Chapter 5 Uchiha Madara

Above the vast sky, a white giant bird soars into the sky.

Yomoha stands on the back of the “white giant bird” and looks down on the earth.

After half a day of hurrying, Yobane has already crossed the Land of Grass and the Land of Taki and arrived in the territory of the Land of Frost.

As far as the eye can see, there is a vast plain of bare hills and woods below.

“Almost there!”

Yoruha remembers that the hill cemetery where Uchiha is located is located at the northernmost tip of the Frost Country.

Although he does not know the specific location.

But he knew that there were many skeletons of huge creatures around the hill cemetery.

At this moment, Night Feather, standing on the back of the clay giant bird, could already clearly see that on the distant ground, there were sporadic huge animal skeletons on display.

“Bai Jue has a strong perception ability.”

“It’s almost impossible to lean in quietly, so let’s just go there.”

“However, to be on the safe side…”

As he spoke, Yoruha’s palm reached into the ninja bag and grabbed a handful of clay.

As Ye Yu’s hands continued to pinch and flatten and round out, clay spiders the size of fingernails were created.

Immediately afterwards, Night Feather threw both hands, and a large number of clay spiders fell towards the plain below.

Bang bang bang –

Under the control of Ye Yu’s mind, clay spiders jumped out of the white smoke, landed safely on the ground, and finally disappeared in the woods.

After doing this, Ye Yu’s hands were sealed.

“Multiple Shadow Doppelgänger Technique!”

Bang bang bang –

After three white smokes, three shadow doppelgangers appeared behind Ye Yu.

Immediately afterwards, the physical appearance of these three shadow doppelgangers began to change at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Pretend art!”

However, in just a few breaths, the three shadow doppelgangers who were exactly the same as Ye Yu had already become different characters.

These three are the three Kusanagi that Yoruha had previously contacted in the Land of Grass.

Now it happens to be their appearance with the art of pretend.

Since he couldn’t hide the perception of the white jue, Ye Yu came to scare the snake.


Mountain cemetery.

In the dim underground cave, a hideous-looking, huge golem stood quietly.

A white tube extends from a tentacle on the top of the Golem’s head.

Looking down along the white tube, I saw a figure sitting motionless on the stone bed under the golem.

The figure had pale hair and a withered face, as if he was about to come to life.

This person is none other than Uchiha who has lived from the time of the Warring States to the present.

Originally, Uchiha had run out of life, but he had survived until now relying on the vitality provided by the Golem of the Outer Path.

Boom boom-

Uchiha, who was originally sleeping, was suddenly woken up by a violent explosion.

He slowly opened his loose eyelids.

One eye is blocked by the ends of the hair, while the other eye blooms a faint red glow.

“This place hasn’t been so lively in a long time, what’s going on outside?”

Although Uchiha has run out of life, his voice and tone are still full of majesty.

Originally, there was only one person in the huge cave, but not long after the sound of Uchiha’s voice, half of his head suddenly appeared in one of the walls of the cave.

This is Bai Jue’s head.

“It’s three Kusanagi chasing and killing a Konoha imp!”


Hearing this long-lost name, Uchiha’s expression did not change.

Boom boom-

Suddenly, the explosion came again, and it was closer.

“Those four are coming this way!”

Bai Jue’s voice also sounded at the right time.

“Such a trifle, you handle it yourself!”

Uchiha’s pair of reincarnation eyes have been sent.

It was still a little short of his final plan.

His time was running out.

He didn’t want to waste precious time on this little thing.

After saying a word to Bai Jue, Uchiha closed his eyes again.


Bai Jue responded softly, and the half of his head that emerged from the wall immediately retracted.


At the same time, in the forest not far from the hill cemetery.

Wearing a Konoha ninja forehead guard, he is constantly jumping in the woods.

Behind him, three Kusanagi desperately pursued, and as they chased, they threw Kusanagi Initiation Charms at the front.

Boom boom-

As the Kumu Initiation Charm hits the tree trunk, a huge explosion resounds in the air.

The explosion that Uchiha heard was exactly the explosion of the Kumu Initiation Charm, plus the explosion of the clay spider thrown by the previous night feather

“Even if Uchiha can sleep again, so many detonation charms should be woken up by the non-stop bombardment of them.”

“It’s almost time for the Bai Jeopardy to appear.”

Ye Yu thought secretly in his heart while jumping.

Suddenly, on the trunk of a large tree in front of Ye Yu, a white figure “drilled” out, blocking his way.

“Hello, this road doesn’t work!”

Immediately afterwards, among the surrounding tree trunks, one after another white absolutes emerged.

“Finally appeared, Bai Jue!”

Seeing Bai Jue appear, Ye Yu was not shocked and rejoiced.

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