"this......It is indeed the same as before, without any discomfort. I said your medical ninjutsu is so powerful? Huh?"

"well enough"

"Can other injuries be cured?"

"Even if you die, I can bring you back"

"You are just bragging!"

"I'm not that bored yet"

"It doesn't matter."

Waving his hand, Deidara said:"Since you helped me, I can help you once if you have any problems in the future, um"

"Said it was free"

"Whatever. I can continue to take care of your business in the future, okay?"

"That's fine."

Ningji smiled again.

In fact, Deidara was so easy to talk to because he was under his illusion. It

's been a long time since he got Shisui's eyes.

Neji has not had any research results.

He has developed a pupil technique similar to the"443" God, which can affect other people's thoughts and wills unconsciously. Although the speed is a bit slow.

It also requires that the target does not have such a strong will to resist.���

But this is much better than ordinary illusions.

The key is that after the will is modified, as long as there is no serious mental trauma, the effect will continue.

It is a long-term change.

Naturally, it is not comparable to short-term hallucinations.

Chatting and so on. It is just to gradually disintegrate Deidara's vigilance.

It is a means of hypnosis.

So it doesn't matter what you talk about, as long as the effect is achieved.

After a while.

As they talked more.

Deidara became more and more assured and trusted in Neci.

When Neci asked him to leave, he already regarded Neci as a friend, the kind that he could confide in.


Another chess piece was planted in the Akatsuki organization.

After doing this, Neci turned and left.

At the junction of the Land of Earth and the Land of Grass.

There is a vast mountain range called the Golden Wheel, among which there is a mountain called Mount Sumeru.

"Confirmed, Beiruhu is here?"

Neji's real body replaced the clone and asked

"Yes, sir, we have already investigated and found that Bei Liuhu is in the palace on the mountain."The subordinate reported

"It's best if you're here. Let's go together."


With a few subordinates,

Neji walked to the mountain.

This place has been surrounded by his people. Every few meters, a subordinate appeared and saluted him.

The further he walked in, the worse the environment became.

Gradually, there was no vegetation, only bare and dangerous stone mountains.

"Sir, something has happened."

A subordinate came to report

"What's wrong?"

"Our people were discovered by that Beiluhu, and several of our companions were hit by his ninjutsu, and all the chakra in their bodies was taken away."

"Oh? Is there a dead person?"


"Then bring the injured person here so I can see him."


After a while, several people who lost their chakra were brought to Neji.

Neji first checked their bodies and found that their chakra was indeed completely drained.

Fortunately, their foundation was not damaged, which was a blessing in disguise.

"Take them down, give them more nutrition and have a good rest, there is nothing else to worry about."

"Yes, thank you, sir!"

After the injured people left. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Neji was also thinking about what ninjutsu Okuro used to plunder the chakra of several ninjas at once. It should be the Soul Release.

Although I don't remember clearly whether the Soul Release Bloodline has the ability to absorb other people's chakra remotely.

But compared to the new ninjutsu developed by Okuro,

Neji still believes that this is the ability of the Soul Release Bloodline.

Because there is no need for that.

Who would not think about how to develop this bloodline when they have a bloodline limit, but instead develop the same type of ninjutsu.

Isn't that just because they have nothing to do and are too idle.

Of course.

There is no need to think so much now.

Because Okuro is right in front of him, any doubts and questions will be cleared up once he is caught.

There is no need to waste brain cells to think about it.

So, Neji didn't waste time and led his men to continue. A majestic giant gate appeared in the mountain stream.


"The road ahead is blocked, everyone...."Handsome guy."

A hot body, curvy figure, fair skin, and good looks.

A woman wearing a seductive red dress, who was both charming and charming, was standing on the top of the giant gate and talking. The word"charming and charming" means that this woman has a small face, but her voice and the best figure are those of a queen..........

As the words fell, the red-dressed woman's eyes also stayed on Neji. It was obvious that the handsome guy was talking about him, and there was a hint of teasing in her words.

""My beautiful lady, why do you work for Beiliuhu? Can you answer me?"

Ningci asked with a smile.

"Haha, do you want to sow discord between us?"

The woman in red covered her mouth and laughed, then said,"Then you are wrong. Lord Beiliuhu is not someone you ordinary people can understand."

"So what benefits did he give you?"

"You don't have to worry about this......."

"Strength? Ninjutsu? Money? Status? Or more dignity and future? But no matter what, there is one thing he can never give you."

"Oh? Why don't you tell me about it?"

Having been aroused by Neji, the woman in red was not in a hurry to act so quickly. Instead, she asked with a smile:

"He definitely can't give you the happiness of being a woman."

Without waiting for the red-dressed woman to react, Neji continued,"After all, not everyone has the courage to transform themselves into a child, and they are ugly and skinny like a stick, and look like they can be blown away by a gust of wind."

"Even though Bei Liuhu is like this, you say he still retains his manly abilities and is smart and capable. I think that's not very reliable."



The face of the woman in red���It turns red.

"you....How can you be so vulgar!"

"No way, 1.2 is just a normal discussion of the problem, what's wrong with that, or are you thinking too much?"

Oh my God!

How can there be such a shameless person in the world? It's really a waste of that face!

The woman in red was very angry and didn't know what to say.

But how to say it.

Women don't love men who are not bad.

"you..."Go away now, don't force me to kill you!"

That's what she said.

The woman in red deliberately put on a stern face.

But looking at her evasive eyes, it's clear that she's not that determined.

"Want to kill me? That depends on whether you have the ability to do it." As soon as the voice fell,

Ningci seemed to teleport and appeared directly on the huge stone gate. He put his arm around the waist of the woman in red.

With a force, he pulled her to his side.

Let's spend some money, brothers..

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