Chapter 36: The surprise prepared by Matkai and Genma

Ding, congratulations to the host [Imperial Sword Art] proficiency +1

Ding, congratulations to the host [Imperial Sword Art] proficiency +1


During the period when Ye Yu was constantly chasing the shadow doppelganger with the grass pheasant sword, his [Royal Sword Art] proficiency was constantly rising.

And as the proficiency of [Imperial Sword Art] increased, his imperial envoy drafting pheasant sword became more silky.

"I'll be here today, it's almost time to report to the Dark Department."

After Night Feather killed the last clay giant bird + shadow doppelganger, he withdrew the grass pheasant sword.

Five days earlier, he had been appointed by the third generation Hokage Ape Hibiki as the Kami-Shinobu of Konoha Village.

When this incident spread, it caused quite a stir among the ninjas of the night feather.

Ten-year-old Shangnin

And he just finished the Chūnin exam and became a shinobi.

It's so rare.

The two teammates of Matkai and Unknown Fire Genma were both surprised and delighted after learning about this.


Today is the day when the results of the Naka Shinobi exam are released, and it is also the day when Yoruha is officially promoted to Shangnin.

When Ye Yu had just returned to his home from the Origin Ball space, he sensed that there were two familiar chakras in the nearby woods.

These two chakras are hidden behind two large trees.

Looking around, you can see very clearly that a green trouser tube is exposed in the corner of one of the large trees.

People who are familiar with Metkay can deduce from this exposed trouser tube that the person behind this big tree is Metkay.

And behind the other big tree, naturally I don't know the fire mystery.

"What are these two guys doing?"

When Ye Yu saw the exposed green pants, he only felt funny, and then walked over.


"It's coming, Kai, get ready!"

Today is Yoruha, and it is the day to promote Shangnin.

As Ye Yu's teammate, I don't know that Huo Genma and Matkai naturally planned to congratulate them.

Matt Kai found the unknown fire genma to discuss.

But they had never experienced this before, and where did they know how to congratulate them.

Finally, under the advice of other friends, I was ready to give Ye Yu a small surprise.

Therefore, they hid on the road that Ye Yu had to go home early in the morning, and when Ye Yu passed by, they surprised Ye Yu.

Seeing Ye Yu walking over, I didn't know that Huo Genma still suppressed his voice and greeted Metkay behind a large tree opposite.

Just when Matkai and Unknown Fire Genma were about to jump out and give Ye Yu a "surprise", Ye Yu's voice suddenly sounded.

"Kai, your pant legs are exposed."

As soon as Ye Yu's words came out, Matkai's expression suddenly froze.

On the opposite side, the unknown fire genma showed a speechless expression.

Immediately, the two of them had to walk out angrily.

"What are you two doing here early in the morning?"

Yoruha looked at the two of them and asked as he looked at Fire Genma and Matkai.


Matt Kay has never given a gift to anyone before.

He was very angry and handed a model of the three-generation Hokage character to Yaba.

"Knowing that you like this, I specially gave it to you as a gift for promotion to Shinobi."

Looking at the three-generation Hokage figure handed over by Matkai, Ye Yu's expression suddenly froze.

When did I say I liked this....

But soon, Yoruha remembered that he had used clay to pinch various figurines in front of Metkai.

At this moment, Ye Yu was very speechless in his heart.

I was doing it for the proficiency of [making figurines].

What does this have to do with liking?

Yoruha knew that Metkay had misunderstood something, but he wasn't going to explain it either.

"This is my gift."

Unbeknownst to him, Genma handed a thousand needles to Yaba.

Seeing Ye Yu's strange expression, Bu Huo Genma hurriedly explained: "This thousand book needle is my collection, not the one I often hold in my mouth." "

"Ye Yu, congratulations on your promotion to Shangnin!"

After Ye Yu accepted the figure and the Senbon needle, Metkai and Buji Huo Genma congratulated with a sincere face.

"Thank you."

Ye Yu thanked him, and then asked, "The results of the Zhongnin Exam should have come out, how are you doing?" "

"I haven't gone to see it yet, Genma and I squatted with you early in the morning, ready to go over with you to see."

Matkay bared his white teeth and said with a smile.

"I'm going to report to the Dark Ministry."

"What, you're going to the Dark Department, then we can't do tasks together soon?"

Hearing Ye Yu's words, Matkai's tone was a little excited.

After all, they're only ten years old now.

So long together again.

Now Ye Yu suddenly wants to leave their team, and with Matkai's character, he is naturally very reluctant.

"Who said that we can't do tasks together, some tasks require the cooperation of multiple departments to complete, we can still do tasks together."

"Besides, it's all in a village, you can usually come to me."

Ye Yu patted Matkai's shoulder and said.

Matkai nodded, but his mood was still a little low.

I thought this was the end of it.

Halfway down the road, Matt Kay suddenly came to the next sentence: "Do you still accept people in the dark department?" "

Seeing Matkai's serious attitude, Ye Yu couldn't laugh or cry.

As far as your character is concerned, it is a group collection, and it will not accept you.

He clearly remembered that in the original play, after Kakashi joined the dark part, Matkai couldn't bear to see Kakashi often show a lonely look, so he took the initiative to find Danzo and asked Danzo to accept him into the Dark Department.

Tuan Zang's heart at that time was probably a dog in the day.

Yoruha knew that even if he persuaded Matkai now, Matkai promised to go to the third generation of Hokage.

Therefore, he did not persuade, but said: "I don't know, you can ask the three generations." "

"Okay, I'll go in a moment."

The unknown fire genma on the side heard the conversation between Matkai and Ye Yu, and he was stunned.

This is really a daring to say.

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