Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 144 Recognize the reality, Shisui explodes!

Silence is tonight's battlefield.

All the ninjas in the surprise attack force looked at the boy who said such words in astonishment.

"What a joke!"

"I admit that you do have something, little brat!"

"But you are too arrogant!"


"What does it mean to launch a surprise attack by yourself?"

Everyone present was shocked for a while, and then they started yelling and yelling.

You got everyone excited, but in the end, you said you wanted to go alone and let us pack up and go home?

Uchiha Ci had already expected such a scene, and immediately raised his hand to suppress the roaring sound.

There was a kind of disdain inherited from Uchiha ancestors in his eyes, and he scolded everyone with contempt:


"I just want to go alone!"

"You bunch of trash will only be a drag on me!"

On the side, Uchiha Shinichi stood up immediately, stood in front of Uchiha Ci, and shouted angrily:

"What did you say?!"

"Uchiha Ci, don't be too arrogant!"


Uchiha smiled, looked at Uchiha Shinichi calmly with a pair of black pupils, and said coldly:

"As Uchiha's Jonin, Uchiha Shinichi, if others don't know it, don't you still know it?!"

"Don't you know how big the gap is between masters of the ninja world and ordinary ninjas?"

Uchiha Ci looked down at the people below coldly,

He waved his left arm brazenly, pointed at the red beacon smoke, and shouted angrily:

"I know!"

"Just because I know, I can't let you go!"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that the person performing the mission there is none other than my boss, Aburame Ryoma!"

"He alone can kill everyone in your surprise attack force!"

"And there is an existence that can force Aburame Ryoma to send out red flares,"

"That must be a super master that ordinary ninjas can't handle, and will even die if they get close!"

Uchiha exhaled deeply,

Looking at the people who lost their voices for a moment, they were silent for a moment,

"As the commander, I hope you can live a good life and stop dying for meaningless goals."

"That's how real the world is."

"People with power will inadvertently ignore the weight of life. If they rush forward in a swarm, they will only be defeated instantly like leeks."

"Really naive people are just fools like this who can't recognize reality!"

"You can't hold your breath and are impatient. The more you want something, the more you will lose!"

"Life, ideals, friendship, family, love, everything will end with a roar,"

"The curtain has come to an end!"

He looked at everyone seriously, raised his hand and pointed at the ruins blasted by him, spread his palms, and circled around!

He scolded in a cold voice:

"Could it be——"

"Wasn't what I just proved enough?!"

Looking at the ruins in front of them, and responding to Uchiha Ci's shocking words, everyone subconsciously swallowed.

Facing that kind of power that is like a god!

The oppression of the forty-meter sword, the despair of the fifty-meter fire dragon, and the earth-shattering explosion!

If you were to put yourself in Sunagakure's shoes and switch places,

You can understand how convincing Uchiha Ci's words are.

As a result, there was a moment of oppressive silence on the field.

When reality is exposed and hypocrisy is torn apart,

Keeping them silent in response will only leave them powerless.


at this time,


A firm yet childish voice suddenly sounded!

Everyone couldn't help but look up,

That was Uchiha Shisui, who was of the same clan as Ci. He stood in front of everyone, standing next to Uchiha Ci.

He stared coldly at the young man beside him,

Then decisively let go of the palm that was supporting the other party!

next moment,

"Hey Shisui, what are you doing?!"

Uchiha was suddenly startled,

The whole person lost support and suddenly collapsed to the ground, falling heavily on the ruins.

A cloud of dust was stirred up,

After several struggles, he couldn't even get up.

Such a scene shocked everyone's hearts.

Is this still the young genius who was just one man and one sword, roaming the battlefield like a dragon? !

How could he be so weak now?

"Uchiha Ci!"

Shisui gritted his teeth, grinding his teeth, his eyes were red as if he was about to shed tears next moment,

He looked down at the other party and yelled angrily:

"I knew it!"

"You idiot, you are really going to do it again!"

"Time after time, time after time, time and time again, do you have to do this?!"

"Do you see clearly?"

"This is who you are now!"

"I'm so weak that I'm crawling all over the floor, as weak and powerless as a worm!"

“It’s all impassioned trash talk, but what’s really going on?!”

Uchiha Shisui suddenly pulled out his ribs, and swung out a knife and nailed it between Uchiha's legs, making him jump back suddenly in fright.

Uchiha looked at the knife that was nailed to the ground and still shaking tremblingly with sweat dripping from his eyes.

I can still feel a chill in my crotch.

He was just about to say goodbye to his second brother.

He raised his head, swallowed, looked at Shisui who suddenly burst out of emotion, and wondered how crazy this little clan brother was? !

Uchiha Shisui suddenly raised his head and revealed in a cold voice:

"I know what you want to do-"

"I know what you're thinking-"

"Uchiha Ci!"

"You have to take over this identity, and you have to take the number of Konoha's surprise attack force and rush to the death place!"

"You have to prove that we have been here, take on the most dangerous mission for us, bear the responsibility for the failure of the mission, and then give your reputation and credit to the living!"

"You must use your life to build a bridge between your clan and the village!"

"Just like my ancestor Uchiha mirror!"

Uchiha Shisui trembled all over, his eyes were red, and he stared at Uchiha Shisui,

He rode up with a big jump,

A punch hit Uchiha Ci hard on the face, and he shouted angrily:

"What a joke!"

"You said we were naive!"

Shisui picked up Uchiha Ci's tattered collar and shed a line of clear tears.

With a cry and an angry voice, he shouted:

"The truly childish person is obviously you!"

Uchiha Ci blinked his eyes, his pupils suddenly began to tremble, and he looked at Uchiha Shisui who was close at hand with a shocked expression.

Oh my god, I'll perm my hair!

Uchiha swears that he really didn't think about it that much!

This is charging with a number, taking responsibility for the crime, giving credit to others, and forming a bridge between the clan and the village.

Damn it!

He just thought that a strong man descended from the sky would not let a weak person die for him.

A strong man who fell from the sky will definitely not sit back and watch his friends get into trouble.

With these two in front of him, he could not hesitate to save Ryoma Aburame.

It doesn't matter if you win or lose, you won't lose. After all, I really have insurance.

It just so happened that Orochimaru, the cheap teacher, really went into business.

This time, no one can give him a magical rejuvenation!


The inner drama of Zhisui, a younger member of the clan, is actually so rich that he has even written a series of righteous and awe-inspiring scripts for him.

"you you."

Uchiha Ci trembled his lips, Baba looked at Uchiha Shisui, his face trembled wildly,

For a moment I wanted to yell,

But this little clan member was crying and fussing, and his eyes were as straight as a stubborn donkey. Being stared at by such clear and serious eyes,

He couldn't speak for a while.

And such a scene,

Falling into the eyes of everyone,

In an instant, it became Uchiha Shisui's words that completely exposed Uchiha Ci.

As a result, he was unable to refute and could only stutter in reply.

That is to say,

Shisui is right!

For a moment, everyone looked at Uchiha Ci with sudden realization.

I see!

So that’s it!

This kid said so many bluffing words, actually, he was trying to save them!

Moreover, he actually wanted to exchange his life for his life!

Dragging such a crippled body that a three-year-old child could knock over with one punch, opened up a way for them to survive!

He also wants to bear the blame for the failure of the mission and leave them with the hope of living on the merits!

This, this, this.

One thought comes to this,

Everyone present looked at Uchiha Ci,

Suddenly, some subtle changes began to occur.

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