Chapter 26

Time flew by, and four days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past four days, Ye Yu has not only brushed the proficiency of [Hypergravity Training] to the full level, but also successfully upgraded it to [Hypergravity Adaptation].

Moreover, he also used the technique of multiple shadow avatars to reach the full level of proficiency in [Ninja Forging].

Ye Yu pulled the [Ninja Forge], naturally to make the grass pheasant sword.

It had been a week since he obtained the method of making and manipulating the Grass Pheasant Sword from the hands of the Great Snake Pill.

However, it wasn't until last night that Night Feather made the Grass Pheasant Sword.

Originally, the purpose of exchanging the method of making and manipulating the Grass Pheasant Sword from Orochimaru was to turn his liver into a sword technique.

Therefore, when making the grass pheasant sword, he deliberately made the style of the grass pheasant sword into the appearance of a flying sword.

This grass pheasant sword does not have any bells and whistles.

Some are just hard enough.

In addition, Night Feather also imprinted the Flying Thunder God Technique on the inside of the hilt.

In the future, he will not only be able to use this flying sword to take the first level of a person thousands of miles away, but also be able to use the Flying Thunder God Art to rush over in an instant and retrieve the first level of a person.



Although Ye Yu wanted to immediately give the "Imperial Sword Art" to his liver after making the Grass Pheasant Sword.

However, today is the day of the Chūnin exam.

The plan for the Imperial Sword Art had to be temporarily put on hold.

Early that morning, after Ye Yu finished cultivating today's [Chakra Cultivation Method], he came to the assembly place near Konoha Academy.

As soon as they came over, Matkai and Unknown Fire Genma were waiting where.

"Ye Yu, Teacher Tangdong has already come, and he let us go directly to the examination room with the qualification form."

Seeing Ye Yu coming over, the unknown fire genma with "a thousand needles" in his mouth was the first to speak.

The Chūnin exam in this period was still a little different from Naruto Uzumaki's Chūnin exam in that period.

First of all, the people who took the Naka Shinobi exam were all Konoha's shinobi, and there were no ninjas from other villages.

After all, not long after the Second Ninja World War, the ninjas between the five major powers still hated each other.

Even if it's good to meet and not fight each other, how can you let ninjas from other villages enter Konoha Village to take the Naka Ninja Exam.

Secondly, in the Second Ninja World War, Konoha lost a lot of backbone, and in order to fill this part of the strength, the Zhongnin exam in this period was far less rigorous than in later generations.

It is absolutely impossible for a situation like Naruto Uzumaki's Chūnin exam, where hundreds of Shinobi took the exam, and in the end, only Shikamaru alone succeeded in becoming a Chūnin.

Not strict is not strict.

But if you perform very poorly in all three exams, Konoha's top brass still won't let you become a shinobi.

For example...

"Obito, don't you know that today is the day to take the Zhongnin exam?" Kakashi, who was wearing a mask, said in a stern tone to Uchiha Obito on the side.

Uchiha took off his goggles and carefully put a few drops of eye drops into his eyes, and after doing this, he said to Kakashi: "You know, I didn't say it, I saw an old woman on the road about to cross the road, and I came a little late to help her cross the road." "

"Are you a little bit of this? Ninjas who don't follow the rules are waste..."

"Who do you say is waste?"

Nohara Rin on the side saw that Kakashi and Uchiha Obito had a tendency to do it, and she immediately pulled away from the two and said helplessly: "Well, you two don't quarrel anymore." "

As he spoke, Kakashi, Uchiha Obito, and Rin Nohara had already pushed open the door of a classroom and walked in.

At this time, there were already many candidates who had taken the Zhongnin exam in the classroom.

On the podium, there was also a middle-aged examiner.

Earlier, the examiner seemed to be speaking.

But at this moment, the examiner stopped speaking, and the eyes of the examinees all fell on Kakashi and the three in unison.

Because she was stared at by so many people because she was late, Nohara Rin, who had a thinner skin, looked embarrassed.

"Go in, find your place and sit down."

The examiner glanced at the three Kakashi and said casually.

"Kakashi, here and here..."

Matkai immediately stood up, pointed to an empty seat diagonally behind him, and said to Kakashi.

Before Kakashi and the three of them could sit down, the examiner's voice sounded again in the classroom.

He talked about nothing more than the rules of this first exam.

Before Yawa finished listening to what the examiner said, he knew that this one was similar to the first of Naruto Uzumaki's Chūnin exam.

They are all about the intelligence gathering ability of ninjas.

Sure enough, after the exam officially began, Ye Yu and other candidates received a very difficult examination paper.

In order to be able to complete this examination paper, the candidates in the classroom began to show their talents.

Someone uses bugs to gather answers.

There are also people who use dogs to deliver messages.

What's more, with snakes


One second Xi Rihong was still answering questions seriously, and the next second, a familiar voice sounded in his mind.

"Yo, Red!"

Sure enough, Sunset Red saw Night Feather again in his golden spiritual world.

"What about the exam, how did you enter my body?"

Sunset ruby-like eyes looked at Ye Yu and said playfully.

"I have a few questions that I can't do, I'll ask you."

Ye Yu said seriously.

If it was left in normal times, Xi Rihong might really believe that Ye Yu entered her body to ask questions.

But right now in the exam.

Come and ask for advice at this time.

Are you asking for advice? You're copying someone else's answer.

"Bah, it's the first time I've heard someone say cheating so nicely."

Sunset Hong snorted lightly, and then said with a smile on his eyebrows.

Ye Yu just smiled and didn't answer.

Immediately, she manipulated Sunset Hong's body and began to watch the answers she wrote.

"The body will be returned to you first, and I will come back later."

After reading the answer, Ye Yu lifted the Spiritual Transformation Technique and left Sunset Hong's body.

"What is the body returned to me, this is originally my body."

Sunset Red muttered in her mind.


The soul returned to its body, and Yoruha immediately began to transcribe the answer that had just appeared.

After writing, Ye Yu glanced in the direction where Matkai was with the afterglow of his eyes.

Unexpectedly, Matt Kay was actually writing a book.

Night Feather originally planned to use space movement to help Matkay.

Unexpectedly, Metkay did not need his own help at all.

Thinking of the original play, Matt Kai eventually became a shinobi.

Ye Yu was relieved.

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