Chapter 27 Wave Feng Shuimen!

"It's time, the exam is over!"

The first exam lasted only an hour, and when the time came, the examiner stood up and shouted.

"Damn, there is no time at all!"

"These questions are also too difficult, not at all."


Those candidates who did not understand the real purpose of this exam reluctantly put down their pens and complained softly.

Fortunately, this time the Zhongnin exam implemented an examination system, not an elimination system.

Therefore, after the first exam, there was no large-scale elimination of candidates.

Just as the candidates were talking, there was suddenly an extra person on the podium.

It was as if this person had appeared out of thin air.

I saw this person wearing the uniform of Konoha Kami-Shinobi.

The most conspicuous thing is his broken blonde hair.

The moment they saw this person, several people in Kakashiban's class exclaimed, "Watergate-sensei?!" "

Yes, this person is Bofeng Shuimen.

Although the real fame of Bofeng Shuimen in the ninja world was after the third ninja world war.

But at this time, Bofeng Shuimen, with his handsome appearance, gentle personality, and strong strength, still has a high popularity among the ninjas in Konoha Village.

Seeing the appearance of Bofeng Shuimen, the eyes of all the exams fell on him.

"Why is Teacher Watergate here?"

"The way he appeared just now was so handsome."

"That's the Flying Thunder God Technique, it appeared in a flash."


The person who said that Bofeng Shuimen appeared handsome, it was Mitarai red beans.

Yoruha seriously suspected that Naruto Uzumaki's appearance in the Chūnin exam and Mitarashi Red Bean was affected by the way Wave Feng Shui Gate appeared.

She also wants to have a wave of handsome appearances.

It's just a pity that it's cold.

"I am the chief examiner of the second exam of this Zhongnin Exam, Bofeng Shuimen."

"Next, please go to the 44th practice ground, the official start time of the exam is 1 hour later, so don't be late."

Bo Feng Shuimen announced to the group of candidates in a calm tone.

"Then, see you later!"

After speaking, the figure of Bofeng Shuimen disappeared out of thin air.

As soon as the wave feng shui gate left, the candidates suddenly exploded.

"It turns out that Watergate teacher was the examiner of the second exam."

"The art of flying thunder god is too handsome, it appears and disappears again, I also want to learn."


The examinees were talking as they walked outside the examination room.

In the crowd, Matkai glanced at Ye Yu.

Because he knew that Night Feather would also fly the Thunder God Technique.

Only, he didn't say much.

Yobane saw Metkay look over, and then he looked back.

Matkay gave a thumbs up to Night Feather and split his mouth, revealing his shining white teeth.


Looking at this scene, Ye Yu's eyelids couldn't help twitching.

"Gone, Kai, Ye Yu, it will take a lot of time to get from here to the 44th drill ground."

With a "thousand needles" in his mouth, he greeted Ye Yu and Matkai, and then the three of them rushed directly towards the 44th training ground.


44th Drill Ground, alias Forest of Death.

It is also the examination room for the second session of the Chūnin exam in the original play.

When the three of Ye Yu arrived, many candidates gathered outside the fenced practice ground.

And on the fence hangs a banner:

The second session of the Chūnin Exam - Class Confrontation Battle

Obviously, the second exam consisted of a team battle between two groups.

When there were still 5 minutes left before the exam, the figure of Bofeng Shuimen appeared in front of the candidates again.

"Now I announce the rules for the second exam."

Bofeng Shuimen stood directly below the banner, facing a group of candidates.

Immediately, he raised his right arm, pointed to the banner behind him with his thumb, and said: "As you can see, the second exam was a group confrontation. ’

"Before the exam officially starts, each group sends one person to me for the lottery."

"Two teams drawn with the same serial number will play against each other in the examination room, and the serial number represents the order of appearance."

After Bo Feng Shuimen's words, each group sent a person over to draw lots.

"The draw of lots to decide the opponent, isn't it very convenient for the white eyes of the Hyuga family?"

With a "thousand needles" in his mouth, he put his hands on the back of his head, looked at the drawing device over there, and complained in a lazy tone.

"Teacher Watergate is staring there, how can you open your eyes?"

A candidate heard the spit of the unknown fire genma, and immediately retorted.

"Ye Yu, Kai, who in our group will draw lots?"

I don't know that Huo Genma asked Ye Yu and Matkai again.

"Me me me!"

Matkai volunteered, and then walked very excitedly towards the place where the Bofeng Shui Gate was.


At the same time, Nohara Rin of Kakashiban, that was anxious.

Because, Uchiha Obito of their class was late again.

"Obito, why haven't you come yet?"

Nohara Rin, standing on tiptoe, looked hard towards the path of the exercise ground.

"Lin, I have long told you not to get used to bringing soil, you are like this, his problem of being late will never be changed."

Kakashi said unpleasantly, and then said to Nohara Rin while walking in the direction where the Wave Feng Shui Gate was located, "I'll go and draw the signature first." "

Soon, Kakashi drew the number "1".

Looking at this number, Kakashi secretly said in his heart.

No. 1 represents the first appearance.

However, Uchiha Obito has not yet arrived.

Just as Kakashi was thinking about how to deal with this matter, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Kakashi, what number did you draw?" "

I saw that Matkai slipped over at an unknown time, and put his head in front of him to see his number plate.

After the number is drawn, it is not forbidden to be made public.

So Kakashi didn't hide it from Metkay either.

When Matkai saw Kakashi's number, his face was overjoyed: "Haha, Kakashi, we are really destined opponents." "

As he spoke, Matkai posed for a poss and held up the number plate in front of Kakashi.

I saw that Metkay's number plate also said "1"

Matkay's voice was already loud, plus he did not converge.

It's hard for Yoruha not to hear.

Seeing that Matkai and Kakashi drew the same serial number, Yafea also sighed: "It's really fate." "

In the original play, Kakashiban and Kaiban are matched.

And now, although there is a crossing of the night feather, it has changed the composition of Kaiban's personnel.

But this time the Zhongnin exam is still right.

(Moe new author asks for flowers and monthly pass support, thank you brothers.) )

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