"Sakura, you and Chiyo be careful. If you can't make it, retreat. It's too dangerous for Naruto to go there. I'll chase him back first!"

As Kakashi finished speaking, he left far away.

Haruno Sakura was speechless.

It was useless to say anything.

After that, the battlefield was divided into two waves.

Haruno Sakura and Chiyo were fighting the Red Sand Scorpion in the cave.


Naruto and Kakashi were chasing Deidara in the sky.

When Might Guy and others came over, they heard Parker-Dog report the news.

"In that case, Xiao Li and I will go to support Kakashi, and you guys go to the cave, Neji and Tenten."Might Guy assigned the task.


""Let's go."

The troops split into two groups.

Ningci and Tenten took some time to come to the cave.

The battle inside was already very fierce, with all kinds of puppets and hidden weapons flying all over the sky. It was the Red Sand Scorpion who used his Hundred Machines Exercise.

Because it was too chaotic.

So Ningci and Tenten were not in a hurry to go in, but observed the situation from the outside first.

Until the puppets all lay down.

When the Red Sand Scorpion changed its body and attacked Haruno Sakura with a long sword.

Ningci and the others entered the field and blocked the attack of the Red Sand Scorpion, which also saved Haruno Sakura's life.

"Senior Brother Ningci?"

Haruno Sakura was stunned, and then she showed a surprised expression.

"Take care of the present first, we can talk later if you have anything to say"


Haruno Sakura responded, and then focused on the battle in front of her, and then set her sights on the Red Sand Scorpion not far away.

But there was nothing much to say next.

With the Red Sand Scorpion deliberately letting him go and his fighting will not be high, he finally fell under the knife of Chiyo's puppet.


A scorpion that has lost its fighting spirit is not of much use to Neji.

But it can still be used.

At most, his memory can be modified.

Feeling that he still lacked a talent to manage the puppet army, Neji, who was also a designer, took away the soul of the Red Sand Scorpion.

Of course.

All this was done secretly, and no one discovered it.

After that.

It was similar to the plot in the anime.

Kakashi and the others took back Gaara's body.

In addition, the antidote had been used up. The poisonous grandmother Chiyo knew that she was dying, so she simply sacrificed herself and used the Self-Reincarnation Technique to save Gaara.

This act was indeed great.

But Neji did not go up to help instead of Chiyo.

It was just that the relationship was not that deep.

Ningci ensured that Gaara would not die for Temari's sake.

This means that no matter what the process is, as long as he is still alive in the end. It doesn't matter who saved him. And Chiyo took the initiative, and no one forced her. Neji would not risk being exposed to save Chiyo without any relatives or friends. After Gaara is resurrected. Things here have come to an end. Without saying hello to anyone, Ningji left a clone there, while the real body used the space-time ninjutsu to go to other places.


Because of the awakening of the Divine Power Eye Technique of the Mangekyō Sharingan, Kakashi was quite sensitive to spatial fluctuations, and he couldn't help but look at the place where Neji disappeared.

"What's wrong, Kakashi?"

Might Guy asked with concern.

"It's nothing, it may be the sequelae of using the eye technique."

Kakashi really thought so.

After all, he didn't find anything, and he was not so proficient in the Kamui eye technique, so he thought it was an illusion of over-consumption.

After dispelling Might Guy's doubts.

They set off again to send Gaara, who had just been resurrected, and Chiyo's body back to the Sand Village.

On the other side. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Neji was not in a hurry to catch Hiruko, but came to see someone first.

"Deidara, you look really miserable now."

Isn't it miserable?

Both arms are gone.

One was torn off by Gaara, and the other was broken by Kakashi's Kamui. He looks like a human stick. He doesn't even need to put on makeup to beg for food.

"Who is it? You dare to gossip behind my back, are you looking for death? Huh?"

Deidara was startled, turned around quickly, and asked in a threatening manner

"Put away your pretense, Deidara. I'm not looking down on you, but how much strength can you show now?"

The young man transformed by Neji stepped out.

"Who are you?"

Deidara did not relax his vigilance and was also thinking about how to escape.

Because his current condition was really bad. Not only did he lose his two arms and could not use ninjutsu to fight the enemy, but his body was also seriously injured.


Before I tell you who I am, let me give you a gift.[]

Neji used the space-time ninjutsu to move an arm over, and then threw it in front of Deidara.

Deidara looked down and saw that this arm was the one that Kakashi broke, and there was an Akatsuki ring on it.

"What do you mean? Huh?"

"Just ease the relationship and prove that I really don't intend to do anything to you."

Ningji spread his hands and said with a sincere smile. When your strength reaches a certain level, even if you want to find chess pieces, you don't have to be too rough.

Because whether these chess pieces are obedient or not, it doesn't have much impact on you.

"Detente? So you're not here to cause trouble, huh?"

"It is not"

"What is your purpose? You can't be here to play, right?"

Deidara's colloquialisms are very interesting. He always adds"um" to almost every sentence, as if he is confirming what he said.

"I'm here to do business"

"what kind of business?"

"That depends on what you want, stronger strength, longer life, or higher art. As long as you want, I can satisfy you here."

"Are you kidding me? Do you think you are a god? Even stronger strength, higher art, do you know what art is? Huh?"

"At least I know better than you"


Deidara was so angry that he laughed.

He had lost both hands, so the conditions did not allow it. Otherwise, he would have to make a few clay bombs and let the guy in front of him have a taste of it first.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. As a new customer, I can give you one order for free."

"What do you mean? Huh?"

"You will know soon."

Ningji smiled slightly.

Before Deidara could react, he stretched out his hand to restrain him, and then, in Deidara's surprised eyes, he helped him to connect his arm in a few moves.

"Try it and see if there is any difference from your original self."

After the operation, Neji let go of Deidara.

Because he was too surprised, Deidara did not do anything extraordinary, but moved his arms for a while.

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