Chapter 98: Persuade Between the Pillars, Merge Mu Duan! 500 million taels in exchange for Samui?.

“Then you can talk about it.”

“It’s actually quite simple! As traders, shop owners and merchants, what they all have in common is money. ”

Tatsumi said slowly.

“For the money?”

Hearing Chen’s explanation, the Senju Pillar did not know why.

“yes! For the money! All they want is to collect money in bags, not pay for it, so they are reluctant to pay when they collect security fees in the first place. ”

Tatsuya’s index finger dipped a little tea, gestured a circle on the table, and pointed.

“This is their money!”

“You say! I gave them a small portion of their money so that they didn’t have to worry anymore. ”

“Or do they have to be on guard all day, afraid that someone will secretly take all their money behind their backs.”


Hearing this, the eyebrows between the thousand hand pillars furrowed even deeper.

“But even if they don’t pay money, even if they live in Konoha, they should have the right to be protected in Konoha, right?”


Tatsumi smiled and continued.

“But ninjas are not engaged in production, and most ninjas are destined to perform tasks for a living. In other words, there are a limited number of ninjas patrolling Konoha. ”

“Even if Konoha has ninja supervision and patrol all day, but Konoha is so big, it is impossible to take care of every aspect.”

“There are few ninjas, but there are many places to look after. By collecting security management fees, more ninjas can naturally join! Tatsumi explained. ”

The Thousand Hand Pillar pondered for a moment and nodded: “That’s right!” ”

“But isn’t the price of this security management fee a little too high?”

After listening to Chen’s explanation, Thousand Hand Pillar felt that he was still a bit at a loss.

“If twenty-four hours a day, hundreds of elite ninjas composed of major families patrol the streets of Konoha at all times.”

“While security has greatly improved, do you think those shops will delay their closing time in order to make more money?”

Tatsumi asked with a smile.

Thousand Hand Pillar thought about it and felt that this was indeed the case!

“If you don’t believe me, you can see, even in the early morning of the next day, there are still many shops in Konoha that are still open.”

Is that so?

The Thousand Hand Pillar bowed his head in thought.

If you think about it, I think it really matters.

On the basis of improved security, shops that could have closed at 9 or 10 o’clock may be delayed by several hours.

These few hours of delay are all money!

“I have to say, you are really a genius! Both in terms of strength and in other respects! ”

After thinking clearly, the Thousand Hand Pillar emitted a heartfelt admiration.

“Got it! If it’s okay, you go shopping, I’m leaving! ”

Tatsumi waved his hand and left.

Looking at Chen’s back, Thousand Hand Pillar felt a little emotion in his heart. That’s nice!

It’s only thirteen years old!

The age gap with Tsunade. It’s like…

It’s a bit big!

“Tatsumi! Wait a minute! ”

At this moment, the Thousand Hand Pillar suddenly stopped Chen.

Tatsumi turned around and saw a look of wanting to say something between the thousand hand pillars.

The lips between the thousand hand pillars moved, as if they wanted to say something to Chen, but they didn’t say it. This look of wanting to talk and stop is really strange.

Is there something important, very important? Tatsumi stopped.

“What do you have to say directly, no matter how you say that you are also the god of the ninja world! What is the grinding chirp like? ”

“Ahem! So I want to ask you, what do you think of Tsunade? ”

Senjuju scratched his head awkwardly, but finally said it.


Tatsumi was silent.

The thousand hand pillars looked at it, and secretly said in his heart: Shouldn’t there really be a drama? Thinking of this, the heart of the thousand hand pillars was excited.


“What’s wrong with you, why don’t you talk? Tsunade’s kid is a little older, has a relatively short temper, and is good at gambling and drinking, but! ”


The excited tone between the thousand hand pillars suddenly froze, and his body loosened, falling into depression.

“Alright! That kid really doesn’t seem to have any merit… ”

It seems that their thousand hands are really going to end!

Seeing the look of loss between the thousand hand pillars, Tatsumi smiled: “Don’t be discouraged, you let Tsunade try to chase me backwards, maybe I will consider it.” ”

“That’s what I said!”

The Thousand Hand Pillar perked up and muttered.

“It’s like… Maybe, it really works! ”

“What did you say?”


“Then I’ll go first!”

After saying this, the Thousand Hand Pillar immediately rushed outside. Tatsumi looked at it and shook his head: “What a strange person!” ”

However, this kind of personality is also suitable for the Senju pillar.

….. Uchiha clan land.

After returning to feed Samui first, she fell asleep tired, and Tatsumi sat up alone.

“System, fuse Mu Duan!”

After calling out the system and issuing the command, Tatsumi felt a cool feeling in his body, flowing throughout his body. The cells in the body seem to have been washed and become more active.

He obtained not only Mu Duan, but also the immortal body between the thousand hand pillars. The fusion of Mu Dun greatly increased the strength of Chen’s cells.

Even he has grown a lot taller, and his body looks stronger and more powerful.

With a handsome face and long flowing black hair, he looks handsome to the extreme. It’s a beautiful boy!

Thinking like this, a smug smile appeared on Chen’s face. Looking at himself in the mirror, Tatsumi nodded in satisfaction.

“Lord Chen, why haven’t you slept yet?”

At this moment, a soft female voice suddenly sounded.

Then a white and slender arm wrapped around his neck. Feeling this scene, Chen was slightly startled.

Immediately reacted.



Confused, Samui leaned his head on Chen’s shoulder and said lazily: “How do I feel that your body seems to have changed a little big?” ”

Samui’s head rubbed in Chen’s arms.

“I’m so tired…”

Listening to the delicate voice coming from his arms, Chen’s body trembled slightly.

“Keep sleeping!”


It wasn’t long before a panicked voice sounded.

“No, it hurts!”

Early in the morning, the rising sun rises in the east.

Sunlight fills the island.

“Hmm… So sleepy…”

Samuyi, who was sleeping, felt sore all over, as if his bones were falling apart. Last night, she might as well go to sleep!

Just because I woke up once in the middle and was bullied by a demon!

“Why am I so unlucky!”

Samui pouted and noticed Uchiha Chen, who had already left beside him.

“But… What a nice weather today! ”

She rubbed her eyes and looked out the window.

I saw that the sky was as blue as a wash, and the sunlight shone through the mist, shining on the earth, which seemed very warm.

On the recliner outside, there was a teenager lying down, slender and crystal clear skin, as if it could be broken by blowing.

“Don’t say it! This little ghost looks pretty good! ”

As if remembering the events of last night, Samui’s face turned red. Really, it turned out to be so rough!

Muttered dissatisfied in his heart.

Remembering last night’s events, Samui hated his teeth. That kid, he’s a bastard!

When I thought of that hateful guy, there was a kind of anger and grievance in Samui’s chest. Obviously he is still a thirteen-year-old little ghost, and his body is still so good, what a monster!

“Tatsumi-sama! Naruto-sama is looking for you and asks you to bring Samui, a ninja from Yunyin Village, with you. ”


The Dark Ninja used the teleportation technique to come to the courtyard and respectfully half kneel on the ground.

“Got it, you go down first!”

Tatsumi opened his eyes, with a faint gleam in his eyes, he slowly stood up, stretched, and moved his muscles.


The dark ninja’s body shook and disappeared.

“Since you’re awake, come with me and see what’s going on!”

Tatsumi glanced at the room, the corners of his mouth slightly hooked. Before Samui could say anything, he was grabbed by Tatsumi’s wrist and taken away!

After a while, Tatsumi appeared in the Hokage’s office with Samui.

“Tsunade, what are you looking for me for? Hey? The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow and Kirabi are also there! ”

“You haven’t gone back yet? It is worthy of being the second largest ninja village in the ninja world, and its own thunder shadow and eight-tailed human pillar power are not there, and it can withstand the attack of the rock ninja village, which is really powerful! ”

Tatsumi was amazed.

Completely ignoring the four generations of Lei Ying’s face was almost dark.

Kirabi on the side covered his mouth and held back a smile, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh out loud.

“All right! Chen, I’m not playing tricks when I come to you! ”

Although Tsunade wanted to laugh too, it was Konoha who represented Hokage. So she can only keep a straight face and pretend to be serious.

“Okay, what’s the matter with coming to me?”

“Actually, it’s nothing!”

Tsunade looked at the four generations of Thunder Shadow and Kirabi next to him, and then said: “In order to redeem Thunder Shadow and Kirabi, Yunyin Village originally did not have to pay 1.8 billion taels, but later because of Samui, it was 300 million less. ”

“Now Lei Ying hopes that Yunyin Village is paying 300 million taels to exchange Samui back.”

“Do you agree?”

“Sorry, I refuse!”

Tatsumi shook his head.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying suddenly became anxious when he heard this.

“Uchiha Chen, when you captured the two of us, you used the two of us as bargaining chips to demand ransom from Yunyin, not for money!”

“Now we pay for Samui back, can’t we?”

“If you don’t think the money is enough, we can still discuss, 500 million taels, 500 million taels?”

The fourth generation of Lei Ying gritted his teeth and took out 500 million taels again to make a deal.

The tone is very sincere.

There was no first to go to the fiery temper of Thunder Shadow.

There is no way to defeat the power of the God of the Ninja Realm between the Thousand Hand Pillars, he has a bad attitude!

Not to mention that they can defeat the Chen between the Thousand Hand Pillars, even if the palm of the Great Buddha between the Thousand Hand Pillars goes down, I am afraid that their Yunyin Village will also move to the ground in an instant.

While anxious, I couldn’t help but secretly scold the person who made this decision in the first place, and his brain was really kicked by a donkey.

Although Samui is only an elite Shangnin Elite Shangnin in Yunyin Village, even if he does a lifetime of tasks, the money he earns will be tens of millions of taels.

Deducting the commission from the village in the mission, it is only a million taels. 300 million taels to change the name of the elite to endure, Yunyin Village is definitely earned in blood.

Khasamyi is a living person! How can it be measured in terms of money?

Today’s 300 million taels can sell Sam, then tomorrow can you use money to sell others as well? In this way, what will the other ninjas in Yunyin Village think.

Take money and sell them?

Everyone can measure it with money, and talk about a sense of belonging to the village. The loss in this is not something that can be measured by money!

After going back, he had to beat the guy who made this decision hard.

“Lord Thundershadow!”

Samui’s bright beautiful eyes had a complex light. She didn’t know what to choose.

Although she was angry when she learned that she had sold herself to Konoha, it was not the fourth generation of Thunder Kage who made the decision at that time. This is 500 million taels!

It was a lot more than the 300 million taels when she offset it.

“Lord Lei Ying, you don’t have to spend such a big price for me!”

Samui resolutely objected, his eyes full of gratitude and gratitude.

“You are the elite Shangnin of Yunyin Village, no matter how much it costs, we will exchange it for yours!”

The fourth generation of Lei Ying clenched his fists and said firmly.

“And for this matter, I want to apologize to you! Because of the two of us, it makes you chill about the decision of the village! ”

The fourth generation of Lei Ying took a deep breath, bent over Samui, and saluted.

“Nope! How can I get Lord Thunder Shadow to apologize to me! ”

Samui hurriedly stepped forward to stop it.

This matter is not the responsibility of Lord Lei Ying!

“It’s not a question of apology, it’s a matter of respect and trust!”

The fourth generation of Lei Ying said seriously.

Samui’s eye socket is hot.

She really didn’t know how to thank Lei Ying for his sincerity.

Looking back, when the four generations of Thunder Shadow led the troops to fight, they rushed in front of the large army every time.

In addition to his confidence in his great strength, he didn’t want to rush ahead and let the enemy’s ninjutsu, kunai and detonation charms attack him.

Thus reducing their casualties.

When fighting with Chen, with the speed of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow, there are still some possibilities to escape. But after seeing the power of Tatsumi’s terror, he chose to surrender without hesitation.

In the end, the living power of Yunyin Village was preserved. Avoid the complete destruction of the Yunyin army.

Now he is even more willing to take out a full 500 million taels to redeem himself.

“Lord Lei Ying, you don’t have to do this!”

Samui held back the gratitude in his heart.

“This is what I should have done! If it weren’t for you, the two of us might still be locked up in Konoha’s dungeon right now. ”

The fourth generation of Lei Ying said seriously.

“That’s not going to work either!”

Samui firmly refused.

Yunyin Village went to war with Konoha first, and has already paid huge reparations and ransoms.

Plundered by Yan Shinobu again, Yun Yin’s current situation may have been the same as Sha Yin, located at the end of the Five Great Ninja Villages. If you take out these 500 million taels for yourself, I don’t know when I will be able to recover.

If something happens again during this period, it will bring huge losses to Yunyin.

Perhaps, Yunyin may also fall out of the position of the Five Great Ninja Villages.

“I said, you keep talking here, didn’t you hear me say no?”

Chen’s words woke Samui, who was immersed in memories.

Samui quickly turned his head, bowed to Chen, and saluted.

“Sorry! Lord Chen, I have crossed it. ”

“Uchiha Chen, what do you mean? Is 500 million taels too little for you? ”

The fourth generation of Lei Ying stared at the eyes as big as a bull’s eye, and asked breathlessly.

Chen shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: “I’m different from your Yunyin Village, don’t say five hundred million taels, it’s one billion taels, two billion taels, it’s impossible for you to exchange Samui back, she is already my person.” ”

“My people are not measurable with money!”


The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow was choked.

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