Chapter 31

"Quiet, I am the proctor of the third session of this Chūnin exam."

"Next, announce the rules of the exam."

"This exam is an individual battle, and on the big screen behind me, two candidates will be selected for the competition."

"In the competition, you must not..."

A middle-aged Konoha ninja came to the front of the group of examinees and said in a loud voice.

After the examiner announced the rules of the exam, the big screen behind him immediately began to roll.

The names of Metkai, Kakashi, Yokuba, Sunset Red, Mitarashi Red Bean, Moonlight Blast, and Nazulei rolled on the big screen.

Soon, under the gaze of all the candidates, the names on the big screen stopped scrolling, and two names appeared:

Night Feather vs Moonlight Blast

"Ye Yu, I didn't expect that the first one would be your turn."

Seeing the name of Ye Yu appear on the big screen, the unknown fire genma with a thousand needles in his mouth said casually.

Matkai looked at Ye Yu and showed that signature smile: "Ye Yu, come on!" "

While Huo Xuanma and Matkai were talking, the examiner in front spoke again:

"The two candidates whose names appeared on the screen stayed, and the rest immediately left."

Soon, the other candidates all walked to the stairs on both sides of the examination room and went to the viewing platform on the second floor.

And in the arena, only night feathers, moonlight winds, and examiners were left.

Ye Yu glanced at the pale and weak moonlight wind on the other side, did not say anything, and silently pulled out the grass pheasant sword "carried" behind his back.

Moonlight Swift Wind saw Night Feather draw his sword, he also drew his sword, and said: "Ahem, Night Feather, I didn't expect you to be good at using swords." "

"Next, I will learn your swordsmanship."

Hearing the words of the moonlight wind, Ye Yu was suddenly a little speechless.

I won't, I don't, don't talk nonsense.

I'm just carrying a sword on my back, how do I think I can use a sword?

Also, I didn't draw my sword to compete with you in swordsmanship

The reason why Ye Yu pulled the grass pheasant sword out from behind was entirely because with his current proficiency in [manipulating the grass pheasant sword], he could not let the grass pheasant sword hang in the air while performing other ninjutsu to fight people.

If Yoruha didn't draw the grass pheasant sword now, when he performed other ninjutsu later, the grass pheasant sword suspended behind him would definitely fall on the spot.

Just imagine, when you fight, the sword behind you suddenly falls, that scene... Gee....

However, at the moment, Ye Yu's sword was also drawn, and he had to bite the bullet and say: "Okay, let me also learn your stunt Three Days and Moon Dance." "

Just when Night Feather and Moonlight Wind were talking to each other before the game, the examinees on the viewing platform were also talking.

"Both of them use swords, is this a sword competition?"

"Not only swordsmanship, but Swift Wind will also use Translude Invisibility, if Night Feather can't sense it, then he will be miserable."


Although all the candidates present were Konoha.

Many are even classmates.

But even then, there is a difference between relatives and alienation.

The ninja who was close to Moonlight Blastwind naturally hoped that Moonlight Blaster could win this match.

And the ninja who has a good relationship with Yoruha is to cheer for Yoba.

Sunset Red is the one who cheers for Night Feather.

Hearing the discussion of the examinees over there, Xi Rihong looked at the night feather on the arena below, thinking secretly in her heart.


She clearly remembered that Ye Yu was able to exert perception after entering her body.

Therefore, she was wondering if Ye Yu could enter her body to sense the stealthy moonlight wind later.

Only soon, Sunset Hong's delicate little face turned red.

She complained to herself: What am I thinking, but now I am in the middle of the ninja exam, he entered my body in the exam, it should be considered a foul, right?

Uchiha took the soil to lie on the railing, glanced at the examinee who was discussing, and said a little listlessly: "These guys have no idea that Night Feather hides that ability, as long as Night Feather displays that ability again, it will definitely end the game in an instant." "

In the morning team battle, there were not many spectators except for the examiner on the scene and the main examiner after monitoring.

Therefore, the fact that Night Feather has the "Time and Space Class Blood Succession Limit" has not yet been spread.

The other candidates did not know the strength of Ye Yu.


On the field.

The examiner saw that both Night Feather and Moonlight Wind were ready for battle, and immediately raised the flag and waved it heavily: "The competition begins!" "

With an order from the examiner, Moonlight Swift took the lead.

I saw his feet move, and his figure rushed towards Ye Yu.

In the process of running, the figure of the moonlight wind suddenly split into three.

"Secret Sword, Moon Shadow."

The Moonlight Wind Rush move is somewhat similar to the [Phantom Instantaneous Technique].

They all create afterimages by moving at high speed to fight enemies.

However, the moonlight wind moon shadow is a phantom, which can only play the role of confusing the enemy, and does not have the ability to attack.

The phantom of [Phantom Instantaneous Technique] can attack together with the body.

"Phantom Teleportation."

Without thinking too much, Ye Yu Shi exhibited the [Phantom Instantaneous Technique], and his figure was also divided into three.


"It's the same as my secret sword?"

The moonlight wind in the rushing attack, looking at the three night feathers in front of him, looked surprised.

The candidates on the viewing platform were also quite surprised.

"These two people actually use exactly the same tricks."

"Are their swordsmanship taught by the same teacher?"


The candidates were talking about it, and in the arena, the three night feathers and the three months of light and wind had collided together.


Two of the moonlight winds, the moment they collided with the two night feathers, disappeared like bubbles.

Only the body of the moonlight wind did not disappear, and the sword in his hand collided with one of the Night Feather's grass pheasant swords.

"Have a real feeling, is this the entity in front of you?"

Moonlight Swift looked at the night feather who blocked his sword strike in front of him, and instinctively thought that the other party was also the body of the night feather.

Then, he moved on his feet, wanting to distance himself from Ye Yu.

Just didn't wait for his figure to retreat.

On both sides of his body, he was suddenly attacked.

Bang bang—

I saw the other two night feathers, each with their own feet, and kicked at the body of Moonlight Swift at the same time.

The moonlight wind that suffered a heavy blow, his figure was like a kite with a broken line, and he vomited blood and flew out.

"How so?"

"Aren't those two afterimages?"

In the process of vomiting blood and flying upside down, Moonlight Swift looked at the two night feathers who attacked him with a look of disbelief.

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