Chapter 15

It had been a month since Orochimaru handed the Forbidden Scroll to Yoruha.

In the past month, Orochimaru stopped the other research projects in his hand and devoted all his energy to Bai Jue's research.

There is this perfect sample in white.

The Great Snake Pill has advanced by leaps and bounds in the research of the original Hokage cells.


Orochimaru secret research base.

In the dim underground laboratory, in addition to the owner of the big snake pill, there were two other people at this time.

These two, one wearing an exclusive mask of Konoha's dark part.

The other is the leader of the Dark Division, Shimura Danzo.

Over the years, the taboo experiments carried out by the Great Snake Pill are indispensable to the covert support of Shimura Danzo.

And Shimura Danzo supports the research of the Great Snake Pill and also has his own thoughts.

The dim light of the fire flickered in the basement, and Shimura Danzo, who wrapped a white scarf around his head, squinted one eye, looked at the big snake pill on the opposite side, and asked in a displeased tone: "So, you called me over, what happened?" "

"Hehe, of course there is an experiment to show you."

Orochimaru didn't care at all about Shimura Danzo's attitude, and he said with a happy smile on his face.

It's just that smile, in this dim basement, seems so oozing.

"What experiment?" Shimura Danzo asked.

Orochimaru did not answer, but glanced towards the members of the dark department behind Shimura's group hiding.

Shimura Danzo agreed, looking towards the members of the dark department behind him.

"Tuan, Master Tuanzo..."

The member of the dark division seemed to know what was going to happen next, and then shouted at Shimura Danzo in a tone of horror and pleading.

But before he could finish his words, a poisonous snake had already bitten his neck.

Soon, the member of the Dark Division fainted.

Orochimaru manipulated the large snake to entangle the body of the Dark Division, moving it to the test bench.


Orochimaru held a knife and directly cut off one of the arms of the dark member, and then he installed a pure white arm prepared on the broken arm of the dark member.

The whole process is only a few tens of seconds.

Shimura Danzo on the side watched the whole process expressionlessly.

When Orochimaru stopped the movement in his hand, Shimura Danzo looked at the pure white arm and asked, "This is?" "

The big snake pill's mouth cracked a little bit: "The arm of the original Hokage cell culture." "

As soon as these words came out, Tuan Zang, who had been expressionless, suddenly changed his face: "You succeeded? "

The progress of the Great Snake Pill's research on the original Hokage Cell, Tuan Zang has always been very clear.

Over the years, except for a child named Tenzo, who transplanted the cells of the original Hokage and did not die, all the other experimental subjects died violently.

Half a year ago, Orochimaru also said to Tuan Zang that it would take several years to completely overcome the rejection reaction of the original Hokage Cell.

But right now, the big snake pill completed the research of the first generation of Hokage cells without a sound.

This greatly surprised Tuan Zang.

Where did Tuan Zang know that if the original historical process was followed, the Great Snake Pill really overcame the rejection of the original Hokage Cell a few years later.

But now, with the white jue provided by Night Feather as experimental material.

The big snake pill had only completed this study many years in advance.

It stands to reason that Orochimaru completed this research, and as a collaborator, Tuan Zang should be happy.

But right now, Tuanzang is not only unhappy.

There was even some anger in my heart.

He felt that the Great Snake Pill had completely escaped from his control.

He knew that the big snake pill was a poisonous snake that would bite at any time.

He cooperated with Orochimaru, thinking that he could control this poisonous snake.

Now, however, something unexpected happened.

"Didn't you say it would take a few more years?" Danzo asked in a questioning tone.

"Hehe, I got help from a certain guy."

Orochimaru did not intend to help Yoruha keep it secret.

However, he has a great interest in Ye Yu.

Until he has finished digging up the secrets of the night feather, he does not intend to sell the night feather completely.

Therefore, he only slightly revealed that someone helped him in his research on the original Hokage cell.

For the big snake pill's answer, Tuan Zang was very dissatisfied.

But he was helpless.

He just squinted his eyes, took a deep look at the big snake pill, and then turned and left the laboratory.

"Hehe, Ye Yu, next, let me see what secrets this guy of yours is hiding."

After Danzo left, the image of the night feather immediately appeared in the mind of the big snake pill.

He stuck out his tongue and licked the corners of his mouth, with an oozing smile on his face.

This month, in addition to research, the big snake pill also took time to investigate the information of Xia Ye Yu.

The information shows that the night feather is very normal.

But it was this that was very normal and made the big snake pill feel abnormal.

Can a normal shinobi be able to sustain so many rounds in his Great Snake Pill's hands without defeat?

If Yoru knew that Orochimaru was so interested in himself because of this, he would definitely retort loudly: "Depend, where am I abnormal, you think I am not normal, it is because you have not seen the scene of two Konoha Shinobi fighting and the sky is shattered.

(Thanks to [Longhaiy] for the tip support)

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