Following Tsunade's narration and actual practice,

Neji gradually learned this strange skill.

But he didn't use it.

As I said before , you can only make a fortune if you keep silent.

Just know your own abilities and skills, there is no need to show off everywhere.

There is no use pretending to be cool.

If you scare people and Tsunade doesn't teach you anymore, or teaches you too slowly, then you will suffer.

In a blink of an eye, another month has passed.

Neji now has several goals, but they cannot be completed for various reasons.

The first is to find Hiruko, but no one knows where this grandson is hiding and he has never shown up.

The second is to find the secret passage to the moon, but it has not been found yet.

The third is the Gray Stone mine, but there is no clue or anything.

In view of this,

Neji asked Princess Tsuna to help and also set up an intelligence organization.

This organization is basically composed of clones, scattered in various places, and even those small countries are not spared.

Among them are ninjas and ordinary people.

They do all kinds of business and use different identities to obtain intelligence. There are more than a thousand of them, which means that all the clone army that Neji had accumulated before has been put into it.

Fortunately, the effect is still good.

The organization has just been established, and there is a steady stream of intelligence gathering here for Neji.

Even if most of them are useless and are just some specious news, they can still help him so that he is not clueless.

On this day.

Neji went to Kurenai Yuhi's house for dinner.

Before entering the door, he saw Asuma Sarutobi walking back and forth outside, so he smiled at him.

This is definitely not a contemptuous smile of a winner, but just out of politeness.

As for what Asuma thinks, that is his business, and Ningci can't control it.

"How about trying this dish I made?"


After having dinner with Kurenai Yuhi, and chatting for a long time, and making her laugh countless times, Neji came out of the house and went back to his own home.

Time was still moving forward.

Several things happened next.

One was to go out on a mission.

Led by Mitarashi Anko, they went to the Sea Country to solve the problem of sea monsters attacking merchant ships.

This so-called sea monster was actually an old subordinate of Orochimaru, an experiment created by an abandoned researcher.

But this person's ability is still good.

So, after solving the sea monster incident, Neji asked his subordinates to take this researcher named Amachi away.

Let him work for him on the Psychic Island.

The second thing was that Neji had people conquer the Snow Country.

Chakra armor, environmental transformation machine, he is still a little interested

"You are Fenghua Xiaoxue..?"

"Yes, sir."

Faced with a powerful force like Neji, Fenghua Xiaoxue had to obey. It was not like the way she treated Naruto in the anime, throwing a little temper like a princess.

"My people killed Fenghua Nutao, which can be regarded as revenge for you. From now on, you will stay in the Snow Country, be a queen in public, and help me govern this country."

"Yes, thank you very much, sir."

The result was better than expected.

So Fenghua Xiaoxue also thanked him sincerely.

"Okay, you go back first."

Ningji waved his hand and said.

He didn't plan to do anything to Fenghana Xiaoxue.

The key is that his age doesn't allow it. He is not even 14 yet, so how can he drive?

After Fenghana Xiaoxue left,

Ningji also looked at the information collected by his subordinates.

What chakra armor and environmental transformation machine, because the technical content is not that advanced, so he quickly figured it out.

Well, if the technology of the Land of Craftsmen is added, maybe a secret technique similar to the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements can be developed?

Although it is just an external object, but the artifact can also improve strength.

Ningji is still interested in this matter.

Then there is nothing to say, just do it.

Land of Craftsmen.

Craftsman Ninja Village

""Who are you?"

The people of the Takumi Ninja Village asked while resisting the attack.

Unfortunately, no one answered them.

Whether it was the Hyuga clan members or the clone army, they were all elites trained by Neji, and they would not talk nonsense to the enemy during the battle.

Just when the army attacked the Takumi Ninja Village and beat them back step by step.

Neci was outside.

He also summoned the puppet of the Fourth Kazekage that he had made, and asked it to use the magnetic escape ninjutsu to build a high metal wall.

It directly encircled the entire Takumi Ninja Village to prevent the people inside from escaping.

Neji wanted to pack up all the craftsmen and technology here, and he would not allow them to run away.

The Takumi Ninja Village still has some strength.

Although the number of ninjas is not that large, there are only a hundred or so. (To read the violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But the weapons and equipment they use are very strange, It has some special functions.

For example, a retractable long sword.

It can fly by itself and track the opponent's hidden weapons. Fists that can release flames. A sharp sword that can even cut steel.

Because of these weapons, they can withstand the attack of the Hyuga Army and have not been defeated until now.

But that's all.

You know.

The people brought by Ningci have the strength of elite Chunin at least, and there are more than a dozen Jonin.

In addition to Uchiha Izumi and Neci himself, it is only a matter of time to break through the defense line of the Takumi Ninja Village, and it won't take too long.


After Uchiha Izumi was gone.

The Takumi Ninja Village could no longer resist and collapsed instantly. Once the defense line was broken, with the influx of the Hyuga army, the people of the Takumi Ninja Village were powerless to turn the tide and could only surrender.[]

Ningci didn't make a move.

It was only half an hour.���At that time, this famous ninja village fell into his hands and was taken down directly.

Needless to say, the next thing is that the craftsmen and other things are arranged by their own servants.

Neji just asked people to find all the scrolls owned by the ninja village and put them into his own storage space. Can you read it when you have time? There is no rush for this moment.

""Go to hell!"

A ninja who was hiding wanted to attack Neji.

But he was kidding.

Even if he didn't open the Sharingan, with Neji's (good Zhao Zhao) perception ability, he couldn't be attacked so easily.

Because he had been practicing the strange power punch recently.

Neji also used it out of habit.

With just one punch, he broke the man's arm, and then hit him hard and sent him flying, knocking a big hole in the wall.


He was buried under the ruins.

I guess this attacker couldn't survive.

"My Lord, please forgive me!"

Several members of the Hyuga clan knelt down.

"Get up, this is none of your business. This person must have some special item that can hide him. Go check it out."

Ningji waved his hand and said


Several Hyuga tribe members responded.

After that, they split into two groups.

Some went to check the body of the attacker, while the rest opened their Byakugan and checked the surroundings several times.

No corner, dead or alive, was spared. It can be said that they learned a lesson and became very careful.

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