Chapter 58 Tsunade

Am I interested in ninjutsu?

Zi Lai also heard Ye Yu’s voice and pouted disdainfully.

In Jiraiya’s opinion, he has traveled for so many years, what kind of ninjutsu has not seen

And Yoruha is only half the size of the child, what ninjutsu can he be interested in?

But soon, the tea that Jiraiya had just drunk instantly spurted out, and then his breathing became heavy.

Only because Ye Yu used the upgraded version of [Spiritual Transformation Technique] to send an image to Jiraiya

The content in the image is exactly the three steps that Ye Yu took to get Jiraiya

Step 1: Use the Multi-Shadow Doppelganger

Step 2: Use the transformation technique to turn the shadow avatar into a beauty

Step 3: Let the beauty transformed by the shadow doppelganger rub her shoulders and legs for her body

As a senior LSP, the moment he saw this image, he understood the true use of this “ninjutsu”.

Let the beautiful women who the shadow avatar turn into rub their shoulders and pinch their legs, that’s just pediatrics, and their real usage is….

“You’re really a genius…”

Jiraiya showed an extremely admiring expression towards Yoruha, and then rubbed his hands, and said to Yoruha with a lewd look: “Can you become the appearance of Tsunade…”

Jiraiya’s words came out directly.

However, before Jiraiya’s words were finished, a female voice full of anger came from the air.

“Jiraiya, what do you want to do when you make Yoba become my appearance?”

Looking at the sound, I saw a woman with an extremely hot figure and turbulent waves in front of her, and she walked over angrily.

This woman is none other than Tsunade.


Seeing that Tsunade actually came over at this time, and happened to hear his own words, he was also frightened.

He knew how violent Tsunade really was.

Once because he was lazy in the bathhouse, he was broken several ribs by Tsunade.

He didn’t want to be beaten by Tsunade again.

“Tsunade, this is a men’s bathhouse…”

Jiraiya hurriedly spoke up to stop Tsunade from messing around.

But where does Tsunade care if this is a men’s bathhouse.

She and Zilai have known each other for so long, and she knows nothing more about what kind of temperament Zilai has.

Although Jiraiya’s words were not finished, she interrupted Jiraiya’s words.

But she still doesn’t know where to make Ye Yu become her appearance, what kind of idea is it.


Just as Jiraiya wanted to continue saying something, Tsunade bombarded it with a punch.

As the granddaughter of the original Hokage, she is also proficient in medical ninjutsu.

Her punch was extraordinary.


With an earth-shattering noise, the earth cracked, and the entire hot spring pool split in two.

Fortunately, he also dodged quickly, otherwise, this punch would have to lie in the hospital for months if he didn’t die.

“Tsunade, calm down!”

Zi Lai also hurriedly persuaded.

“I thought that after so many years of traveling, you would have some strength, but I didn’t expect it to be the same…”

Tsunade flew up and kicked again

Jiraiya flashed again, Tsunade kicked the wall, and the wall was like paper paste, and it collapsed in an instant.


A few minutes later, Jiraiya, who was hit by Tsunade, calmed Tsunade’s anger.

“It hurts, you’re still the same,”

he said

Jiraiya, who had a cotton swab on his nose, grinned at Tsunade.

“You deserve it, who let you teach bad children.”

Tsunade clasped his hands to his chest and said domineeringly.

I teach bad boys?

Jiraiya heard Tsunade’s words, glanced at Yoruha, and cried out for wrong.

He wanted to explain that it was Yoba who taught him to use the shadow avatar + transformation technique to turn into a beauty.

But seeing that Ye Yu was only 12 years old, he knew that it was useless to explain himself.

I had to sigh helplessly.

“What are you coming to me for?”

Jiraiya also knew that Tsunade couldn’t just be passing by, and must have come specifically to find himself.

And the actual situation is indeed as Ji Lai guessed

Tsunade came to find Jiraiya on purpose.

As a result, when I came to the hot spring, I heard Jiraiya’s anti-heavenly remarks.

“Fukasaku-sama of Myoki Mountain is here, and he is now with the teacher.”


Hearing this name, Jiraiya also thought: “Lord Fukasaku rarely leaves Mount Myoki, what is he doing in Konoha?”

“I don’t know, you’ll know if you go.”

Tsunade spread his hands.

At the same time, Yoruha’s heart moved when he heard the name “Fukasaku”.

He knew that Fukasaku was Miaomu Mountain in charge of screening cultivators.

If you can find a deep work, you can go directly to Miaomu Mountain to participate in the trial.

Immediately, Yoruha greeted Metkai, and without knowing that the two of them greeted him, he followed Jiraiya and Tsunade towards the Hokage Office Building.

Jiraiya also knew the reason why Yoruha came over, he deliberately lagged a few positions behind Tsunade, came to Yoruha’s side, and said to Yoruha in a low voice: “That ninjutsu you just said…”

“What are you muttering?”

Tsunade paused and looked sideways at Jiraiya and asked.

“No, nothing.”

Jiraiya laughed.

Soon, Yoruha, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and the three arrived at the Hokage office building.

I saw a “palanquin” parked in front of the office building.

The white beard and white eyebrows were standing in the “palanquin”, and the three generations of Naruto Sape Hibiki and a group of Konoha ninjas were waiting on the side.

Seeing Yoruha, Jiraiya, and Tsunade walking over, Fukasaku greeted from afar, “Little Jiraiya, you’re finally here!”

Xiao Zilaiya, for this title of Fukasaku, everyone present did not feel that there was anything wrong.

Since he is also among human beings, his age is not small

But in front of Fukasaku, who is hundreds of years old, it is indeed small.

He calls Jiraiya Xiaojiraiya, which is normal.

“Lord Fukasaku, if you have anything, just notify me directly with the contact frog, why bother to run it yourself?”

Jiraiya came to stand in front of Fukasaku’s palanquin and said aloud.

“It’s the order of the grandfather.”

Hearing Shen Zuo’s words, Zi Lai’s expression moved.

Without waiting for himself to speak, Fukasaku continued: “Grandpa-sama predicted that there will be a young man in Konoha Village who will go to Myoki Mountain to practice, and he asked me to pick it up.”

“Kojiraiya, do you know who in Konoha recently wants to go to the teenager of Myoki Mountain?”

As soon as Fukasaku’s words fell, Jiraiya’s gaze brushed and fell on Ye Yu, who came over behind.

It wouldn’t be such a coincidence

This kid just told me that he was going to Miaomu Mountain to practice the immortal mode, and Master Shenzuo would pick up people.

And Ye Yu was also stunned.

But soon, he was relieved.

He knew that the Great Toad Immortal had the ability to prophesy, and he must have predicted something.

“It’s really sleepy, and someone sent pillows.”

“It seems that without me saying anything, you can directly go to Miaomu Mountain to practice immortal mode.”

After Ye Yu was relieved, a surprise followed.

Find Jiraiya and Fukasaku by yourself, just to go to Myoki Mountain.

As a result, the people of Myoku Mountain were also looking for him.

What is a surprise, this is a surprise!

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