Chapter 30 begins the Liver Imperial Sword Art

The third session of this Chu Ninja exam is almost exactly the same as Naruto Uzumaki’s third session of the Chu Ninja Exam.

All were held in the central tower of the 44th exercise site.

It’s all about individual competitions.

The time is set for the afternoon.

There were still many hours left before the start of the exam, and Ye Yu did not intend to waste it.

He was ready to take advantage of this time to brush the proficiency of the “Royal Sword Art”, how much he could brush.

After saying hello to Metkay and Unknown Fire Genma, Ye Yu’s heart moved, and he directly launched the [Flying Thunder God Technique].

In the next instant, Ye Yu’s figure disappeared into the 44th drill field.

When he appeared again, he was already in the Kaguya Palace in the Origin Ball Space.

The grass pheasant sword that Yoruha had created last night was placed by him on the palm of the huge Kaguya statue.

He did not go up to pick up the grass pheasant sword, but like a large snake pill when he invaded Konoha, his fingers hooked, attracting his mind, trying to manipulate the grass pheasant sword to fly.

In the process, Ye Yu also said one: “Up!” ”

This starting word is not hairy.

Simply because he felt that at this time, if he didn’t come to the word “up”, there would be no taste of imperial swordsmanship.

As soon as the word “up” in Ye Yu’s mouth came out, the grass pheasant sword in the palm of Kaguya’s statue began to shake as if attracted by the iron absorbing stone.

It’s just that the attraction of this “iron-absorbing stone” does not seem to be very strong, and the grass pheasant sword only shakes a few times and then falls again.

For this situation, Ye Yu had already expected it.

After all, his Grass Pheasant Sword had just been built not long ago, and his proficiency in manipulating the Grass Pheasant Sword was almost none.

However, this is only the beginning.

When he reaches the level of proficiency in manipulating the Grass Pheasant Sword, it will become a true imperial sword art

The imperial sword came by the wind, and escaped the heavens and the earth….

Ding, congratulations to the host [Controlling the Grass Pheasant Sword] proficiency +1

Ding, congratulations to the host [Controlling the Grass Pheasant Sword] proficiency +1


Again and again, Ye Yu constantly tried to manipulate the grass pheasant sword to fly.

And in his mind, there was also a steady stream of sounds, the mechanical prompt sound of the system.

After two hours, [Controlling the Grass Pheasant Sword] proficiency reached 5%.

Night Feather was finally able to levitate the grass pheasant sword steadily in midair.

However, this skill was not enough for Night Feather to manipulate the Grass Pheasant Sword to move quickly.

“Phew, the third exam of the Zhongnin exam is almost beginning, let’s brush it here first.”

Ye Yu exhaled softly.

Manipulating the Grass Pheasant Sword requires the consumption of Chakra.

Fortunately, Ye Yu’s uninterrupted cultivation of [Chakra Cultivation Method] in the past six days has increased his Chakra volume by six-sevenths compared to six days ago.

Otherwise, he really can’t brush his two-hour proficiency in one go.

“Chakrado is good.”

Ye Yu sensed the remaining amount of chakra in his body and said with some emotion.

After the system was activated, before the [Chakra Cultivation Method] appeared, he would not experience the feeling of his body being hollowed out several times a day.

And right now, he has been fluent for two hours in one breath, and there is still some surplus of chakra in his body.

This allowed Ye Yu to experience the joy of Chakra’s surplus.

Just as Yoruha was about to put the grass pheasant sword in his hand back into the palm of Kaguya’s statue and go to take the Chūnin exam, his movements suddenly stopped.

“It seems that I don’t need to put it back now, I can take it with me to brush proficiency.”

As he spoke, Ye Yu’s heart moved, and the grass pheasant sword suspended in front of him slowly flew towards him.

Soon, the grass pheasant sword was under the manipulation of Night Feather, levitating behind his back and attached to his clothes.

If you don’t look closely, you will feel that Ye Yu is carrying a sword.

But in reality, that sword was dangling.

Night Feather has been manipulating it.

Ding, congratulations to the host [Controlling the Grass Pheasant Sword] proficiency +1

Ding, congratulations to the host [Controlling the Grass Pheasant Sword] proficiency +1


When Ye Yu “carried” this sword, a steady stream of proficiency +1 sounds sounded in his mind.

Hearing this prompt, Ye Yu was extremely satisfied.

You think I’m carrying a sword?

No, I’m actually getting stronger.

Yoruha came to the gate of the palace, and through the smooth wall, he glanced at his own mirror.

“The posture of this sword should be changed.”

“Well, the posture of this saber on the waist is a bit like a second pillar, too pretentious, not suitable for me.”

“Well, this pose is good, a bit like a sword fairy, I will use this posture in the future.”

After adjusting the posture of the sword, Ye Yu grabbed the pheasant sword, launched the Flying Thunder God Technique, and disappeared into the Kaguya Palace.

When Yoruha, who was “carrying” a sword, appeared in front of Matkai and Genma, he really caught their attention.

“Ye Yu, when did you learn to use a sword?”

Metkay and Unknown Fire Genma had never seen Night Feather use a sword, and Night Feather suddenly “carried” a sword over, and they circled around Night Feather, very curious.

“I can’t use a sword.”

Yoruha told the truth.

It is true that he does not use a sword, and he used to use Ku Wu.

The proficiency of sword skills, he has not brushed yet.

In the future, you can brush it up when you have the opportunity.

Hearing Ye Yu’s answer, Huo Genma’s face was speechless.

“You can’t use a sword, what are you doing with a sword on your back?”

For brush proficiency, of course.

Ye Yu silently responded in his heart, and said on his mouth: “I am ready to learn the sword!” ”

“Yoruha, Genma, the game is about to start, let’s go in.”

Matkai greeted the two of Yomoha and Unknown Fire Genma, and then the three of them walked towards the competition venue of the center tower together.

The competition venue is the size of the playground of Konoha Academy.

The walls have two floors on either side.

The second floor is the viewing platform.

In front of the venue, there is a huge stone statue, which is a pair of palms that are imprinted.

When Yoruha, Matkai, and Unknown Fire Genma arrived at the arena, there were already many ninjas gathered in the arena.

Among them were the three of Kakasiban.

This time, Uchiha Obito was not late.


Matkai saw that Kakashi was there, and immediately shouted, and when he saw Kakashi turn his head to look over, he immediately gave a thumbs up and grinned to reveal his shining white teeth.

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