Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 217: Tweaking the tiger away from the mountain, Oya Castle Flame


It runs through the Ninja World continent and is intricately connected, connecting the small border countries of Yu, Shuang, Taki, and Cao, to the mountain tombs that are already deserted and where the heretic demon statues are stored.

Among them, the Kingdom of Tang,

Underground, in a dark and deep cave.

Madara Uchiha closed his eyes and lay quietly on the stone bed, dozing off.

He has been living on his last breath since the chaotic Warring States Period. He is already very old, with saggy skin and droopy eye bags. Because he has not smiled again for a long time, the nasolabial folds have stretched between his jaws, making his face look serious and old-fashioned.

Although he looks like an old man in his sixties, in fact, he has lived for more than ninety years.

Now, he can only rely on the life provided by the heretic demon to maintain his actions.

And this is just drinking poison to quench his thirst. When he closes his eyes, he can't help but recall the past, letting himself enter the battlefields of life and death battles with his old enemies, and enter that young and passionate body.

However, time makes people grow old, and every time they recall the past, they shed tears.

Fortunately, everything is being carried out according to Uchiha Madara's will

He will eventually return to the top again, reflect the whole world with those eyes, perform the ultimate illusion that is unique from ancient times, and create a brand new world.

However, at this moment,

In the darkness, Uchiha Madara suddenly opened his scarlet pupils and looked up at the top of the cave.


In his perception, there was a familiar technique flying towards his direction.

Around him, a huge blue skeleton climbed up silently!

Immediately afterwards, the skeleton quickly solidified, quickly crossing the two stages of Susanoo's skeleton and skeleton, and transformed into a blue four-armed giant!

The blue lightsaber held on his arm pierced the cave ceiling like a hot knife cutting through butter. With a squeeze of his other hand, he grasped something that was about to explode.

Squeak! !

It was like holding an exploding sun.

The aftermath of the explosion exploded with violent and dazzling light,


However, all this fell into silence after Uchiha Madara snorted coldly.

Madara Uchiha waved his hand, raised his palm to grab it, and used the secret technique of Chakra Devouring to suppress, absorb, crush, and crush all the violent chakra on that thing!


Looking at the extra charred arm in his hand, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Is this chakra the Eight-Tails and that kid?"

"And this technique, the Higurashi Dance of the Delusional Man"

"Has the poor puppy that was beaten so hard that it was able to reach this point already?"


After a long absence, an imperceptible smile appeared on Uchiha Madara's face.

At this time, a man with pale skin, half of his body wrapped in pitcher plants, suddenly popped out of the cave's cliff surface.

"Madara-sama, something happened above"

Uchiha Madara ignored Bai Zetsu and ordered indifferently:

"I'm going out for a moment."

"You repair this place, after all, you will have to bury a dishonest wild dog here later."

The words fell,

Dragging his old body, Uchiha Madara silently jumped out of the huge hole poked by the power of the tip of his iceberg.

In a few leaps,

He stood on the top of the tall giant tree, narrowed his eyes slightly, and cast a glance at the battlefield still fiercely fighting in the distance.


the other side,

The Kingdom of Tang, in the Valley of Hell.

Diffuse fog shrouded the surroundings, and under the mirror-like cliffs, there were pools of blood with rolling bubbles exploding into high-temperature fog.

A group of thin people in ragged clothes were standing solemnly at the edge of the blood pool.

The pool of blood at their feet reflected their slightly frightened faces.

And, the young man standing in front of them, with a resolute face, muscular body, and wearing a Kumogakure uniform.

This person,

It is the future fourth-generation Raikage, and now the son of the third-generation Raikage, Ai!

Before that, after receiving the important information from the village that came from Sunagakure, he asked Kirabi and Lamie not to cover their whereabouts and went to intercept the group of people coming to Konoha for help.

The real purpose behind it is to draw away the Uchiha clan's defenders and create a crack in Hell Valley's seemingly impenetrable defense line.

Ai took this opportunity and secretly sneaked into Hell Valley with his speed far beyond ordinary people, trying to negotiate with the Blood Pond clan who were in prison in Hell Valley.

At this time,

He was frowning and staring at the group of ragged people in front of him.

He was once a noble of the Land of Thunder, a member of the Blood Pond clan who had a bloodline as high as the Sharingan, and was arrogant and domineering.

Now that he was reduced to this situation, it really made him feel a little sad.


The leader of the Blood Pond clan is an old man with white beard and hair, thin body, and a pair of vicious three-white eyes.

After hearing Aina's radical plan,

He couldn't help but show hesitation, stepped forward, bowed and said with a wry smile:

"Master Ai, we all understand what you said, but"

"Now that the Uchiha clan has added more guards, the passage out of the valley is blocked, and there is that old guy Setsuna Uchiha sitting in Hell Valley. Isn't it too dangerous if you ask us to cooperate like this?"

"Kumogakure promised that he would ensure our safety. It is precisely for this reason that we are willing to serve under the Third Generation."

"Every day we peck at the scalding boiling water, rely on the birds shot down from the sky, and eat the sparse grass blades to survive. On days like this, our fighting strength is already exhausted."


Before the old man could continue to complain, Ai interrupted him rudely and said,

He looked down at the old man in front of him with his height, and said coldly:

"Now that things have happened, don't you Blood Pond clan still understand the current situation?"

"When something like that happened, you have completely angered the daimyo and completely lost the chance to become a noble of the Land of Thunder again."

"You are now a pile of withered bones destined to melt in Hell Valley."

"We have lost the master who put the collar on you and made you declare your allegiance. This is a declining clan that cannot even be called a wild dog."

"If it hadn't been for the fact that the Third Ninja War has broken out outside, and Kumogakure needs your strength, I wouldn't be here at all, and I wouldn't even look at a crooked old man like you!"

"this is the truth!"

Ai's words were unpleasant to hear, but they made all the Blood Pond clan members present fall into silence, unable to refute.

Looking around at the expressions of the Blood Pool clan members,

Ai nodded, and after a moment of silence, he said:

"You are not the only ones who have difficulties."

"In order to save you, Kumogakure's elite jounin, my father's right-hand man Dodai, and the special jounin Moloi with a bright future in the barrier class all died in Yu no Kuni.

Hearing this, everyone in the Blood Pond clan couldn't help but raise their heads and look at each other.

Ai paused, raised his head and looked at everyone, and said with a heavy expression:

"And what I'm talking about is not a bookmaker asking you to think about how many chips you should give."

"I just want to tell you-"

"Kumogakure is a village bound by brotherhood."

"We will not hesitate to accept your clan and treat you as half-brothers."

"But now the situation is completely different from the past, and Kumogakure will only take action this time!"

"If we don't succeed once, we will immediately detour to Tian Country and abandon Hell Valley."

"If you still cling to the aristocratic airs of the past and are unable to make decisions that belong to ninjas, then don't blame me for not being able to save you!"

After saying this, Ai Zhi looked at the people of the Blood Pond clan, silently counting the countdown in his mind, waiting for their decision.

After hearing this, the fierce-faced old man with three white eyebrows fell into silence again.

Thinking again and again between danger and the future,

a long time,

He suddenly let out a long sigh, his expression condensed, he stretched out his arms to Ai and clenched his fists.

This is no longer a noble etiquette, but a unique way of making a contract in Yunyin Village.

Seeing this, the young man Ai showed a hearty smile and waved his arms, causing the two fisted arms to strike together!

"Lord Ai, the fate of the Blood Pool clan is in your hands!"

this moment,

Yunyin and the Blood Pond clan have reached a reconciliation that has lasted for thousands of years.

And this seemed to be a historic moment, when all the Blood Pond clan members around were a little excited.

In the corner of the crowd,

A young man with an indifferent face, light gray-green dry hair hanging down his shoulders, dark circles under his eyes so deep that it looked like he hadn't had a good night's sleep in a month, and his eyes were full of coldness.

This surname abandons the pool of blood,

A young man who calls himself ‘Oya Castle Flame’.

He looked at everything that happened in front of him indifferently,

Looking at the excited people, looking at the clan leader and the son of Thunder Shadow exchanging brotherly promises, looking at the lifeless weed beside the blood pool, which was crushed by the two of them.


He smiled.

Smiling like a devil!

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