Chapter 32 Three generations of Hokage, ape flying sun

The moonlight wind couldn't tell clearly, he couldn't tell which one was the body of the night feather, and which one was the phantom of the night feather.

Obviously, he felt a real sense of blow from the grass pheasant sword in Ye Yu's hand in front of him.

But the grass pheasant sword behind him against his back was also real.

If Night Feather uses the Shadow Doppelganger Technique, Moonlight Wind can still understand.

After all, the shadow avatar is a physical avatar that can attack with the body.

But right now, Ye Yu is obviously the same as the moon shadow he cast, it is an afterimage.

Afterimages can attack like physical avatars.

This kind of thing, Moonlight Wind has never heard of.

"Ahem, I lost."

Although Moonlight Swift Wind did not understand what was going on with Night Feather's move.

But he understood that if it weren't for Ye Yu's hand, the grass pheasant sword would have stabbed into his body instead of against his back.

Therefore, Moonlight Blastwind very simply threw in the towel.

From the time the referee announced the match to the time when Moonlight Wind voluntarily admitted defeat, it was only a few seconds.

Because all this happened so quickly, those distracted candidates in the stands did not even have time to take a look at the competition on the field.

The contest is over.

"What's going on? Why did Blastwind suddenly throw in the towel? "

"Suddenly throw in the towel? Didn't you see that Night Feather's sword had already touched the back of the wind? "

"Isn't that an afterimage? The night feather in front of the wind is the body of the night feather! "

"No, the night feather in front of the wind is an afterimage, and the night feather behind him is the body..."


For a while, the candidates were talking about it.

They, like the moonlight wind, could not tell which night feather was the body.

"Such a clever means, even I can't tell which one is the ontology."

The examiner naturally also saw the battle between Night Feather and Moonlight Swift Wind in his eyes.

He was also unable to distinguish between the body of the night feather and the phantom

However, this did not affect him from announcing the results of the match.

"Winner, Night Feather!"

The examiner raised the flag in his right hand and announced aloud.


Monitoring room of the central tower.

At this time, in addition to the chief examiner of Bofeng Shuimen, there was another person present in the monitoring room.

This person is none other than the third generation Hokage of Konoha Village, Sarutobi Hinata.

The ape wearing the Hokage cloak flew the sun, watching the battle between the night feather and the moonlight wind on the screen, he was also interested, and asked the wave feng shui men on the side: "Water gate, can you distinguish the body of the night feather?" "

Bofeng Shuimen did not answer immediately, but pondered for a moment, and then slowly spoke: "These three night feathers are all ontology, and all are afterimages. "

Hearing Bo Feng Shuimen's answer, Ape Fei Ri looked at Bo Feng Shuimen: "What do you say?" "

The wave feng shui door took out three special kunai and placed them in the three directions of the room.

In the next second, the Wave Feng Shui Gate launched the Flying Thunder God Technique.

I saw the figure of the Wave Feng Shui Gate, flashing back and forth in the three special places where the bitter place was.

At the beginning, Ape Flying Sun Chopper could clearly see that the figure of the Wave Feng Shui Gate flashed from one place to another.

But as the frequency of the wave feng shui door flickered faster, three wave feng shui doors appeared at the same time in the room.

At this moment, Ape Flying Sun Chopper was still unclear about what Bofeng Shui Men wanted to express: "So it is, Night Feather teleported back and forth in three places at a speed invisible to the naked eye, so that all three were ontology and afterimages. "

"Yes, Ye Yu is really a genius, he not only developed the Instantaneous Technique to the extreme, but also came up with this use of the Instantaneous Technique."

Bofeng Shuimen stopped "flashing", he walked over and praised with an appreciative face.

In the morning, Night Feather used the Time Space ability with the Initiation Charm Instantaneous Kakashi three, and he already felt that Night Feather was genius enough.

Unexpectedly, in the afternoon, he could still see Ye Yu create such a unique move.

This made Bofeng Shuimen, Konoha's recognized genius, feel amazing.

If Ye Yu heard Bo Fengshuimen's praise at this time, he would definitely retort: I didn't, I wasn't, don't talk nonsense!

"You still appreciate Ye Yu!" Ape Fei Ri Chop heard the appreciation in Bo Fengshuimen's tone, and immediately said out loud.

"I really admire him, in the morning class battle, he defeated Kakashi, Obito and Rin in an instant." Bofeng Shuimen told the truth.

"Defeat Kakashi in an instant?" Ape Flying Sun Chop was a little surprised.

After all, Sarutobi Slash this Hokage clearly remembered that this Kakashi was a well-deserved first.

"Yes, didn't I send the materials for the morning game to your office? You didn't see it? Bofeng Shuimen asked with a smile on his face.

"Ahem, wasn't I busy? There are always all sorts of things at hand. Ape Fei Ri coughed in embarrassment and explained.

"Okay, then let me briefly introduce to you, Night Feather has awakened the blood succession limit of the space-time class, and it is with this ability that he sent the detonation charm to the Kakashi three, and he did not set the spatial coordinates on the Kakashi three in advance."

Hearing Bofeng Shuimen's words, Ape Flying Sun Chopper instantly converged the expression on his face and returned to the state of Hokage.

Although he had not personally seen Night Feather exert his ability, just listening to the dictation of Bo Feng Shuimen, he could already imagine how strong Night Feather's blood succession limit was.

If Night Feather wants to kill someone, he only needs to send a few detonation charms from a distance.

The other party simply did not have time to guard against it.

Of course, talking about efficacy regardless of dosage is hooliganism.

He still didn't know how far Night Feather's ability could send the Detonation Charm.

If the detonation charm can be sent to others from a distance of several kilometers, then this blood succession limit can already be described as terrifying.

Proper strategic weapons.

Can easily change the course of a war.

At this moment, Sarutobi Hinata, who was the third generation Hokage of Konoha Village, thought of a lot.

He was ready to go back and take a good look at Ye Yu's information.

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