Chapter 97: Eating, the store poured money?! Intercolumn: Security management fee, what is that?.


Senjuma wandered around the village alone. There was no one around him.

According to his words, he will look at wherever he wants, and it makes him uncomfortable for others to follow.

“The architecture of this shop is good!”

Senju stopped in front of a house and looked carefully. He saw a plaque hanging from the door of the house.

It says “Yakiniku Honkaku”. The thousand hand pillars bowed slightly.

The name of this shop is quite appropriate.

And the location of this shop is good, in the middle of the business district of the whole of Konoha.

Not only the business district, but also a vast meadow in the middle of the city, surrounded by high-rise buildings and a constant flow of people.

“The owner of this shop is very smart and knows to open the store in the middle of the business district.”

This can not only avoid the crowd, but also the price is relatively cheap, and at the end of the day, you can also make a lot of money in a day. Thousand Hand Pillar nodded.

He appreciated the boss’s approach.

At this time, his gaze fell on a familiar store. Ichiraku ramen?

Thousand hands walked over and pushed open the door of the store.

There is only a row of benches, and there is now a customer in the shop. It’s a young man.

The young man was picking up chopsticks and eating the dishes, while the other was a middle-aged uncle wearing a white chef’s hat and wiping the dishes

“Welcome, what do guests order?”

Hand asked with a smile.

“Give me a beef ramen.”

After looking at the menu, Senjukuma said.

“Okay! You wait, I’ll go and prepare it for you, please use it slowly! ”

After Uncle Ichiraku finished speaking, he left. Senjuju found a place in the store and sat down, looking at the young man opposite: “Hello!” ”


The young man turned his head to look at the Thousand Hand Pillar, and when he saw his face clearly, he showed a surprised expression.

“You… Why did you become the original Hokage? If it’s for fun, then I don’t think it’s fun at all! Hearing this, the face of the Thousand Hand Pillar changed, but then returned to normal and smiled slightly. ”

I didn’t expect that he had been dead for decades, and he was still so loved in Konoha.

“I’m sorry, I’ll change back!”

Immediately, he cast 28 transformations, and directly turned into the face of a very ordinary-looking Konoha ninja.

“Your transformation technique is really powerful, I haven’t learned it for decades!”

The youth gave a thumbs up,

“Speaking of which, you just turned into the first Hokage, but it scared me.”

Thousand Hand Pillar smiled and shook his head: “That’s really embarrassing!” By the way, what’s your name? ”

“You don’t even know my name?”

The young man looked at the Thousand Hand Pillar in amazement.


There was an embarrassment between the thousand hand pillars. Is this guy famous?

“This… I have been on missions outside the village for several years and have only now returned to Konoha. ”

Thousand Hand Pillar coughed dryly.

“Oh, so it is!”

The young man suddenly realized,

“My name is Matkay, please advise!”

Matkay opened his mouth, revealing shiny white teeth.

Matkay… How does this name feel familiar? Where does he seem to have heard it?

“I remember, you are… You are……!! ”

The eyes widened between the thousand hand pillars,

“You can be eight doors dunjia, right?”

Matkay was startled.

“That’s right!”

For him to know that he can be eight doors to Dun Jia, Matt Kai did not find it strange.

On the night of the Nine Tails, the momentum brought by his eight-door dunjia was very large, and it was not surprising that the entire ninja world knew about it. What’s more, he was still from Konoha.

“Good, young man is okay!”

The Thousand Hands Pillar praised Metkay twice.

“Guest, your face!”

While Pillar was chatting with Kai, Hand Da came over with steaming noodles and placed the bowl on the table.

“It’s so fragrant!”

Senju reached out and grabbed a noodle stick, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed.

“Thank you!”

Senjuju said gratefully.

“You’re welcome! Guests are kindly requested to use slowly. ”

Hand smiled.

Senju Zhuji nodded, and then lowered his head and ate.

“Hmm… It tastes good! ”

“If guests like to eat.”

Hand said with a smile,

“You use slowly, I’ll go first, and there is still a single business.”

Thousand Hand Pillar nodded.

Hand hit and left.

Seeing the hand fight leaving, the thousand hand pillars raised their heads and looked at the face in front of them.



The taste of the noodles is very wonderful and makes you have a great appetite. Senjuju finished the bowl of noodles and drank a large mouthful of soup.

“So full!”

Senju wiped his mouth with satisfaction, and then stood up.

“It’s time to leave, bye.”

Thousand Hand Pillar waved his hand.

“Huh? Guest, you haven’t paid the bill yet? ”

Hand hit chased after him from behind.

“Well, I forgot!”

Touching his head between the thousand hand pillars, he really forgot this stubble. Touch your pocket.

The thousand hand pillars found that his pockets were empty, and he forgot that he had been dead for decades, how could he still have money. Eh…

That’s a bit embarrassing. If you already know that this is the case, you might as well let Tsunade and them follow!

What should I do if I don’t have money now?

The face of the Thousand Hand Pillar suddenly collapsed. He wouldn’t want to eat the Overlord meal, would he?

The hand beat his gaze tightened, staring at the thousand hand pillars. Although it doesn’t look like that kind of person, if you want to eat the overlord meal, it is not okay!


The embarrassed thousand hand pillar scratched the back of his head,

“I’m sorry, I just remembered… I don’t have money. ”

“Boss, I paid for his money!”

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded among the thousand hand pillars. Following the voice, a figure appeared, it was Uchiha Chen.

“Tatsu… Why are you here? ”

Senjujuma asked in surprise.

“I happened to be passing by and happened to see you eating noodles here.”

Uchiha Chen smiled slightly.

“Sorry, I forgot I don’t have money!”

Senjukuma scratched the back of his head and looked at Uchiha with an apologetic expression.

I have to say that the improved rebirth of filthy soil, coupled with the perfect filthy soil rebirth material of Bai Ju, the reborn thousand-hand pillar can even eat.

“It’s okay! Since it’s a visit to Konoha, how can you do it without money? ”

“Boss, I remember that you haven’t paid the security management fee this month, right?”

Uchiha said with a smile.


When Uncle Ichiraku heard this, his expression immediately became embarrassed.

“That… Lord Chen…”

Uncle Ichiraku explained awkwardly,

“I was busy some time ago, I didn’t have time to go to the Konoha Guard to pay the money, you wait a minute, I’ll go get it!”


Uchiha nodded.

Hand Tat hurriedly left to get the security fee.

A moment later, he came over with two wads of money in his hand.

“Lord Chen, this is this month’s security management fee.”

The hand beat handed Uchiha a wad of money.

“Give! The money is considered to pay for him! ”

Tatsumi pulled out a few from the stack of money and handed them to his hand.

“This… No need! ”

The hand was stunned and hurriedly refused.

“Okay, take it, it’s like we don’t give money for dinner.”

“This… All right! ”

In the end, the hand beat could not get enough, so I had to take the money. Seeing this, a smile appeared at the corner of Uchihachen’s mouth.

After handing the voucher of the security protection fee paid this month to the hand, Tatsumi then handed the remaining banknotes to the Thousand Hands Pillar.

“Naw, this is the rest of this store, take this money and have a good stroll around Konoha!”

The Thousand Hand Pillar was stunned and caught Chen’s banknote. These banknotes have 30,000 taels!

“I….. Not required…..! ”

Thousand Hand Pillar waved his hand.

“Take it!”

Seeing that the Senjuju Pillar refused, Uchiha Chen smiled and stuffed the banknote into the pocket between the Senju Pillar. The Thousand Hand Pillar was stunned, then nodded and put the banknote into his pocket.

“I’ll go first!”

After saying that, Uchiha Chen prepared to leave.


Thousand Hand Pillar suddenly shouted.

“What else?”

“That… What is a policing fee? ”

Senju Zhujian still frowned and asked. It is clear that they ate here, why did the shop owner give them money in turn.

“The public security management fee is naturally that they operate in Konoha, and they need to pay a certain percentage of the fee every month according to the profits of the business as the Konoha management fee.”

“As long as they are operating in Konoha, the Konoha Guard is responsible for protecting their safety and operating a stable order.”

“For example, a ninja like you who eats an overlord’s meal, if he runs away after eating, he will be handed over to our Konoha Guard, and if the guard does not catch it, it is a dereliction of duty by the guard!”

Uchiha explained.

I see!

After listening to Chen’s words, the Thousand Hand Pillars nodded.

The security management fee is a new word for him.

But in his opinion, it was almost the same nature of paying ninjas to escort caravans. It’s just that this range extends to Konoha, and it’s still within the specific range of Konoha.

The Thousand Hand Pillar has also been a fire shadow for a short time, and the political part is not bad, and he quickly understood the meaning of the security management fee. But can you not use him as an example.

What is eating overlord meal!

He obviously forgot to bring money. The thousand hands are very depressed.

“That’s not right! This is in Konoha, and there is usually no overlord during the day… Troublemaker, right? ”

Thousand Hand Pillar muttered

“Besides, since the Konoha Guard is a Konoha institution, shouldn’t Konoha send money? Why collect additional money from these vendors? ”

The money held in the hands of the thousand hand pillars was enough to be 30,000 taels. This is only a month’s security management fee for the ramen shop.

Like the most prosperous barbecue restaurant in Konoha Commercial Street, I am afraid that it will charge more than 100,000 taels a month.

This is only Konoha’s management fee, not including the taxes they pay to the daimyo of the Fire Nation!

Just this ramen shop with only a few locations, 30,000 taels a month, can be equivalent to an ordinary C-level task! Isn’t so much management fee a naked squeeze on Konoha merchants!!

Thinking of this, the Thousand Hand Pillar was a little angry.

Although he had been dead for a long time, it was logical that he should not care much about the affairs of the living world, but he also hoped that Konoha would get better and better.

“Chen, don’t you think that the so-called security management fee is completely unnecessary?”

A calm voice between the thousand hand pillars questioned.

He wanted to wait until he went back, and he must ask Tsunade to cancel this so-called security management fee. Hearing this, Uchiha Chen couldn’t help but laugh.

“You might as well ask those merchants if they are willing to pay the security management fee.”

Hearing Chen’s words, Thousand Hand Pillar was full of doubts in his heart.

This needs to be asked, definitely not willing to ah!

Although Senjukuma was not a merchant, he also knew about these merchants operating in Konoha, as well as merchant vendors who were smuggled and smuggled. Not to mention so many Konoha management fees a month, if they could, they didn’t even want to pay taxes.

With doubts, Senjukuma walked to the Ichiraku ramen shop.

“Boss, I charge you so much more money every month as a security management fee. With so much expense, why don’t you reflect it to Hokage! Or is that what Hokage means? ”

Senjujuma angrily questioned the shop owner.

“It’s you!”

Seeing that Senjujuma came back again and asked him questions, Shouji also put down the work in his hand and explained.

“Actually, you misunderstood! However, it’s normal that you haven’t been back to Konoha for so long. ”

“In the beginning, we were angry when we knew we were going to charge for policing, but then something happened that changed my mind.”

“There was a thief, in the middle of the night… After that, thanks to the presence of the Konoha Guard, we can also operate with peace of mind. ”

Hand beat looked at the misunderstanding between the thousand hand pillars, plus now the meal has passed.

Business wasn’t too busy, so I patiently explained to him. After some explanation, the Thousand Hand Pillar suddenly realized.

He thought he was forcibly collecting the demand!

“Really 710 sorry…”

“It’s okay!”

He waved his hand and said with a smile: “You are also thinking about us!” ”

I don’t know why, obviously it is the first time to meet, and the hand fight can feel a touch of intimacy in this person. It is not forcibly collected, but it is really done, and it also makes the heart of the thousand hand pillars feel much more comfortable.

“Okay, guests go slowly.”

Senjuju nodded, and then walked out of the hand-hit shop.

He then went to other shops and asked other shop owners what they thought of the security management fee. The question between the thousand hand pillars is also clever.

In the name of Hokage, ask the shop if he has any complaints about the security management fee, or comments and suggestions. The final result shocked the Thousand Hand Pillars.


They were all satisfied.

Even when collecting taxes, I didn’t see them so willing.

“How, are they still satisfied with the security management fee?”

Tatsumi stood aside and looked at the Thousand Hand Pillar with interest.

“Satisfied, it turned out to be satisfied!”

The expression on the face of the Thousand Hand Pillar was dull, and the shock in his heart was comparable to when Chen had smashed his True Thousand Hands with one kick.

“It’s good to be satisfied, or do you want to shop around by yourself, or will I accompany you to shop again?”

Tatsumi reminded.

“Well, I’ll shop around by myself…”

Senju shook his head.

“Okay then! Feel free to contact me if you have anything. ”

After speaking, Tatsumi turned and left.

“Wait a minute!”

Seeing Tatsumi leaving, the Thousand Hand Pillar hurriedly chased after him.

“What else?”

Tatsumi stopped and asked.

Qianshou Zhujian scratched his head: “What, in fact, I still don’t understand, why they are willing to pay so much money!” ”

“What should I be? So that’s it! ”

Tatsumi couldn’t help but smile dumbly.


The Thousand Hand Pillar was also a little embarrassed.

As the first Hokage of Konoha, he is not as strong as a thirteen-year-old child, and he even has to ask others for advice on this issue.

“Let’s find a place and talk while drinking tea! Otherwise, I’m afraid you have other questions after I finish talking. ”

“Well, okay.”

Thousand Hand Pillar nodded.

So the two came to a restaurant and sat down on the second floor.

Qianshou Zhujian asked for a pot of hot tea and a few plates of dim sum, and asked, “By the way, Chen, how old are you this year?” ”

Hearing this question, Chen was stunned: “This, didn’t it say that I am thirteen years old this year?” ”

“Uh… So…”

Qianshou Zhujian also smiled embarrassedly: “I’m sorry, I forgot!” What about your parents? ”

“My parents died in the battlefield during World War III, and a grandfather also died a year ago.”

“This way! Sorry, I don’t know. ”

Hearing this, Thousand Hand Pillar was a little ashamed, he shouldn’t have asked.

Chen waved his hand and said with a smile: “It’s okay, don’t you want to understand why they are willing to pay security management fees?” Now I tell you that when I heard the words between the thousand hand pillars, my eyes lit up. ”

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