Chapter 10: Forbidden Technique

The big snake pill’s action was quite fast.

Early the next morning, when Ye Yu was practicing Chakra on the mountain, a python appeared in front of him.

When this python saw the night feather, he spit out a thick scroll from his mouth.

“Using a snake as a courier is worthy of being a big snake pill!”

After the python spit out the scroll and left, Ye Yu walked over and picked it up.

He didn’t care about the snake liquid stained on the scroll, and opened the scroll directly.

I saw that at the beginning of the scroll, it recorded the Flying Thunder God Technique that Ye Yu had in mind.

“Flying Thunder God, finally arrived.”

Seeing the Flying Thunder God Technique on the scroll, Ye Yu was overjoyed in his heart.

He couldn’t wait to start watching the cultivation methods of the Flying Thunder God.

But after seeing the first sentence of the Flying Thunder God Art cultivation method, Ye Yu’s good mood instantly disappeared, and he directly scolded: “Zhuo!”

Although this first sentence is nothing, if you want to practice this skill, you must first come from the palace.

But the effect is about the same.

I saw that it was written impressively: It cannot be repaired without a powerful perception system.

Yes, if you want to cultivate the Flying Thunder God Art, you must have a strong perception ability.

Before crossing, when Ya Yu looked at Naruto, he just felt that the Flying Thunder God Art was too strong, the fourth generation Hokage who used the Flying Thunder God Art was too handsome, and the second generation Hokage who created the Flying Thunder God Art was too good.

He didn’t think at all that the Flying Thunder God Art obviously did not belong to the forbidden art, why the entire Konoha, except for the second generation of Hokage, only the fourth generation Hokage had completely learned.

I don’t know that the three people of Huo Xuanma, Jiezi Qi, and Die Ivahi can only use the Flying Thunder God Array.

There are so many genius ninjas in Konoha, why don’t they go to learn the art of Flying Thunder?

Now, Ye Yu knew the reason.

Because the conditions for learning the Flying Thunder God Art are too harsh.

The need for strong perception alone blocked most of the cultivators.

After all, perception ninjas are too rare.

And the night feathers… There is no perception.

Of course, Ye Yu scolded “Zhuo”, not because he did not meet the conditions for cultivating the Flying Thunder God Art.

After all, he has hanging.

If you don’t have the ability to sentient, you can use the Spiritual Transformation Technique to enter the body of the Ninja of the Perception Department and liver out the proficiency of the Perception Department.

The reason why he scolded: blanch

It was because he had already thought of the Liver Exploding Thunder God Technique in the next few days.

But what I didn’t expect was that I couldn’t cultivate right now.

It’s like when your pants are off, everything is ready, and the other person suddenly needs to go out.

“Alas, it seems that you have to learn the art of spiritualization first, and then get a perception ability back before you can learn the art of flying thunder god!”

Ye Yu sighed, now looking at the forbidden scroll in the center of his hand, he didn’t feel very fragrant.

Fortunately, Ye Yu’s sadness came and went quickly.

Soon, he put the matter aside and began to search for the spiritual technique on the scroll.

The Spirit Technique is the fourth technique recorded on the scroll.

It didn’t take long to flip through it, and it was found by Ye Yu.

Fortunately, there are no special conditions for learning the art of spiritualization.

It’s just that it is recorded on the scroll that it is extremely difficult to master the art of spiritualization.

However, this is only for other ninjas.

Night Feather is not afraid of difficulties.

No matter how difficult it is, it can give you a liver to full level.

Without any hesitation, Ye Yu put away the forbidden scroll and began to learn the art of spiritual transformation.


Just as Yoruha began to learn the art of spiritual transformation, Orochimaru was also in his secret laboratory and began to study Bai Jue.

“Sbarasi, the cells of the original Hokage in this guy’s body account for more than ninety percent.”

“How exactly did this guy get made?”

The more the big snake pill studied it, the more surprised he was in his heart.

He could naturally see that Bai was definitely not a normal human.

It’s some kind of creation.

It’s just that in a short period of time, he can’t imagine what kind of existence it is to create a white peerless.

Suddenly, the big snake pill put down the test tube in his hand and left the laboratory.

Through a dimly lit corridor, the big snake pill came to a huge petri dish.

I saw Bai Jue closing his eyes tightly, tightly suspended in the petri dish.

The big snake pill observed Bai Jue for a moment, and then pressed the switch next to the cultivation.


With a sound, the culture liquid in the petri dish was instantly drained.

Without saying a word, the big snake pill turned an arm into a long snake and directly bit Bai Jue’s body.

He briefly interrogated Bai Jue last night.

He wanted to know who made Bai Jue and where the person who made him was.

But how could Bai Jue move.

Bai never moved, and the big snake pill had to use his own way to obtain the information he wanted.

But Bai Jue’s body was specially treated through the Golem of the Outer Dao.

The big snake pill did not get the information he wanted from Bai Jue’s blood.

“This white guy was caught by Night Feather.”

As he spoke, the poisonous snake that bit Bai Jue’s body quickly retracted, and soon turned into the palm of the big snake pill.

“Yoruha must know something…”

The big snake pill’s mouth cracked little by little, revealing an oozing smile.

There was no doubt that Orochimaru also set his sights on Night Feather.

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