Chapter 57 Jiraiya

“Ye Yu, come and eat dango together!”

Just as Yoruha went to Konoha Onsen to find Jiraiya, he met Matkai and Tamai Genma on the way.

Matkai and Buchi Genma are eating three-color dango in the dango shop.

This is a famous snack in Konoha.

“You guys eat, I have something.”

Yoruha waved his hand at Matt Kai and Ignorant Genma.

Seeing the night feather’s burning appearance, Matkai and Unknown Fire Genma looked at each other.

Soon, the two of them divided by two by three, quickly finished eating the three-color dango in their hands, and then quickly chased towards the night feather in front.

“Ye Yu, wait for us.”

Seeing that Matkai and Unknown Fire Genma were catching up, Ye Yu asked in surprise, “Why are you here?” ”

“We just have nothing to do, see what help you have here, we need help.”

Matkay grinned and showed his shining teeth and said in a sincere tone.

“I don’t need your help, but since you’re here, let’s go together.”

Night Feather is also different from looking for Orochimaru.

There is nothing to hide.

Metkai and Buji Genma were kind enough to help, but Ye Yu didn’t stop it.

Soon, Ye Yu took Matkai and Unknown Fire Genma to a place not far from Jirai.

“Hot spring bath? You come to take a bath? ”

Looking at the Konoha Onsen in front of him, Matkai looked puzzled.

“I came looking for someone, did I see that person?”

Yoruto soon found Jiraiya.

Sure enough, Jiraiya was hiding on the hillside behind the women’s bathhouse, peeking with a telescope.

Matkai and Unknown Fire Genma looked in the direction of Yafea’s finger.

Soon, they saw a lewd man, peeping and laughing.

Seeing this scene, the righteous Matkay immediately rushed over and flew up with a kick.

“What kind of person, peeping here.”

Jiraiya was watching vigorously, and did not notice the Metkay who suddenly rushed over.

By the time he noticed it, Matkai’s foot had already kicked Jiraiya’s face.


With a loud noise, Zi Laiye’s whole person flew out upside down.


The huge movement here soon alarmed the female customers in the bathhouse.

For a moment, chickens fly and dogs jump.


A few minutes later, inside the men’s bathhouse.

Matt Kay apologized vigorously.

“Lord Jiraiya, I thought it was some lustful ghost peeping, it turned out to be you, I’m very sorry!”

Hearing Matkai’s apology, Jiraiya, who was half immersed in the hot spring, twitched at the corner of his mouth.

“You’re the son of that guy Dai, it’s been this old in a few years.”

Although Jiraiya has been traveling abroad for several years.

But Matt Kai and Matt wear exactly the same clothes, and they are particularly recognizable.

Jiraiya recognized Metkay at a glance.

After receiving Metkai’s confirmation, Jiraiya set his eyes on Yobana and Genma, who were also soaking in the hot spring on the opposite side.

“Which of these two?”

“They are my companions, Yoruha, who don’t know the fire genma.”

Matt Kay hurriedly introduced.

“Night feathers…”

Zi Lai also scratched his chin and thought for a moment, then looked at Ye Yu and said: “Listen to the three generations, there is a blood succession limit of the time and space class in the village, it’s you.” ”


Ye Yu nodded, and then immediately put forward his real purpose for coming here: “Teacher Zilaiye, I want to go to Miaomu Mountain to learn the immortal mode, and I need your introduction.” ”

Jiraiya didn’t care that Yoruha called himself Jiraiya-sensei.

In Konoha, junior ninjas call older ninjas or so-and-so seniors, such as Yamato calling Kakashi-senpai Kakashi-senpai.

Either call so-and-so sensei, such as Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura, etc., call Matkai Kai-sensei, Thick Eyebrow-sensei…

What I also care about is the second half of Ye Yu’s sentence.

“You want to learn Immortal Mode? Learning the Immortal Mode requires not only talent, but also a huge Chakra…”

Miaomu Mountain does not prohibit humans from going to practice, so Jiraiya did not show resistance to Ye Yu’s desire to go to Myoki Mountain to practice immortal mode.

Next to the toad pond in Myomu Mountain, there are many stone statues of toads.

Those were the forerunners who failed to practice the Immortal Mode.

How dangerous and difficult it is to cultivate the Immortal Mode.

I have also experienced it firsthand.

Therefore, he subconsciously wanted to let Ye Yu retreat.

But Jiraiya’s words are not finished.

Night Feather burst out with a powerful Chakra.


I saw that the terrifying momentum, centered on the night feather, swept the audience in an instant.

At this moment, the two people who were closest to Ye Yu and Unknown Fire Genma were shocked by the momentum emanating from Ye Yu’s body.

“This guy… What a huge Chakra…”

Jiraiya’s voice stopped abruptly, and he looked at Ye Yu with a serious face.

The most basic condition for practicing the immortal mode is that the cultivator needs a huge amount of chakra.

Otherwise, the energy of nature will swallow it completely.

Right now, Night Feather showed his terrifying chakra volume.

He also knew that Ye Yu had the qualifications to practice the Immortal Mode.

But even so, Jiraiya was still not ready to agree to Ye Yu.

He’s busy.

He was busy “taking materials”, how could he have time to take Ye Yu to Miaomu Mountain.

“Your Chakra amount does meet the conditions for cultivating the Immortal Mode.”

“But I just returned to the village, and I’m very busy.”

Zi Lai also waved his hand and said.

Ye Yu sighed: It seems that those three steps will be used after all.

He glanced at Metkai, who still looked like a child, and Ignorant Genma.

The next words are not suitable for children.

So he used “sound transmission”

This is one of the abilities that the [Spiritual Transformation] has been upgraded to transmit sounds and images directly to the souls of others.

Similar to the Fourth Ninja World War, Yamanaka Haichi directly conveyed the strategic deployment to the ninja coalition forces on the battlefield.

“Jiraiya-sensei, as long as you introduce me to me, I will teach you a ninjutsu that interests you very much.”

Yoruha’s voice sounded directly in Jiraiya’s mind.

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