Chapter 44 Uchiha Izumi opened her eyes

In the original play, Uchiha Izumi opened the Sharingan when she learned that her father died at the hands of the Nine-Tails during the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

At that time, Izumi Uchiha was 5 years old.

That is to say, Uchiha Izumi’s talent is already very strong.

Yoruha wants to let 4-year-old Uchiha Izumi open the Sharingan, and does not need to prepare anything extra, just let Uchiha Izumi be stimulated to a certain extent.

But Yoruha can’t really kill her father in order to help Uchiha Izumi open the Sharingan.

So, Yoruha plans to use illusion on Uchiha Izumi.

Can illusion help the Uchiha family open the Sharingan?

The answer is yes.

In “Itachi True Story”, 7-year-old Sasuke Uchiha witnessed the whole process of Uchiha Itachi killing his parents in “Tsukiyo Yori”, thus opening the Sharingan.

This can show that if the illusion is real enough and powerful enough, it can also allow the Uchiha family to open the chakra eye.

Although Ye Yu can’t read monthly.

But he possesses a blood succession limit that can dominate the five senses of others.


In the past two years, every time Ye Yu entered Sunset Hong’s body, in addition to helping Sunset Red enhance his perception ability, he also brushed Sunset Hong’s best illusion by the way.

After that, Night Feather pulled the proficiency of illusion to the full level, and the illusion automatically upgraded to the Blood Succession Limit – the art that dominates the five senses

This blood succession limit is exactly the ability of Kurama Yakumo, a disciple of Sunset Red in the original play.

It can make people who have fallen for illusion receive real damage.

Naturally, it can also allow people who have fallen into illusion to experience the most real pain and despair.

Yoruha intends to use the [Technique of Dominating the Five Senses] to create an illusion to help Uchiha Senmi open the Sharingan:


Izumi Uchiha, who has a beauty mole under the corner of her eye, is practicing shuriken at the training ground as usual.

Suddenly, a teenager appeared in front of him.

This boy is none other than Ye Yu.

“Manipulate the Five Senses!”

Yoruha silently unleashed an illusion on Uchiha Izumi.

Fantasy World….

Izumi Uchiha is still at the training ground, and Yoruha is still in front of her.

Everything around is exactly the same as the real world, as if it is copied and pasted, without any changes.

At this moment, even an experienced ninja may not know that he has unknowingly entered the world of illusion.

Not to mention, Izumi Uchiha, a four-year-old girl.

Izumi Uchiha gave Yoruha a polite smile and went home.

Time passes little by little in the fantasy world.

In the blink of an eye, two months passed, and the third Ninja World War broke out.

All the ninjas in the village who are ninja and above will all join the war.

Izumi Uchiha’s father also went to war with him.

Although Izumi Uchiha is only four years old, she already knows the cruelty of war.

Every day, she worries about her father with her mother, hoping that he will return safely.

Half a year later, Uchiha Izumi’s father returned safely.

The moment she saw her father return, Uchiha Izumi was extremely happy in her heart.

In this way, the family lived a happy and beautiful life again.

But suddenly one day, the whole village fell into chaos, there were screams and shouts everywhere, and there was a very oppressive atmosphere in the air.

Even the sky was an unusual blood red.

Uchiha Izumi’s father returned home in a hurry.

Izumi’s mother asked, “What happened?” ”

Izumi her father said: “It’s the Nine Tails, the Nine Tails ran out, they are wreaking havoc, the third generation of Hokage-sama has given an order, we are going to stop the Nine Tails.” ”

Izumi’s mother was full of worry, and she stopped talking.

Quanmei’s father touched Quanmei’s head and smiled softly at the mother and daughter: “Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.” ”

After that, Izumi and her father left the house.

Izumi looked at her father’s back as she left, and her heart suddenly became empty, as if something was about to leave her.

A long two hours passed.

The Izumi family received a bad news.

Her father died in battle.

At this moment, Izumi only felt incomparably painful.

In the next instant, Uchiha Izumi’s eyes changed.

I saw that the original black eyes turned scarlet.

Above those scarlet eyes, two gouyu appeared.

As soon as you open your eyes, it is a double-hook jade writing wheel eye.

At the same time, the illusion is lifted.

The world through Uchiha Izumi’s eyes has changed dramatically

I saw that everything in front of her disappeared, replaced by the training ground she was familiar with.

And in front of her, there was still the boy who had never seen before.

Uchiha Izumi just glanced at Yoruha, and then fainted.

“Only 4 years old, I am a double hook jade at the beginning, this talent is indeed good.”

“However, this memory has to be sealed for you.”

Yoruha was too lazy to write the plot, and directly compiled what happened in the future year of the original drama into a fantasy realm to stimulate Uchiha Izumi to open his eyes.

Although this world has the ability of the Great Toad Immortal to predict the future.

But for the sake of safety, he still sealed this memory of Uchiha Izumi.

“Uchiha Izumi’s chakra eye is open.”

“Then it’s my turn to brush the proficiency of the wheel eye.”

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