Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 218 Zero-Tail, come and fight it!


The border between the Kingdom of Tang and the Kingdom of Fire,

Whirring whirring--! !

The storm caused by the tailed beast's true form suddenly swept up everything around it.

In fact, even the ground beneath his feet was forcibly pulled out and pulled away inch by inch,

Fell into the terrifying tornado that connects heaven and earth!


Uchiha cursed angrily after eating a mouthful of sand, and could only hold tightly with one hand the hilt of the Kusanagi sword that was deeply inserted into the ground with only one handle exposed.

The whole person was blown high like a waving flag, twitching with the wind,

The violent wind blew like a blade, lifting the roots of Uchiha's hair high, and the high-collared robe with half of its collar rotten made a rustling sound.

"Snort, snore, snore, snore—"

Even Uchiha's mouth was blown open by the wind, exposing the roots of his teeth, and the skin at the corners of his eyes and mouth was pulled back wildly,

The saliva flowed backwards along with blood and tears and the blood gushing from the broken left shoulder!

The wind whipped out by these eight tails is much stronger than the one whipped by Wan She's tail!

At this moment, Uchiha Ci was still in the mood to think like this.

But this wave was not a loss at all. With just one arm, Kirabi was forced to use the Tailed Beast Eight Scrolls.

This also means,

This wave of his was like knocking out the opponent's panties!

Uchiha Ci, who has all the information about Kirabi, understands in his heart,

Next, is the real battle!

Put aside the human body and control the beast! A single swipe of a single jutsu can produce the terrifying scale and power of an S-level ninjutsu. In addition, it is extremely terrifying and can neutralize a large area of ​​​​tailed beasts with one shot.

This attitude of big is beautiful and more is good is the truly terrifying thing about the Tailed Beast Jinchūriki!

It is also the strongest fighting form!

As for Uchiha Ci, it's a pity that he can't get Gundam either.

He can only rely on his small body of less than two meters to engage in a passionate fight with such a behemoth!

Thinking of this, Uchiha couldn't help but raise his head slightly,

Looking at the gloomy night sky in front of me, which was rolled into a vortex by the tornado and opened a huge circular opening,

Bathed in the vast expanse of bright white moonlight,

A savage beast standing between heaven and earth!

For a moment, Uchiha Ci had a slight headache;

Although he forced the opponent into a situation where all his cards were used, he didn't have any particularly good ideas on how to fight this kind of thing.

at last,

Uchiha Ci could only move his gaze to his abdomen.

After the strong wind gradually subsided, he jumped to the ground steadily, staring intently at his 'Tailed Beast Shame', rubbed his hands, and said expectantly:

"Little Ling, my brother has already beaten out the grandson's tailed beast's true form,"

"Next, it's time for you to perform!"

"Quick, let's do something!"

In the Bagua seal,

Hearing the call of the stupid master, Xiao Lingwei blinked his white eyes, and the whole snake couldn't help but tremble.

It first compared its own body length, which was less than three inches, and then compared it with the complete eight-tailed figure outside, which was almost eighty meters tall.

Then, he moved his long snake-like body, slowly raised the tip of his tail, and pointed it at himself.

Then, he shouted emotionally:

"Chirp! Chirp chirp chirp?!"

"I'm not asking you to fight the Eight-Tails!" Uchiha coughed and tried to persuade him.

"Can't you suck the chakra of a tailed beast? Just like you sucked the Nine-Tails last time."

After hearing Uchiha's explanation, Zero-Tail scratched his head.

Immediately he raised his head, took off his mask, his nostrils suddenly widened, and he took a sharp breath!


Nothing happened.

Uchiha Ci and Zero-Tail stared at the small eyes, feeling that nothing was added to their bodies.

a long time,

Zero Wei scratched his head and howled at the top of his voice:


"Can't smoke? Wait, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Uchiha Ci's expression suddenly changed drastically.

Why is this, the nine-tailed one can be sucked, but the eight-tailed one cannot be sucked?

Could it be because Kirabi is the perfect Jinchuuriki?

Or is it that the eight-tailed beast standing in front of him is actually an expert at eating fasts and chanting Buddha's name, and he really doesn't have any negative emotions at all?

But no matter what the reason is, there is not much time left for Uchiha to think about countermeasures!

At this time,

After deflecting a 'grenade' and displaying the Tailed Beast Eight Scrolls, the Eight Tails had stopped.

It raised its huge head, with a pair of round eyes that did not contain any human emotions, and turned to Uchiha Ci,



The terrifying giant looked up to the sky and roared!

The blue-black concentrated chakra spheres continued to condense into a deep black sphere near its mouth!

Like laser blast!


The tailed beast jade suddenly flew out!

The direction he was aiming at was Uchiha Ci!

Facing this extreme terrifying ninjutsu,

Uchiha Ci's heart was beating so fast that he could hardly restrain it from beating out of his chest!

The dream I had that night after I left Konoha and arrived in Yuno Country,

at this moment,

It turned into a reality that couldn’t be more real!

Unable to resist, there was no room left for Uchiha to prepare!

At the last moment, he could only use all the means in his body to increase his defense!

Curse Seal, Immortality, Forbidden Technique, Physical Transformation, Fire Release, Chakra Mode, everything I have obtained from the battle so far.

Everything, everything!

He tightened his grip on the giant sword that flashed like the sun in an instant.

Uchiha clenched his teeth and restrained his trembling desire.

The steps are twisted, the lunge is raised, and the sword hilt is raised to the chest!

Thrust forward with a bang!

The tailed beast jade smashed everything in front of it that blocked its progress——

All the grass, trees, mud and rocks turned into powder!

Pulling out a gully several hundred meters long, it hit the tip of an illusory 40-meter-long Flowing Flame giant sword thrust out laterally!

However, the Tailed Beast Jade's momentum only decreased slightly;

In an instant, it was smashed out from the tip of the sword, breaking every inch of this glorious sword!

The extruded flow of flames was divided into four streams, slicing from the surface of the tailed beast jade to the back,

From the tip of the sword, to the sword body, to the sword tandem, and finally to the hilt!

Pushed all the way to the person holding the sword,

In Uchiha Ci's horrified eyes, he hit him hard in the face!


On the other side, at the same moment,

Looking at the ruins of the battlefield in the distance, stars and flames are floating in the air,

It's like a dream, and it's so beautiful.

Sitting on the tallest tree trunk,

Feeling the noisy wind carrying the heat wave blowing across my face,

Uchiha Madara, who was holding his knees with one hand, shook his head slightly, looking at Uchiha Ci who was blasted into the sky by the tailed beast jade,

"Tsk, tsk, it's really embarrassing, kid."

His eyes fell on the charred arms lying aside.

In the Sharingan's field of vision, one can clearly see the jumble of various forbidden techniques and secret techniques interspersed among them.

"Compared to Hashirama, this level of resilience is still far behind, but it might as well be used as a chess piece to pass the time in your spare time."

"Let's see. If he can survive, I will give him some real power."

Uchiha Madara narrowed his eyes slightly and chuckled,

"This kid,"

"Maybe it can be used as a deeper backup,"

"Become the person who takes over my name as 'Uchiha Madara'!"

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