Chapter 38: The Gift of Sunset Red

Hokage Building

Today is the day when the results of the Zhongnin Exam are released, and most of the candidates who took the Chūnin Exam came here to check whether they have been successfully promoted to Chūnin.

“Great, from today onwards, I will be a qualified Zhongnin!”

A ninja threw the Konoha ninja costume that had just been distributed into the air and said with a look of excitement.

“Kai, congratulations on becoming a Naka-ninja!”

Unbeknownst to him, Genma saw the names of himself and Matkai on the list of Naka Shinobi, and a rare smile appeared on his face, and then congratulated Matkai on the side.

“Genma, congratulations on becoming a Naka Shinobi!”

Matkai also congratulated the other party with a happy face, but the smile on his face suddenly dimmed a little when he thought of Ye Yu leaving their team from today.

The sunset red in the crowd, after seeing the two of Matt Kai and the unknown fire genma, his eyes involuntarily looked around the two.

After not seeing the figure she wanted to see, her ruby-like eyes faintly fluctuated.

She hesitated slightly, and then walked towards the place where Matkai and the unknown fire genma were.

In the process of walking over, she also deliberately hid a beautifully dressed box behind her.

“Kai, Genma, didn’t Yoruha come with you?”

Sunset Hong stood at the two of Matkai and Unknown Fire Genma, and asked.

“Yoruha went to the dark department to report.”

Matkay shook his head and replied.

Dark part?!

Sunset Hong was stunned at first, but quickly thought that now that Yoruto was already a shinobi, it seemed very normal for the third generation of Hokage-sama to arrange Yoruto into the dark part.

But thinking of the gift he had carefully prepared and not delivered to Ye Yu’s hands, a hint of disappointment appeared on Sunset Red’s face.

She didn’t just come to congratulate Yoruha on her successful promotion to Shangnin.

I still came to thank Ye Yu.

Since that day and night feather entered her body, her perception range has obviously expanded outward by nearly 1 meter.

It’s just that after Ye Yu withdrew from her body, her perception range increased, from 1 meter to about 0.3 meters.

According to Ye Yu’s statement at the time: Ye Yu entered her body and stretched her range of perception.

What happened after that also proved that what Ya Yu said was true.

Through repeated practice, she fixed her perception range at the point of expanding by 1 meter.

It’s just that no matter how she practiced later, she couldn’t raise her perception range by another inch.

“If you are looking for night feathers, go to the street now, you should still be able to find night feathers, we separated on the street just now.”

Unknown Genma, who had a thousand needles in his mouth, noticed Sunset Hong’s hand hidden behind him, and inadvertently glanced at the corner of the box, naturally knowing that Sunset Hong was preparing to give a gift to Ye Yu, so he reminded him.

Hearing the words of the unknown Huo Xuanma, Sunset Red’s ruby eyes instantly lit up.

Without any hesitation, she immediately unfolded her perception.

Sure enough, not far away, she sensed the incomparably familiar Chakra.

It’s just that what makes Sunset Red strange is that.

The amount of Chakra of the night feather was actually nearly 3 times larger than the time it had been in her body.

Although she felt strange, she was in a hurry to chase Ye Yu, did not think too much about this matter, thanked the unknown fire genma, and left.


“Night feather!”

When Ye Yu came to the headquarters of the Dark Department, a familiar female voice suddenly came from behind him.

Turning around, I saw Sunset Red, dressed in a red and white dress, standing at the end of the street waving to him.

“Hong, why are you here?”

Seeing Sunset Hong coming over, Ye Yu turned to face Sunset Hong and asked.

“Give, congratulations on your promotion to Shangnin.”

Sunset Hong walked over and generously handed the prepared gift box to Ye Yu, and at the same time, she added strength in her heart: “Thank you also for improving my perception ability!” ”

“Thank you!”

Ye Yu took the gift handed over by Xi Rihong and said with a smile.

“So, after you enter the dark department, can we still discuss the matter of perception together?”

Sunset Hongqiao’s face was slightly red, and her little hands couldn’t help but fiddle with her slightly curly hair, and her ruby eyes looked at Ye Yu a little uncomfortably.

Last time, when Ye Yu left, she originally wanted to ask Ye Yu if she would come back tomorrow?

It’s just that she didn’t ask the exit at the time.

And after that day, Ye Yu never went to her again.

This time, Sunset Hong asked.

“Of course, you can come to me.”

Hearing Ye Yu’s answer, Sunset was overjoyed, and then waved away.

After Sunset Hong left, Yoruha stepped into the Dark Building.

When Ye Yu came out of the dark building again, his outfit had changed.

I saw Ye Yu wearing an off-the-shoulder costume in the dark part, wearing a cat face mask exclusive to the dark part on his face, and a short sword behind him.

The whole person’s temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: September 29th to October 6th)

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