After two days of hard work , the group finally arrived at the Land of Wind.

Looking around, it was all yellow sand, bare and desolate.

But at this point, no one cared about the environment.

Along the way, in order to take care of Temari's emotions, even Might Guy and Rock Lee, who usually talked the most, stopped joking.

After walking for dozens of miles, they finally arrived at the Sand Village.

After passing the checkpoint, under the leadership of Temari, Ningci and others also entered the Sand Village and met Kakashi and others.

"How is it going?"

"Fortunately, Kankuro was injured, but he has been healed by Sakura and is currently recuperating."

"Where is Fengying?"

"Based on the clues provided by Kanjiro, I have asked Parker to find their location and was planning to rush over at dawn."

"We came at the right time. Let's go together then."


Kakashi nodded and chatted with Might Guy about something else.

As for Neji, he accompanied Temari to the infirmary to visit���Kankuro was in a bad state. Although the poison had been cleared, his mental state was very poor. He fell asleep after a few words.


Neji and Temari left the infirmary and sat on the roof for a while to enjoy the fresh air.

"What? Are you still worried about your brother?"

"Well, Kankuro is fine, I don't know how Gaara is doing."

Leaning her head on Neji's shoulder, Temari said

"Don't worry, just because he is your brother, even if God wants him to die, I will bring him back."Take Temari's little hand and Neji said

"Are you more powerful than God?"

"That's it. You can believe it or not."

"I believe it!"

Temari nodded without hesitation.

Because this was not only out of trust in Neji, but also a good wish for Gaara, hoping that he could survive this disaster and return safely.

Time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was dawn.

Just when everyone was ready to set off.

Something strange happened in the Sand Village again, and those senior figures didn't let Temari go with them.

They said that the Kazekage was missing and the village would be in danger, so Temari had to stay and be responsible for defense.

What nonsense.

A ninja village is so big, whether it will be invaded or not, can it rely on one person, unless the others are all good-for-nothings.


To deal with the people of the Akatsuki organization, with Temari's current strength, it is really not that important whether to go or not.

It's still far away.

And Neji is also very busy, often doing various experiments, and it is normal for him not to show up for a month or two. So he didn't help Temari improve her strength too much.

It would be better to let Temari stay in the village.

In addition, Granny Chiyo volunteered to go with them, and the Sand Village was not considered to have made no contribution, so Neji didn't bother them too much.

A group of people officially set off.

There were Kakashi, Naruto, Haruno Sakura, Granny Chiyo, and four members of the third team, a total of eight people.

It did look quite funny.

The key point was that the Kazekage of the Sand Village was in trouble.

Among the people who rushed to the rescue, there was only one of their own, and the remaining seven were all from other villages.

How did you say that?

Of course, these are all trivial matters. Anyway,

Neji is just here to slack off, as long as he can ensure that Gaara can survive in the end, he won't worry about other things.

Follow Kakashi's dog and run all the way.

Half a day later, the group had left the desert area and came to a forest.


"Neji, what did you see?"

"It's nothing, just a small animal."

Actually, Neji sensed the Black and White Zetsu.

But the Akatsuki organization was still useful to him.

And even if he told Might Guy and the others, they couldn't catch the Black and White Zetsu, so why waste their saliva.

He ran for a distance.

Suddenly, two people appeared in front of him, blocking the way. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

They are Hoshigaki Kisame and Uchiha Itachi

"Everyone, the road ahead is blocked, so let's stop here."

Hoshigaki Kisame stuck Samehada into the ground, making a thud, and said

"Kakashi, we will stay here to deal with them, you take Naruto and the others and go first."Might Guy said.

This is indeed the best way, and it won't waste time.

So Kakashi didn't hesitate and nodded directly.

"Be careful, we'll leave first."


Kakashi waved his hand, and then led Naruto and the others to run to the left, trying to bypass Uchiha Itachi and the other two.

"Where are you going!"

Hoshigaki Kisame rushed over to intercept

"Your opponent is me!"

Might Guy was faster and kicked Hoshigaki Kisame back with one kick.

Of course, this was also because Hoshigaki Kisame was a clone at the moment, with only 30% of his original strength, and lacked a lot of strength.[]

Otherwise, as a tailless beast with extraordinary strength, he would not be forced back by Might Guy so easily.

Uchiha Itachi also used a ninjutsu on Kakashi and the others, but it was blocked by Lee and Tenten, so he simply ignored it.

After all, he was a traitor, an undercover agent lurking in the Akatsuki organization.

So Uchiha Itachi was the same as Neji, and they were just paddling at the moment.

The battle continued.

Might Guy dealt with Hoshigaki Kisame.

Ningci, Tenten, and Lee, and the three of them dealt with Uchiha Itachi.


The hidden weapon shot by Tenten was so powerful that even Uchiha Itachi could not dodge it, and a hole was punched through his sleeve.

Next was Lee.

He attacked Uchiha Itachi continuously, not only with a fast speed, but also with strong and solid force, accompanied by the sound of whistling wind.

Only Neji.

He was working without exerting any effort, and was still paddling.

Suddenly, Uchiha Itachi used an illusion on Lee, and then kicked him again.

At this moment, Ningci rushed over and blocked the kick for Xiao Li.

""Have we met before?"

Uchiha Itachi asked

"We are from the same village, so it's normal that we have met before."((Zhao Zhao)

Neji said casually.

But Uchiha Itachi didn't think so.

Although he didn't match the person he met that night in his memory, he always felt that Neji was very familiar, as if they had fought before.

So alert?

Neji curled his lips, but didn't say anything more.

The more he said, the more he revealed.

Even if Uchiha Itachi knew who he was, it wouldn't matter much, but as I said, Neji didn't have the habit of explaining things to others.

If you don't understand, just keep it to yourself.

"Water escape, who's going to build the dam?!"


Endless water rushed down, instantly destroying a large area of trees and changing the surrounding terrain.

The noise was so loud.

It shows how fierce the battle between Might Guy and Hoshigaki Kisame was. Uchiha


, Neji, Tenten, and Rock Lee, all four of them avoided the impact of the water and stepped on the water again.

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