Time passed as usual.

Then two things happened.

The first one was that a few evil ninjas were causing trouble in the Land of Vegetables. Killing the king and occupying the country was a small matter, but daring to go after Hinata was like courting death.

Neji personally stepped in and took care of these ignorant guys.

Of course, a thief never leaves empty-handed.......No!

It can't be a wasted trip.

So after losing its king, the Vegetable Kingdom, which was also left with only a princess, became Neji's new territory.

Let's talk about the second thing.

It happened in Konoha.

It was the detonating talisman incident.

In fact, Neji has always known about this, but he didn't deal with it.

The purpose is also very simple, is it to play a trick to cut off the source of funds and control Konoha's economy?


When the old man named Xuanneng came to Konoha to make trouble, Neji also had someone add fuel to the flames.

When the old man Xuanneng gave up his plan and didn't intend to blow up Konoha, Neji's puppet helped him ignite those detonating talismans.

Then there was a rumble.

Konoha, which had just been rebuilt not long ago, collapsed again.

What happened next is easier to say.

After solving the culprit Xuanneng and letting Konoha get revenge.

The brilliant real estate company created by Neji took advantage of the situation and signed a large number of mortgage contracts with the villagers of Konoha with various bonus news.


He also had someone sign a contract with Tsunade.

There was no other way.

Konoha was really short of money.

Last year, because of the Chunin Exam, a lot of cash was spent on dealing with the dead and injured, as well as building houses and facilities.

In the end, they couldn't get enough money together, so they asked the daimyo to help pay the bill.

But the daimyo's wallet is limited, and he won't help Konoha unlimitedly to fill such a big hole.


This time a large number of buildings were destroyed, which also gave Tsunade a headache.

Wait until the Brilliant Company came to the door.

They said that they could help Konoha undertake some projects in the form of loans, and the interest rate was very low.

Tsunade didn't think about it for too long and agreed to it.

Once there is a first, there will be two, three, and four.

You know.

There will be a series of things such as the Kazuma attack, Pain coming to Konoha to move rice, the Uzumaki Menma attack, the Mecha Nine-Tails incident, and so on.

If all of these happen, then Konoha will be destroyed many times.

What should I do if I owe too much money and can't pay it back?

By then, most of the villagers will have to become piglets, and they will have to work for the Hyuga family for their entire lives, or even for several generations.

What do you mean by defaulting on a debt?

Just try it if you have the guts.

The key is that Neji is not a good guy. If you dare to owe him money and not pay him back, and don't work for him, then he will really kill people.

In the extremely spacious experimental base.

Neji is busy.

And in front of him are round glass vessels for cultivating clones.

There are really many types of these clones.

Ordinary bloodline limits, such as magnetic escape, storm escape, ice escape, melt escape, explosion escape, etc., are all available.

Then there are more advanced ones.

There are wood escape, whirlpool, sharingan, red eyes, bone veins, Jūgo's sage body, etc.

And then to the end.

It is Neji's meticulous masterpiece, and it is also the cloned experimental body he is going to use on himself.

There are a total of four now.

The first one.

It is a clone bred from the Ultimate Summoning Beast, and some other bloodline limit genetic information is added to it.

For example, Red Eyes, Kurama, Storm Release, Lava Release, Explosion Release, etc., there are indeed quite a lot.

This can be regarded as making full use of the genetic characteristics of this Ultimate Summoning Beast.

Because it can rely on devouring other creatures to evolve itself, and also copy and use the abilities of other creatures.

The more it eats, the stronger it is, just like Cell.

In addition, it uses Uchiha Shin's genetic information to neutralize it. (To read the violent novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

In theory.

The potential of this clone is also unlimited, and there is no need to worry about rejection reactions and collapse due to too many gene fragments.

There is no danger.

The potential is large enough.

Neji must make full use of it and not waste its characteristics.

Let's talk about the second one.

It is a clone of Senju Hashirama.

It also uses Neji's own cells as the base.

Uchiha Shin's genetic information is auxiliary, Senju Hashirama's genetic information is the skeleton, and some other things are added.

For example, the gene fragments of the Uzumaki clan, the gene fragments of the body of Jugo the Sage, and the gene fragments of Kimimaro's Corpse Vein.

These are all physical bloodlines, and they are all fused together.

The third one is a clone of Uchiha Madara.

The fourth one is a clone of the Ten-Tails.[]

That's right.

Ningci updated the fusion list.

He took out Kimimaro's clone and replaced it with the Ten-Tails.

If you want to have fun, just make it bigger.

Just a corpse bloodline can't satisfy Ningci's appetite.

In addition, the corpse bloodline can be transferred to other clones, which is not a problem at all.

This way, there will be a position free for the Ten-Tails, how great.

As for.

Will the fusion of so many complex clones have any serious impact on himself?

It's a mess.

It looks like a headache.

And the mixed bloodlines will turn people into hybrids, won't they?

Who would think so ?

It can only be said that it is too one-sided.

Because Ningci did not obtain these abilities by blood transfusion.

What is the essence of bloodline ability?

In fact, it is a piece of information recorded in the gene chain.

Just extract this thing.

And then arrange them all together like an editing program.

It has been completely separated from the bloodline of its original owner and has nothing to do with it.

All clones.

They are made using Ningci himself.���He was also afraid that something might go wrong during the fusion process, and the consequences would be unpredictable.

"Sir, the person you are looking for has appeared."

"who is it?"

"That guy named Hyde."

It's the Grayer Stone.

Neji thought he had found Hiruko.

After all, what he wants most now is the forbidden technique of Kigera, which has priority and importance over the Grayer Mine.


With such a strong understanding, why not develop it yourself?

Again, Neji's understanding is not what he wants, and it is not a system that can be done as he pleases.

If you want to develop something new, you must have a fulcrum.

And a forbidden technique like Kigera has gone far beyond the scope of ordinary ninjutsu.

It is estimated that it was only developed by Hiruko with a flash of inspiration. It is too coincidental and cannot be replicated.

After all, people think differently.

So even if he wants to develop it, Neji can only develop a seemingly good forbidden technique with the same effect.

But it will definitely not be Kigera..

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