""Captain, who is attacking them?"

Tiantian asked.

Still influenced by Ranmaru, she looked around but couldn't find where the enemy was.

"Over there, there are two people, one big and one small."

Ningji pointed to a hill and said

"What about us?"

"Follow my command and attack together."


Tiantian, Naruto and Rock Lee all responded.

Afterwards, under the command of Neji, several people took action and rushed towards the hill where Kuroki Raiga was.

A battle began.

In fact, Neji was also testing Ranmaru's ability and limit.

That's why he didn't use his own strength to suppress others, but let Tiantian and the others participate and fight with Kuroki Raiga.

As time passed slowly.

Under the siege of several Xiaoqiang, Kuroki Raiga couldn't stand it.

This was because Neji didn't do much, he just helped Tiantian and the others break the illusion, otherwise Kuroki Raiga would definitely be defeated faster.

The main reason was that Tiantian's hidden weapon was too sharp.

With just a few hits, Kuroki Raiga was seriously injured.

"Damn you stinky brat 09, I want you to be buried with me!"

He spat out a mouthful of blood.

Then, Black Chop Thunder Fang used his ultimate move

""Lightning escape, lightning burial!!" Hei Chu Lei Ya shouted.

Hei Chu Lei Ya used all his chakra to summon lightning in the air, trying to destroy the entire area.

"Stop him!"

Naruto shouted.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

With the heavy lightning, the sky, which was not yet bright, was illuminated as day.

There was no other way.

The group could only dodge first to save their lives.

Boom! Boom!

The violent explosion spread all around.

The entire mountain was shattered into pieces and exploded into smaller pieces.

Crackling and falling from the sky, it knocked down many trees and raised a lot of dust.

After a while, when the explosion subsided completely,

Naruto, Xiao Li and the others came out from under the cover while coughing.

"Is he dead?"

Xiao Li asked Hei Chu Lei Ya.

"That should be the case, such a violent explosion, and it was centered on him."Naruto said uncertainly.

In fact,

Kuroki Raiga was not dead.

Because Neji still wanted to study Ranmaru's bloodline limit, how could he let him be blown to death together with Kuroki Raiga.

So, at the moment when the lightning hit Kuroki Raiga

, Neji had already sent his clones to seal Kuroki Raiga and Ranmaru with the confinement technique, and then moved them away with the space-time ninjutsu.

However, there was no need to tell Naruto and the others about this.

"Captain, can you still see them?"Xiao Li asked

"No, it may have been blasted into pieces by lightning."

Ningji said directly

"So what is our mission?"

"Now that the Black Shovel Family is gone, our mission is naturally completed. Let's pack up and go back."


Leaving the mine, they went to the Curry House of Life to rest for a while.

After that, Neji and his companions returned to Konoha.

Nothing major happened in the following period of time.

The Xiaoqiangs were still carrying out various tasks.

As for Neji, he would only go there in person if he encountered a target or something he was interested in.

Otherwise, he would just let his clones go.

When he was free, he was still doing various experiments, or he would go to the Senju clan to look up information and accumulate his own knowledge.

""Ningci, you are all classmates, so there is no need for me to introduce you."

In the hospital,

Tsunade introduced her new apprentice to Neci.

This was none other than Haruno Sakura.

How should I put it?

After having a very talented apprentice like Neci, Tsunade was really not interested in taking in anyone else.

Haruno Sakura was only an exception.

Because she kept begging and completed the test assigned by Tsunade.

As the shadow of a village,

Tsunade couldn't go back on her word.

In addition, Haruno Sakura's talent was really good, and she could control chakra very well, which made her stronger than Shizune in this respect.

You know,

Shizune couldn't learn the strange power fist, and the Yin seal and other ninjutsu, and couldn't inherit Tsunade's mantle.

It was because she didn't meet the standards in chakra control.

But Haruno Sakura might be able to learn the strange power fist and the Yin seal, and inherit these things. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


Tsunade didn't want to bury the talent, so she took Haruno Sakura as an opportunity.

""Greetings, Senior Neji."

Haruno Sakura was still very polite.

As for the word"senior", it means senior or senior brother.

As for Neji, he would not show any displeasure to a little girl.

The key point is, isn't it?

Haruno Sakura bullied Naruto, and Naruto was willing to take it. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to be beaten. It has nothing to do with outsiders.

Anyway, as long as it doesn't mess with Neji, he is a gentle brother and a good man.

"Well, congratulations, Sakura. Let's work hard together in the future."

"Thank you, Senior Neji. I will definitely work harder!"

Haruno Sakura said, clenching her fists, and also cheering herself up.

In a trance, she seemed to see that she had caught up with Sasuke, and she couldn't help but smile. But this can only be said to be a foolish dream. It's not that easy to catch up with Indra's reincarnation without cheating.


"Okay, Sakura, continue to practice in the hospital. Ningci, come to me tomorrow and I will teach you something else."Tsunade said.

Ningci's level in medical ninjutsu is enough, and his control of chakra is also very strong.

So, Tsunade plans to teach him the strange force fist. This is the current Haruno Sakura���Something that cannot be touched.

The next day.

On a training ground.

Tsunade first demonstrated to Neci what super strength is.

With one punch, a boulder was smashed to pieces, and with one foot, a crack several meters deep was stepped on the ground.

It is really amazing.

With Neci's current strength, he can also achieve this level of destruction.

But he can only use the eight-character formula of soft fist that he created.

He can't be as perfect as Tsunade, who has such power at will.


He also listened carefully to Tsunade's teaching and didn't miss any words.

After all, her age is there.

Tsunade was born in Konoha in the 13th year, and she is now fifty years old. Even if she is not as talented as Neci, her practical experience, as well as her knowledge and understanding of ninjutsu, are still very impressive.

It's okay to learn from her. It's definitely not shameful

"The so-called strange power is to precisely control the chakra, concentrate it on the fist, and then burst it out in an instant......."

I'm a model:

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