Chapter 19: Flying Thunder God is full of levels

Ding, congratulations to the host [Flying Thunder God Technique] proficiency has reached the full level, and [Flying Thunder God Technique] is automatically upgraded to [Space Movement].

After two days of Night Feather’s liver explosion, he finally brushed the proficiency of [Flying Thunder God Technique] from 77% to 100%.

And in his mind, there was also the system prompt tone he wanted to hear the most.

“The Flying Thunder God Technique, finally full level.”

Listening to the wonderful system prompt, Yoruha dismissed the multiple shadow doppelgangers and sat down against the tree, with a painful and happy expression on his face.

Immediately after, he set his eyes on the system panel:

Host: Night Feather

Blood Succession Limit: Explosive [Full Level] → Explosive (2%)

Ninjutsu: Shadow Dopganger [Full Level]→ Multiple Shadow Doppelganger (91%), Transfiguration [Full Level]→ Pretend Technique (2%), Transience [Full Level]→ Phantom Instantaneous Technique (3%)

【Flying Thunder God Technique】Full level→ space movement (1%)… Spiritualization (36%)….

Physical surgery: (progress bar) 36%.

Illusion: None

Abilities: Crafting Initiation Charms [Full Level], Figure Making [Full Level], Shuriken Art [Full Level]… Chakra extraction (78%) in 100 (11%) perception (progress bar).


Night Feather skimmed over the other content, locking his gaze on the [Space Movement] he had just obtained.

Both full-level [Transformation Technique] and full-level [Instantaneous Technique] can bring great surprises to Ye Yu.

For the ability upgraded from the full level [Flying Thunder God Technique], Ye Yu has great expectations.

Without any hesitation, Ye Yu immediately began to check the effect of [Space Movement].

In the next second, the surprise in Ye Yu’s heart overflowed.

“It is worthy of the ability upgraded by the full-level Flying Thunder God!”

As an upgraded version of [Flying Thunder God Art], [Space Movement] does not need to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to shuttle through space.

The effect is similar to Kuroko Shirai’s superpower in Super Cannon

Night Feather can teleport himself or the items in his hand to any place he wants to reach anytime, anywhere.

It’s just that the farther the distance, the heavier the item, the smaller the accuracy, and the more chakra is consumed.

However, even so, Ye Yu still saw the word “divine skill” from it.

At this moment, he had already thought of many techniques to use [Space Movement] to face the enemy.

For example, teleport Deidara, who is about to self-detonate, to the enemy’s battlefield.

Another example is teleporting an earth bomb into the enemy’s body and detonating it.

Or learn a spiral pill in the future, and hit the spiral pill on the enemy from a distance of tens of meters.


After an hour, Night Feather recovered some chakra and couldn’t wait to experiment with the effect of [Space Movement].

He shook the characteristic in his hand, and aimed his eyes at a large tree not far away.

I saw him wave his arms.

The trait in the hand disappears out of thin air.

In the next instant, the bitterness hit the big tree.

With a pop, he fell to the ground.


Looking at the characteristic that was falling to the ground, Ye Yu suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

He originally wanted to use the [Space Movement] ability to make the distance between himself and the tree zero.

In this way, the Ku Wu in his hand will be nailed to that tree at the moment of throwing out, shuttling a spatial distance of more than ten meters.

However, his [spatial movement] proficiency is not high.

It is impossible to precisely control the direction of Ku Wu after moving in space.

This is like a person playing darts for the first time, obviously trying to nail the dart to the target, but after the dart is thrown out, the dart rotates half a circle during the flight, and finally the dart body hits the target.

“It seems that if you want to use space to move skillfully, you have to burst your liver!”

“However, this blue consumption is a bit much.”

Night Feather just moved a handful of Trait Ku Wu to a place more than ten meters away, and the amount of Chakra consumed was comparable to his use of the Flying Thunder God Technique once.

You know, he used the Flying Thunder God Technique, and he moved the whole person.

And now, he uses [Space Movement], and what moves is just a special Ku Wu that weighs less than 1 pound.

[Space Movement] means that the heavier the transferred object, the more Chakra consumes.

Once Yafea uses [Space Movement] to transfer his body, the consequences are estimated to be the same as Kakashi’s use of Kaiwei, and the Chakra brush is slammed off, and someone needs to carry it in a few strokes.

“In a short period of time, space movement is only used to transfer small objects like Ku Wu, and my body is transferred using the Flying Thunder God Technique.”

Saying that, Ye Yu raised the trait in his hand and waved his arm.

That trait does not disappear out of thin air.

The next moment it hit the tree.

At the same time, Night Feather launched the [Flying Thunder God Technique], and his figure disappeared in place, and appeared in the place where the trait was suffering.

From the time Night Feather launched the [Space Transfer] mobile trait Ku Wu to the time when Ye Yu appeared in the place where the Trait Ku Wu was, it was only a blink of an eye.

Because all this happened too quickly, ordinary eyes could not see it clearly, and Ye Yu moved in space this time, and he performed a two-step operation.

Just the ordinary naked eye, of course.

Except for senior Sharingan owners.

“Against ordinary ninjas, this second shot alone is enough.”

“But this combo is probably not enough to see in front of Uchiha.”

“When the [Chakra Extraction] proficiency reaches the full level, the amount of Chakra skyrockets, and then you can freely use the space to move.”

Ye Yu glanced at the 78% proficiency of [Chakra Extraction] on the system panel, and thought with satisfaction.

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