Chapter 3

“Ye Yu, you are really here!”

Just as Night Feather was recovering the detonation charm made by the doppelganger, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind him.

Looking around, I saw a young man with thick eyebrows and a green jumpsuit wrapped in a green jumpsuit, showing his white teeth and jumping down from the branch in high spirits.

It was none other than Matkay.

In the original play, Matkai, Ebisu, and Genma are teammates.

But for now, Yoruha has replaced Ebisu as a teammate between Matkai and Unknown Fire.

“Kai, is there a mission?”

Ye Yu put away the last detonation charm, looked sideways at the incoming person and asked.

Matkai grinned, and his white teeth bloomed dazzling in the sun: “Not bad, it’s a C-level mission, you want to go out of the village.” ”

Hearing Matkai’s words, Ye Yu sighed helplessly.

He now only wants to brush proficiency, and really doesn’t want to do tasks, let alone village tasks.

It’s a waste of time.

“Ye Yu, we are in youth, blood is surging, don’t sigh all the time.”

Matkay was full of youth, and gestured with his hands as he spoke.

Ye Yu knew that Metkay’s personality was like this, and he had long been used to it.

Suddenly, his heart moved, and he asked aloud, “What is the mission this time?” Where to go? ”

Yoruha is more concerned about the latter.

Ordinary ninjas, do not leave the village unless necessary.

Ye Yu also had to catch a white one to trade with the big snake pill.

He planned to take this opportunity to go out of the village to see if he could catch a white jue.

During the Fourth Ninja World War, Bai Jue grabbed a handful.

And at this time, Bai Jue is still very rare.

But Yoruha knew that there must be a place where there must be a haunt of white.

That’s the mountain cemetery.

That is, the cave where Uchiha pulled the oxygen tube.

“I don’t know, I didn’t ask!”

Matkay replied reasonably.

Yoruha rolled her eyes.

As they spoke, the two had already left the woods and arrived at Konoha’s residential area.

“Eh, you’re going in the wrong direction, Huo Genma is waiting for us at school.”

Seeing Ye Yu walking towards the street entrance, Matkai hurriedly stopped it.

“I’ll sell the Detonation Charm!”

Ye Yu said without stopping.

The detonator was his main source of income.

Since he began to brush the proficiency of the Detonation Charm, his success rate in making the Detonator Charm has also skyrocketed.

At first, Night Feather could only make up to 10 detonation charms a month.

But now dozens of sheets can be made a day.

And a detonating charm, in non-war times, can sell for 300 taels.

Dozens of sheets, that is nearly 10,000 taels.

Proper daily collection of more than 10,000.

Those who endure and work hard for half a month are almost at this price.

Suddenly, Yoruha felt the urge to sell the Explosive Charm directly without being a ninja.

But he knew that someone would buy 600 billion detonation charms in the future.

600 billion ah, how much is that worth.

Gee, I really sympathize with the guy who has been working hard to earn the bounty.

Coming to the ninja shop, Matkai put his hands on the back of his head and watched Yoruha walk in, but he didn’t follow in.

In just a few moments, Yoruha walked out of the ninja shop.

“What is this?”

Seeing Ye Yu come out with a bag of things in his hand, Matt Kai looked curious.


Yoruha pulled out a piece of white clay and showed it to Metkay.

“What are you buying this for?”

Matkay was puzzled.

Can I tell you how proficient I am in making figurines?

Although Ye Yu was a little reluctant to do this mission.

But the task has come down, and he has no choice but to bite the bullet.

However, on the way to the mission, he can still brush up on his proficiency in making figurines.

Deidara, but can single-handedly pinch the vivid birds, spiders, and centipedes.

Night Feather, who has a proficiency system, is definitely no worse than Deidara.

“Exercise hand dexterity!”

Ye Yu casually made an excuse.

He knew that Matkay was just curious for a moment and would definitely not ask more.

Sure enough, for Ye Yu’s explanation, Matkai believed it one hundred percent.

And when he heard the word exercise, his eyes lit up.

“Give me some too, I will exercise too!”


Seeing Matt Kai’s enthusiastic look, Ye Yu suddenly felt that his conscience was faintly aching.

But soon, he put the matter behind him.

In order to make the ability to make figures appear on the system panel as soon as possible, he started with the simplest large dolls.

Figures such as spiders and birds, with the current level of Night Feather, there is no way to start.

Only when proficiency is up can you start making those intricate clay figures.

“Forget it, this workout is not for me!”

Matkai fiddled with the clay for a moment, feeling that it was not interesting, he returned the clay to Ye Yu, and asked with an expectant face: “Ye Yu, I have adapted to leg weight training, do you have any other better way to train?” ”

“Yes, gravity training!”

Ye Yu replied casually.

“Gravity training, how?”

Matkay’s eyes lit up.

How? Of course, manufacturing heavy ….

Night Feather was silent, this world has not yet developed the technology to make gravity.

However, the ability to increase gravity exists.

For example, the gravity space in the Otsuki Kaguya Heavenly Emperor.

Exercise in that space to ensure that the effect is good. 、

Another example is the earth shadow of the earth escape. Aggravate the art of rock.

Ability to increase the gravity of an object.

Thinking of this, Ye Yu’s thoughts drifted to Yanyin Village.

Whether it is the art of aggravating rocks or the art of light and heavy rocks, these are very good ninjutsu.

In particular, the art of light and heavy rock can allow people to fly in the air.


Suddenly, Ye Yu felt that his pattern was small.

Not only Konoha, but also several other countries have very good ninjutsu.

Right now, Ye Yu has the art of pretending to be white.

You can use the art of pretending to steal from the major ninja villages… No, learn ninjutsu.

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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