It was not until a long time had passed that

Kaguya slowly calmed down and answered Neji's question.

"I am the goddess of destiny. The moment I ate the chakra fruit, I was supported by people and blessed by heaven and earth. That’s why I got pregnant."

"Unfortunately, I gave birth to two unfilial sons who don't understand me as a mother and cruelly sealed me here for a thousand years."

"It's too late for anything now."

The sighing voice spread all around.

They were worried that the Otsutsuki clan would come.

Neji could understand this.

Because if it was him, in order to save his life and kill the enemy, he would do more than Kaguya.

Creating an army of White Zetsu was nothing.

If he had the ability, he could have squeezed the entire planet clean.


Kaguya was gentle enough, otherwise if she just let the sacred tree continue to grow, the planet would be ruined even if it didn't break.

It's nothing like now.

It can still feed so many humans and animals and plants, it's just wishful thinking���Woolen cloth

"Grandma, can't you come out now?

"No, you just opened a crack in the seal, allowing me to see the outside world, but you can't let me out."

That's perfect.

The key is that Neji hasn't been promoted to the Six Paths level yet.

If Kaguya is released now, he won't be able to control the overall situation, let alone this woman.

At that time, he will become a foil and listen to others' orders. What's the point?

Of course, I think so, but I can't say it.

"Don't worry, grandma. I will find a way to rescue you as soon as possible!"

"Well, little Ningci is still obedient, unlike those two bastards of Yuyi and Yucun. Don't worry, when I come out, I will definitely protect you and let you do whatever you want."

In order to get Ningci to help, Yeji also made a promise

"Can grandma teach me some ninjutsu?"

"What is Ninjutsu?"

After Kaguya was sealed, the Six Paths Sage founded the Ninja Clan. At that time, there was no such thing as Ninjutsu.

So it was normal for her not to know.

"These are the moves used in battle, such as Yin Yang Escape and Seeking the Way Jade."

"Uh, this is it......"

Princess Kaguya was silent all of a sudden.


Because she is really a newbie.

Most of her abilities, including the Bloodline Network, were acquired by swallowing the Chakra Fruit.

There was no inheritance or teaching from others.

Princess Kaguya only knew a little about Yin Yang Release by herself, and only knew how to use it, but didn't understand the principles.

And she wanted to teach Neci?

This really puts her in a difficult position.

"this......I've been sealed for too long, and my memory is a little confused. Don't worry, little Ningci. How about this?"

"Can you give me a few days to sort out my memory and then teach me?"

Kaguya had no choice but to use a delaying strategy.

"Sure. I'll come back to see grandma in a few days."

"Well, you go back first. I am a little tired after chatting for so long. I need to rest and recuperate."

"Then I'll leave"

"Go, go."

After listening to Kaguya's words,

Neci did not expose her and just turned and left.

It doesn't matter.

Because Kaguya who ate the Chakra Fruit is a treasure buried deep underground.

Although it will be a little difficult to develop, the benefits are also very large.

So, it's okay to give her some time.

If it doesn't work, Neci can increase the investment and teach Kaguya some ninjutsu first.

In this way, there will be examples.

Combined with her own abilities, she can draw inferences from one example, gather her own abilities, and maybe even create more ninjutsu.

At the same time, on the other side.

Wind Country.

Sand Village.

Akatsuki's Red Sand Scorpion Deidara and Gaara also came here and began to implement the plan to capture the tailed beast.

A fierce battle of wits and courage began. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But because Deidara put the battlefield in the air, other people could not help Gaara, but became a burden to him.

In order to protect the village from being destroyed.

In the end, Gaara was defeated and captured by Deidara.

Half a day later.

Tsunade, who was in Konoha, received an urgent letter for help from the Sand Village.

Because it happened suddenly.

In addition, Kakashi's class happened to be in front of them.

Tsunade simply sent them to go to the Sand Village to support and see the situation.

"Don't worry, I will help you save Gaara."

Hugging Temari's shoulders, Neji said

""Well, thank you, Neji."

Temari said with emotion, and leaned her head on Neji.

She had just heard the urgent news, and she undoubtedly needed comfort the most at this time, and Neji also gave her this sense of security.

"Then we......"

"Neji, the Hokage is looking for you."[]

"Look, here I come. I think Teacher Tsunade is looking for me for this matter. You can come with me."Ningji said with a smile


Temari nodded.

Then, the two of them came to the Hokage's office together.


"Wait a minute, I've called Might Guy and your teammates." Tsunade nodded and spoke again.

Today's weather is nice and hot.

So Tsunade didn't wear the green coat, only a shirt, which showed off her extraordinary figure.

Neji couldn't help but admire her twice more.

It's not that he is so that.

The key is that it is too conspicuous, big and prominent, it's impossible not to see it. 653

After a while,

Might Guy and Tenten Xiao Li came over.

Tsunade also raised her head and told about the situation in the Sand Village

"Kakashi and his men have already gone there, but the Akatsuki people are not easy to deal with. In case something unexpected happens, you guys should also rush over to support them."


"Temari, I didn't have time to inform you before, now you should go with Neji and the others."

"Hello, Hokage-sama, thank you very much."

"It's okay, pack up and leave quickly, don't delay too long."Tsunade said, waving her hand.

After that, the group left the office.

First go back to organize the equipment, then regroup and set off together.

In fact, a few days ago,

Ningci received a secret letter from Hoshigaki Kisame who asked Little Shark to send him, telling him that the Akatsuki organization was going to launch a plan to capture the tailed beast.

But this was exactly what Ningci wanted.

Naturally, he would not stop it.

Saving Kaguya was just a side job. The Ten Tails was what Ningci wanted most, and he would never let it go.

As for Gaara, for

Temari's sake, he would definitely be saved, but as long as he was not killed, it would be fine.

Anyway, there is Granny Chiyo's reincarnation technique.

Even if Gaara died, he could be pulled back. Even if there was an unexpected situation and Granny Chiyo was not strong enough, Ningci could still save people at that time..

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