"You, what are you doing?"

The woman in red was startled and quickly supported Ningci's chest with her hands, and her face flushed.

"What do you think?"

Neji moved closer.

"Bastard, I will really kill you!"

"Then come on, it seems like a good thing to die at the hands of a beautiful lady like you."


The red-dressed woman was speechless again. She was also helpless because of Neji's thick skin.

But no matter how corny it is. As long as it works, it's fine.

That's right.

Neji used his own Kotoamatsukami eye technique again. Although the process was a bit troublesome and even unbearable to watch.

But the effect was really amazing.

It was only a few minutes. Under the influence of Neji's eye power, the red-dressed woman let down her guard and gradually accepted him.

And in the end.

Neji took down the red-dressed woman without a single blow.

He made her bow down to him and obey his orders.

Of course, this is also because the red-dressed woman's strength is not that high, at least compared to Neji's 09, the gap is huge, like the difference between heaven and earth.

So the hypnosis effect is so fast.

Otherwise, if you change to someone with strong strength, such as Tsunade Terumi Mei, it will not be done in a few minutes, and it will not work in a few days.

It really needs to be done slowly and imperceptibly.

It's still a bit unacceptable.

But there is no way.

Because this eye technique similar to Kotoamatsukami was developed by Neji after a little time, without much effort.

If he wanted a stronger effect, he could only continue to improve it and wait for the future.

He was not in a hurry at the moment.

After taking down the woman in red, Neji let her lead the way and led him deeper into the mountain stream.

"Hongluan, what are you doing?"

Two men appeared in an instant, blocking the way.

These two men should be twins. Not only do they look the same, with a stubby face and tall and thin body, they also dress similarly.

The most obvious difference is that they have different marks on their foreheads.

One has one line, and the other has three lines.

""Get out of the way. I want to see Master Bei Liuhu." Hongluan, the girl in red, waved her hand and said

"Take them with you?"

The twin boys looked at Ningci and the others.

"So what!"

"Hongluan, how dare you betray my Lord?"

"Don't say such harsh words, I just found someone I want to follow more."Hongluan looked proud instead of ashamed.

It can be seen that the hypnosis effect was still very good before, and there was no problem.

"What nonsense!"

"Hongluan, you have to pay the price for your actions!"

Both twin men scolded

"Well, let's stop chatting here."

Ningci walked forward. Hongluan also came to his side obediently, showing a cute and obedient look.

"Whatever the adults say is what I will listen to you."


Ignoring Hongluan, Ningci said to the twin brothers in front of him:"Since you two seem to be quite strong, I will give you a chance."

"Submit to me now like Hongluan, not only will I not kill you, I will also give you a brighter future"


"What a joke!"

The twin brothers who were loyal to Beiliuhu showed disdainful expressions.

Then they said:"Arrogant guy, and Hongluan who betrayed the adults, you will all die here today!"

"That's right, give me your life!"

Before he finished speaking, the two brothers attacked together.

The man with three stripes on his forehead used psychic magic to summon a large flying bird that looked like a manta ray, and then jumped on it.

The man with only one stripe on his forehead stayed where he was, and his left hand changed into a strange snake head shape.

""Go to hell!" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

A bar stretched out the snake head in his left hand, and instantly launched many hidden weapons from the snake's mouth.

The principle should be similar to the corpse bloodline, or the modified Kidomaru, which can synthesize some special substances in the body to serve as the material of hidden weapons.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

Countless hidden weapons came in front of Neji.

But he just moved his mind and opened a circular electric charge barrier.

That's right.

This is exactly the move used by one of Hyde's three subordinates, a female knight named Rank.

Control lightning.

Although Neji does not have this superpower.

But with him 's understanding, using chakra instead can also achieve a similar effect.

Bang, bang, bang!!

The hidden weapons on the opposite side hit the electric barrier, and they were all bounced off with just one contact. None of them could break this seemingly weak defense.

Seeing this.

The one-bar man still didn't believe it.

He stretched out his left hand and conjured up many poisonous snakes, just like Orochimaru's snake shadow sneak hand, biting at Neci's electric barrier.

At the same time.

The three-bar man flying in the sky was not idle either.

He controlled the manta summoning beast under his feet and scattered a piece of green feathers with special patterns on the heads of Neci and others.

Boom boom boom~~~

This feather is just like an explosive tag.

When it falls to the ground, the pattern on it flashes, and it will explode instantly. Its power is no less than that of an explosive tag.

A series of explosions occurred. A large cloud of dust was raised.

The man standing on the ground did not stop attacking. His left hand transformed into more poisonous snakes, all biting into the smoke.

But as time passed slowly.

After the smoke around him dispersed, the man could not remain calm when he saw the situation on the opposite side.

Because from beginning to end.

Neji and others did not leave their original positions.

The only difference is that Neji expanded the scale of the electric charge barrier several times, covering everyone behind him.

Regardless of the bombing from the sky.[]

Or was it the poisonous snake attacking from the ground?

From beginning to end, it failed to break his defense, not even tickling him.

"Is there anything else you haven't used yet? If you don't work harder, I'll fall asleep soon."

Ningji said with a smile.

He was not in a hurry to catch Hiruko.

Because with his Byakuran observation and powerful perception, Hiruko's breath and life fluctuations had been locked by him long ago.

He couldn't escape even if he went to heaven or hell.

So why was he in a hurry?

Another thing, Neji knew that the twin brothers in front of him still had a trick of Kigerura Ninjutsu that they hadn't used yet, and he also wanted to see it.

"You bastard, stop being so arrogant!"

After hearing what Ningci said, Yidagang was also very angry.

"Since you want to die, I will grant your wish!"

As he spoke, Yidaogang took out two scrolls from his ninja tool bag, spread them out on the ground, one on the left and one on the right, and then bit his finger and pressed on them.

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