"Stop playing and start."

He Ma, who was wearing a cloak and a hat, said

"Got it."

Since most of the people had been killed, he didn't move and didn't chase them anymore.

Following Hema's instructions, he quickly formed seals with both hands and pressed them to the ground.

"Earth escape, a transformation!"


As the ground cracked, a large amount of foul-smelling mud gushed out from the bottom.

In just a moment, the topography here was changed.

The originally flat ground disappeared, replaced by a foul-smelling dirt mountain.

Many houses and buildings in Konoha were also crushed and swallowed by the dirt mountain and no longer existed.

The poor villagers of Konoha.

They haven't recovered from the last detonating talisman incident yet, and now they have to lose new houses and a lot of money.

The key started from the"837" Chunin Exam.

In just two and a half years, This is the third time that it has been attacked.

On average, it happens once in less than a year, which is more frequent than the Spring Festival.

Houses collapse again and again, money is lost in piles, who can bear this? It is estimated that after this incident, many villagers will not be able to bear this pressure and choose to leave Konoha and live somewhere else.

But it doesn't matter.

Because with the reputation of Konoha as the number one ninja village in the ninja world, it can still attract people from outside to settle down and continue to replenish the population. When the old ones leave, new ones will come.

As long as this continues, why worry so much?

""Resurrect, corpse ninjas!"

The ninja named Fudo used his ultimate move.

The transformation can also be used as a summoning technique to transfer the terrain prepared in advance.

This dirt hill with a foul smell was prepared in advance by Fudo and others.

Make the killed people into puppets and bury them in this dirt hill, and then wake them up when they are used.

This ninjutsu called Earth Escape Ultimate Creation Technique Dead Soil is also another version of Impure World Reincarnation. Anyway, it is a forbidden technique that plays with the dead and violates the laws of nature and morality.



Corpses emerged from the dirt hill one after another, with white eyes and gray skin.

While roaring, they climbed down the dirt hill with their claws and teeth bared, and rushed towards the Konoha ninjas who came to support them under the control of motionless.

Although the combat effectiveness of these corpses is not strong.

Because the body is composed of a structure similar to soil molecules, as long as it is attacked, it will collapse and disintegrate instantly. It is similar to hitting a sand statue.

In addition, they move slowly, cannot use the ninjutsu they used to use in their lives, and have only one life. After being killed, they cannot recover.

This so-called ultimate creation technique is indeed not as good as the Impure World Reincarnation.

The gap is very large.

After all, one can only fight small pawns, not the kind that can infinitely violently mobilize soldiers.

The other can summon top-level combat power. Even if it is damaged, it can be restored again, and use infinite blue and countless lives to grind the opponent to death.

How can this be compared? There is no comparison at all.

However, even so, it does not mean that this ultimate creation technique has no effect and value at all.

In Neji's view.

As long as the Impure World Reincarnation Ninjutsu is put into practice, it is not necessary to use the ultimate creation technique. If we put some of the essence of the above into this ultimate creation technique and improve it, we can turn it into a good ninjutsu.

At least it is enough to clean up the small fish.

What is the combination of the two?

Make the Impure World Reincarnation and this ultimate creation technique into one ninjutsu?

That is not necessary.

The main thing is that as an Impure World Reincarnation technique that can summon top combat forces to assist in fighting, it is already perfect.

There is no need to change the summoning method, the whole earth mountain and so on.

Because it is just summoning coffins, you can also summon a lot of them at once.

There is no problem with the number.

Then why make a stinking earth mountain? It is purely superfluous and unnecessary.

Flying in the sky.

Watching the Konoha ninjas fighting the group of corpses below, Neji also thought of a lot of messy things. (To read the exciting novels, go to Flyu Novel Network!)

Anyway, it is about how to make use of these spoils.


He hasn't even got the things yet, but he has already thought about how to use them. He is absolutely thinking ten steps ahead. No one else can do that.

"Ah, it's about time."

Looking at the moon in the sky, Kazuma said to himself.

He cut off Konoha's power facilities, but it was not a useless effort.

Instead, he wanted to use the electricity to help him complete a ninjutsu and revive four people.

Beizi, Nanwu, Dongmao, and Xidu.

They were once members of the Twelve Guardian Ninjas, known as the Four Lightning Releases...

They are all very powerful, and can work together to perform a ninjutsu called Thunder Dream Thunder Man, which has a very terrifying power.

It can destroy a town with one blow.

Unfortunately, in the civil war that year, these four people also died.

And what Kazuma wants to do is to summon these four people and use their Thunder Dream Thunder Man Ninjutsu to destroy Konoha.


Konoha's power equipment center[]

Four coffins with blue, white, red and black written on them stood here, absorbing the electricity.

As more electricity was consumed, the four coffins also emitted a strong light, as if the existence inside was coming to life.

In fact, it was almost the same.

He Ma had already used the Earth Style Reincarnation Technique, and it was only a matter of time for the four people in the coffins to be resurrected.

Speaking of which, compared to the Ultimate Creation Technique that can only clean up the soldiers, He Ma's reincarnation technique is closer to the Impure World Reincarnation Technique.

The main thing is that the people resurrected by this reincarnation technique not only have the memories, body and appearance of their previous life, but can also use all their previous abilities.

Including various ninjutsu and blood limit.

If compared in this way, isn't it the same as the Impure World Reincarnation Technique? If you have to say the difference , the people resurrected by the Earth Style Reincarnation Technique are more like living people, their whites of the eyes are not black, and there are no cracks on their faces.

But success or failure is due to Xiao He 0.5.

It's because they look too much like living people.

The chakra of these resurrected people is not infinite. When they are injured, their chakra will decline. They will not recover infinitely like the Impure World Reincarnation.

They are all disposable.


As the sound rang out, the four coffins opened and four people walked out. They were the four people of Thunder Release.

"Beizi, Nanwu, Dongmao, and Xidu, how could it be you?"

Asuma said in surprise.

He never expected that these four people would be resurrected.

Behind Asuma were two people, Haruno Sakura and Yamato.

"Long time no see, Asuma."

The man named Beizi greeted him first, and then said,"I didn't expect that one day I would become your enemy, but there is no way. As the resurrected objects, we cannot resist the caster and can only obey his orders."

This is my answer: TONY2k5

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