Chapter 16: The Art of Flying Thunder God

Ding, congratulations to the host [100 shots] proficiency +1

Ding, congratulations to the host [perception] proficiency +1

Ding, congratulations to the host [Flying Thunder God Art] proficiency +1


In the woods where Night Feather usually cultivates, I saw a row of Night Feather's shadow doppelgangers, and first threw the Ku Wu marked with the Flying Thunder God Technique in his hand towards the big tree in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Qi launched the Flying Thunder God Technique, and instantly moved to the landing point of Ku Wu.

It's these two simple steps.

In the past five days, Ye Yu has not only brushed the proficiency of [Flying Thunder God Art] to 77%.

And by the way, he also brushed the [Shuriken Art] to the full level, and obtained the ability called [Hundred Shots].

This is not over, when using the Flying Thunder God Technique, you need to use the perception ability to accurately locate the Ku Wu marked with the Flying Thunder God Technique.

This led to the fact that Ye Yu's [perception] proficiency was also rising.

With the improvement of [perception] proficiency, Ye Yu's perception accuracy and perception range have been greatly improved.

If you don't consider accuracy, if Night Feather tries his best to expand the range of perception, he can almost envelop a small country.

Of course, there is still a lot of gap between this and the second and fourth generations of Hokage during the Fourth Ninja World War.

After all, these two people, in the ancestral hall of Konoha Village at that time, sensed the battlefield tens of thousands of miles away.

However, the night feather has only just begun.

As his [perception] proficiency continues to increase, his range of perception will also continue to expand.

It was only a matter of time before his perception ability was raised to the level of the second and fourth generations.

There will even be a day that covers the whole world.


Let's get back to business.

Listen to the constant sound of system prompts and watch the rising proficiency of the system panel.

Ye Yu's mood, that is incomparably wonderful

It turns out that everything is afraid of contrast.

Previously, brushing the [Spiritual Art], in three weeks, only increased the proficiency of the [Spiritual Art] to 35%.

This gave the night feather a suffocating feeling of entering a low-oxygen environment.

Now, in five days, the proficiency of the [Flying Thunder God Art] has been brushed to 77%.

This familiar speed, this familiar feeling.

It gives the night feather a refreshing feeling of returning from low oxygen to the normal environment.

"Sure enough, using multiple shadow avatar brush proficiency is the right way!"

As he spoke, Ye Yu dissolved the multiple shadow doppelganger.

Bang bang bang -

With a stream of white smoke, the shadow doppelgangers in the woods all dissipated.

And the body of the night feather was immediately put on a "weak" buff.

"Ahem, it's cool to use multiple shadow avatar brush proficiency, but the feeling of being hollowed out every time after refreshing is really uncomfortable!"

Saying that, Ye Yu hurriedly stuffed a soldier grain pill into his mouth, and his gaze fell on the system panel.

I saw that the proficiency of [Chakra Extraction] has risen from 45% a month ago to 75%.

The progress is basically the same as before, basically maintaining a daily growth of 1%.

"25 days, it will take another 25 days, Chakra extraction proficiency will reach the full level, and then I will no longer have to endure this feeling of my body being hollowed out."

Ye Yu shouted in his heart.

After resting for about an hour, Night Feather was ready to release the proficiency of the Multiple Shadow Doppelganger to brush another round of Flying Thunder God Art.

Just as he raised his hands to make a seal, a chakra appeared in his perception.

"Since you're here, show up, Orochimaru!"

Ye Yu lowered his hands, turned to look somewhere, and said in a loud voice.

At this moment, Ye Yu didn't even call the teacher.

Directly call the name of the big snake pill.

If it weren't for his acquisition of perception ability and improvement of his proficiency in perception ability, it would really be difficult to detect the arrival of the Great Snake Pill.

"Hmph, perception is very sharp!"

Orochimaru jumped down from a large tree, not ashamed in the slightest that his "secret observation" behavior was discovered.

Instead, he smiled and praised Yoruha.

"Is there something wrong with me?" Ye Yu asked casually while thinking about the meaning of the big snake pill.

"I want to know, where did you meet the experimental subjects you gave me?" Orochimaru originally wanted to observe Night Feather, but now that he was discovered by Night Feather, he had to say another purpose for finding Night Feather.

Hearing the words of the big snake pill, Ye Yu's heart moved.

The last time he saw the Great Snake Pill Grass Pheasant Sword, Ye Yu wanted to get the production and manipulation method of the Great Snake Pill Grass Pheasant Sword.

Thus using the system liver to use the skill of a [Imperial Sword Art].

It's just that at that time, Orochimaru was too hostile to him.

Therefore, when he exchanged Bai Jue, he only mentioned the forbidden art, and did not mention the method of making and manipulating the grass pheasant sword.

Now, the big snake pill took the initiative to come to the door.

Ye Yu don't want to be in vain: "Yes, I need the method of making and manipulating the grass pheasant sword." "

If it weren't for the big snake pill to maintain his character, he would probably have come to the next sentence: Lying groove, it's too much, I'm just asking you for directions, you actually want me to make and control secret weapons.

Seeing that the big snake pill's face was a little gloomy, Ye Yu hurriedly said: "The grass pheasant sword is dispensable to me, but the place where I encountered Bai Jue is very remote, and you can't find that place without me giving you directions." "

White absolute?!

Orochimaru secretly wrote down the name.

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