Under the gaze of everyone, Uchiha Ci was also a little dumbfounded.

He had thought that Orochimaru would let him move freely, but he never thought that Orochimaru would be so confident and bold as to hand over the command of an army into his own hands.

In the hands of a chuunin who was only twelve years old?

Uchiha Ci instinctively wanted to refuse,

Are you kidding me? He knows how to command a hammer?

Commanding is not a child's play, nor is it for this unit to stand behind you and act as a cheerleader like just now.

These are all living human lives, living people in the same camp as myself,

As command, intelligence, dispatch, offense, defense, various links, if any link is not done properly, it is likely that they will all be ruined.

He raised his head, and just as he was about to refuse, he saw the expectant eyes of a circle of people around him.

That kind of look is very complicated, containing uneasiness, anxiety, fear, and even more, the awareness that comes from a clear look at oneself.

But more importantly, it’s trust.

without any reason,

It's the kind of absolute trust that I think you can win with me at first glance!

Uchiha Ci couldn't describe this feeling now.

Under the gaze of the entire Konoha surprise attack force, a familiar line from a woman came to mind for some reason—

"I never wanted to be a leader. I fought and they followed. The feeling of having a heavy burden on your shoulders, that of a thousand people waiting for every word you say. They are waiting for me to speak, what should I say."

Words of rejection come to my lips,

But under such a look, Uchiha swallowed his words again for some reason.


What should he say at this time?

Will he have to fight alone again?

Knowing that the enemy is a super master who can force Aburame Ryoma to release red flares,

After running out of chakra, and in the current situation where he can't even defeat a stupid snake,

There is a great disparity between ourselves and the enemy,

At this juncture, any strength is precious!

Can he really refuse this gift with a price tag?

Uchiha Ci fell silent,

In the current situation, it is impossible to rush to the aid of Aburame Ryoma due to his condition.

Want to save people, want to join the war, want to turn the tide of the war,

We must carry the lives of this group of people, their expectations, and their destiny.

When this gift was placed in front of him, he could not refuse it as long as he continued to fight.

But shouldering the expectations of this group of people, personally directing them to fight on this meat grinder battlefield, and sending them to their death conflicted with his vision of dying alone.

Wildfires flow in the night wind, and smoke sways in the starlight,

In the center of a deserted battlefield,

Ninety surprise attack force ninjas are waiting eagerly.

They gathered around Uchiha Ci, looking forward to him taking over the appointment, looking forward to every word the young commander said!


Uchiha Ci opened a pair of black pupils under the gaze of everyone.

He took a deep breath,

With the help of Uchiha Shinichi and Shisui, he stood up with difficulty.


He raised his remaining left hand to take the appointment document and held it high!

Just this move touched the hearts of the entire surprise attack force and made everyone burst into excitement!

Uchiha resigned and faced everyone, his eyes were deep and he said in a deep voice:


"In this third ninja war, in this action against Sunagakure!"

"We are outcasts!"

"It's an abandoned existence!"

"It was deliberately fed as bait to Sunagakure!"


Uchiha pointed at the battlefield that he had reduced to ruins and shouted loudly:

"If the Sunagakure troops in front of us are compared to a dragon gate, then at this moment, we have crossed the dragon gate and turned into a fish and dragon!"

"From now on, we will be a real surprise attack force!"

He looked around and analyzed in a deep voice:


"A fierce battle is taking place on the frontal battlefield, the mission on the flank battlefield is facing failure, and the life or death of the core mission team is unknown!"

"Intelligence has been leaked, and the situation has fallen into the enemy's control!"

"There is an invasion of the Sunagakure army from outside, and the ambitions of the wolves of all countries are obvious, and they plan to invade our homeland!"

"At this time, it is a time of internal and external troubles and a critical moment of life and death!"

"The only thing we can be sure of is that we are the only ones who have achieved a great victory!"

"I already understand the full meaning of what I'm standing here for!"

Uchiha Ci looked at him ferociously and waved his arms brazenly.

Holding the document, he pointed to the edge of the desert ten miles away where the red smoke was swaying.

He yelled with a loud voice:

"Then, from now on, I will be the leader of Konoha's surprise attack force——"

"by me!"

"To complete a true surprise attack!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the eyes of all members of Konoha's surprise attack team brightened up and looked at Uchiha Ci eagerly.


Everyone responded in unison,

He was in full military appearance, as if he had been force-fed a shot of cardiotonic, and his face was radiant!

The initial confusion after learning about his situation quietly disappeared after Uchiha's words.


Just as Uchiha Ci said, when the battlefield is eroded on all sides,

They serve as bait, but they are the only team that has achieved victory so far!

Although this victory was brought by the young man in front of me,

But what could be more inspiring than this crazy act of one person forcibly suppressing three hundred people? !

Even Uchiha Shinichi, who was supporting Uchiha Ci, turned a little red, wishing he could shout wildly, and then follow Uchiha Ci to see,

What is a real surprise attack?


When all the members of the surprise attack force were immersed in joy, and their blood was boiling with Uchiha's words, it was a moment of elation,

Standing on the right side of Uchiha Ci, Uchiha Shisui's eyelids jumped suddenly while supporting Uchiha Ci.

Zhisui suddenly realized that this scene seemed familiar.

And this tune,

Why does it feel so familiar to him?

And what did Uchiha say just now? What does it mean to "complete a real surprise attack by me"?

Normally, shouldn’t we use the term ‘we’ to describe the troops completing their mission?

Uchiha Shisui raised his head in an instant, feeling something bad. He raised his head and looked sideways in astonishment.

And at this moment,

Uchiha Ci stood in the center of the excited crowd, looking at the high-spirited eyes of everyone, he couldn't help but smile and nodded.

next moment,

He grabbed the document hard, raised his left hand high, and shouted loudly:

"Everyone, follow orders!"

After giving the order, everyone in the Konoha surprise attack force immediately stood up straight, looked up at the young man in the center of the battlefield, and responded loudly:


The sound was so loud that even the crows in the sky who were attracted by the smell of flesh and blood were frightened and fell down!

Uchiha looked at everyone solemnly,

It seems like some important task is about to be handed down!

For a moment, the surroundings were silent and the atmosphere was depressing. Everyone couldn't help but swallow their saliva and looked solemnly at the young man in front of them.


Then I saw him shouting very seriously:

"All members of Konoha's surprise attack force!"

"Led by Uchiha Shinichi, pack your bags and return to Konoha Camp the same way you came!"

Uchiha paused for a moment, and then in the stunned eyes of everyone who wondered if they heard wrongly,

Make a fist with your left hand and hit it on your heart!

Ningsheng promised:

"This mission——"

"I alone will launch a surprise attack!"

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