Chapter 35 Full level grass pheasant sword, the beginning of the imperial sword art.

Five days later, the Beginning Ball Space, Kaguya Palace

Yoruba sits under the huge statue of Kaguya, with a grass pheasant sword placed above his legs.


Ye Yu habitually said the word "up", and then two fingers joined the sword, pointing forward, and the grass pheasant sword above his legs flew out with a "bang", and the speed was very fast.

When the grass pheasant sword was about to fly out of the gate of Kaguya's palace, Ye Yu's two fingers that were close together circled in the void again.

At the same time, the grass pheasant sword that flew towards the outside of Kaguya's palace turned sharply.

With the night feather's finger sword constantly commanding in the void.

The grass pheasant sword above the sky is up and down, left and right, sometimes circling, and sometimes passing quickly.

In the middle of the process.

In Ye Yu's mind, there was a steady stream of mechanical prompts from the system.

Ding, congratulations to the host [Controlling the Grass Pheasant Sword] proficiency +1

Ding, congratulations to the host [Controlling the Grass Pheasant Sword] proficiency +1


Not long after, the system prompt sound in Ye Yu's mind suddenly changed.

Ding, congratulations to the host [Manipulate the Grass Pheasant Sword] proficiency to reach the full level, and [Manipulate the Grass Pheasant Sword] is automatically upgraded to [Royal Sword Art].

The moment this system prompt sounds.

Above the sky, the grass pheasant sword that was stabbing forward, the speed soared sharply, like a white rainbow, and instantly pierced through the walls of Kaguya's palace and flew out.

"The Imperial Sword Art is finally done!"

Ye Yu did not care about the grass pheasant sword that flew out, and his heart was suddenly overjoyed.

His gaze immediately fell on the panel of the system.

Show only on the board:

[Manipulation of the Grass Pheasant Sword] full level→ [Imperial Sword Art] (progress) 1%.

In the past few days, Ye Yu did not pay attention to what happened in Konoha Village, except for sleeping, eating, and practicing [Chakra Cultivation Method] every day, the rest of his time was all in this Origin Ball Space [Imperial Sword Art].

Fortunately, his chakra volume is steadily increasing at one-seventh of the initial amount every day.

Now, his Chakra amount is more than twice as much as before the [Chakra Cultivation Method] came out.

In three days, his Chakra amount will be three times as much as it was initial.

It was with enough Chakra that Ye Yu was able to brush the proficiency of [Manipulating the Grass Pheasant Sword] to the full level in just over five days, and successfully obtained the imperial sword technique that he had in mind.


Ye Yu turned off the system panel with satisfaction, and then triggered the Flying Thunder God Technique on the Grass Pheasant Sword.

In the next instant, Yoruha's figure disappeared into Kaguya's palace and appeared where the grass pheasant sword was.

However, the grass pheasant sword was in the sky, flying at high speed.

As soon as Ye Yu appeared, the grass pheasant sword had already flown out tens of meters away.

"Alas, you can't fly with a sword yet."

Although Ye Yu really wanted to stand directly on the flying sword and soar.

But unfortunately, the proficiency of [Imperial Sword Art] is not enough.

As soon as he stood up, he would surely fall from the sky with a sword.

However, according to Ye Yu's estimate, even if he brushed up the proficiency of [Royal Sword Art], it would be difficult to achieve the real "Royal Sword Riding the Wind, Escape the Heaven and Earth"

Because as soon as he stands on the grass pheasant sword, the imperial sword art will become the imperial person + sword.

A person weighs dozens of times more than a sword.

The amount of chakra consumed will also skyrocket.

Even if the amount of Chakra of the night feather is increased by ten times, it will not be able to last for the imperial sword to fly.

"I still have to go to Yanyin Village to get the art of light and heavy rock."

With the Light and Heavy Rock Technique, he can greatly reduce his weight.

In this way, he can truly "ride the wind with the sword and escape the heavens and the earth"


As Ye Yu thought about it, his body was falling downwards in a free-fall manner.

However, his hands are not idle.

Soon, a clay bird was pinched out by him.


The huge clay bird rushed out of the white smoke and came under Night Feather, catching Night Feather's body steadily.

Night Feather stood on the clay bird, pointed into a sword, and waved his arm.

The rapidly flying grass pheasant sword, with a "bang", flew back from a distance and stopped steadily in front of Ye Yu.

After this simple manipulation, Ye Yu immediately found that the upgraded [Imperial Sword Art] not only greatly improved its flight speed, but also made it more handy in terms of control.

If we talk about the previous [Manipulation of the Grass Pheasant Sword], Ye Yu is doing a difficult acrobatics, not only consuming Chakra, but also concentrating and controlling carefully.

That current [Imperial Sword Art], Ye Yu is waving his hand.

The grass pheasant sword is like his real arm, he can fly as he wants, and he can hit wherever he wants, without a sense of stagnation, like an arm.


The night feather finger sword pointed towards a mound below, and the grass pheasant sword in front of him instantly turned into a white rainbow and hit the mound.

The mound resembles tofu and is cut open in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Yu's finger sword pointed to another mound.


For a moment, sword light flew and rocks splashed.

"Rocks are dead things, and attacking dead things simply cannot reflect the power of my imperial sword art."

Ye Yu stopped moving and his mind turned.

Soon, he had new ideas.

Night Feather manipulated the clay bird to land on the ground, his hands sealed.

"The Art of Multiple Shadow Doppelganger"

In the next second, more than a dozen shadow doppelgangers appeared out of thin air.

The body of the night feather quickly pinched out an equal number of clay flying birds.

Soon, above the sky of the Origin Sphere space, there were more than a dozen huge clay birds hovering.

On the back of each clay flying bird, there stood a shadow doppelganger of a night feather.

And the body of the night feather, mixed in it.

However, unlike the shadow avatar, there is a flying sword suspended in front of the body of the night feather.

Yes, he wants to use the shadow avatar to practice the imperial sword art.


With Ye Yu's order, more than a dozen shadow doppelgangers, manipulating their respective clay birds, flew away rapidly.

After the shadow avatars left some distance, Night Feather's finger sword pointed at the combination of a shadow avatar + clay bird in front of him.


The grass pheasant sword immediately turned into a white rainbow and flew over quickly.

"Lying groove, why did you kill me first."

After sensing the danger behind him, the shadow doppelganger's face changed, and he hurriedly manipulated the clay birds under him to make an emergency avoidance.


The clay bird narrowly avoided the fleeting flying sword.

But without waiting for this shadow avatar to breathe a sigh of relief.

The flying sword that had just flown over, under the manipulation of the night feather's body, turned sharply and killed back towards the shadow doppelganger.

And the clay flying bird, under the manipulation of the shadow avatar, up and down, left and right, constantly dodging.

But soon, one could not dodge, and was pierced by a white rainbow.


The shadow doppelganger on the back of the clay bird immediately turned into a white smoke and dissipated.

And the clay bird also exploded.

Night Feather, who was standing on the back of the clay flying bird, glanced at the brilliant fireworks, so he turned away.

At this moment, the sunlight, explosions, and the back of the night feathers formed a gorgeous picture.

Ye Yu also blew his finger sword very dashingly.


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