As if to confirm Beizi's words, the three people standing with him, Nanwu, Dongmao, and Xidu, suddenly took action and went in three directions.

"Beizi, what are they going to do?......Want to use that ninjutsu?"

Asuma suddenly remembered.

"Asuma-sensei, what ninjutsu are you talking about?" Haruno Sakura asked

"It was Lei Meng Lei Ren, an ultimate lightning ninjutsu with extremely powerful destructive power. As long as four people stood in four directions and performed it together, the covered area could be completely destroyed and burned to ashes!"

"this.....How can we stop them?"

Haruno Sakura said worriedly.

"It's actually quite simple. As long as we can stop one of them and prevent them from forming a formation, they won't be able to perform this ninjutsu."

After a pause, Asuma said,"Sakura, Yamato, I'll take care of this. You two should set out quickly to stop those who ran away."

What kind of clever statement is this?

Even Ningci in heaven was stunned.

And that's not all.

The key is the performance of Haruno Sakura and Yamato, which shocked Ningci again and made him not know what to say.

"Okay, Mr. Asuma, we'll go first."

"Go ahead."

At Asuma's wave,

Haruno Sakura and Yamato also used the instant body ninjutsu and left at a very fast speed. They were really smart.

Neji didn't know what they were thinking.

Since stopping one person would prevent the ninjutsu of Lei Meng Lei Ren from being performed, why not quickly join forces to kill Bei Zi in front of them, wouldn't that solve the problem directly?

Running away.

And chasing other people.

Isn't this just because they have nothing better to do. It's a complete brainless behavior, and they got kicked by a donkey.

What made Neji speechless was that

Asuma, who stayed behind to be a hero, was trapped like a locked dog by this ninja named Kitako before he could even defeat her.

Then Kitako left.

Asuma was the only one left in the cage. He tried to escape but couldn't, and was even screaming from the electric shock.

What an incompetent performance.

It was absolutely true that he was the biological son of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Neji couldn't bear to watch it.

He simply went somewhere else.

The battlefield of Konoha was divided into several parts.

The place at the gate was where the battle was taking place. The largest.

Konoha's ninja army is dealing with the army of corpses that are climbing down from the dirt hill.

Although the individual strength of these corpses is not strong, they still cause some trouble to Konoha's ninjas due to their large numbers.

They are all entangled.

And this is also the purpose of that horse.

He wants to contain Konoha's army, and then let the resurrected four people secretly complete the Thunder Dream Thunder Ninjutsu to deal a fatal blow to Konoha.

In addition to the two places of battle between the four people and the gate, there are three other places. Fight.

That is, the three men under Kazuma.

Trap master Fuyuan stopped Haruno Sakura.

Earth escape master Budong stopped Yamato.

As for the beautiful monster with hair like a spirit, Fufeng, she had a special liking for Naruto, who she had fought before, and found him again.

By the way.

Neci was quite interested in the secret techniques possessed by people like Kazuma.

So he didn't plan to let any of them go.

After thinking about it.

Neci still found the trap master Fuyuan first, because her physical skills were the weakest, and she could easily be beaten to death by the violent Haruno Sakura.

""Senior Ningci? Why are you here?"

Haruno Sakura asked curiously.

"Well, I came to support you. What's the situation now?"

Neji asked, pretending to know nothing.

"The resurrected four wanted to use a ninjutsu to destroy Konoha. I was going to stop them, but was stopped by this guy."

Haruno Sakura looked at Buyuan in the distance and answered

"I see. Then you go first and leave this to me."

"Well, thank you, Neji-senpai."

Because the situation was urgent, Haruno Sakura did not refuse. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After thanking her, she turned around and left first.

"Your opponent is me."

Ningji was about to chase Haruno Sakura, but was stopped by Fuyuan.

"Handsome boy, are you so anxious to die?"

Bu Yuan was not upset, but said with a smile on his face.

"You will know whether it is fatal or not if you try it."

"Arrogant, then you go to hell!"

Buyuan just waved his hand, and the surrounding environment changed.

Many rocks appeared out of thin air, all pressing towards Ningci.

This is not all illusion. It is a very complicated composite ninjutsu.

Ningci saw it at a glance.

Among them are summoning techniques, earth escape techniques, and some illusions that are like sleight of hand.

The specific situation is.

Buyuan used summoning techniques to summon a piece of rock, and then used earth escape techniques to make these rocks move.[]

Then add some illusions to affect the opponent's vision and senses, and it will be easier to trap or kill the opponent.

It's quite complicated.

And Buyuan used it effortlessly, without even using hand seals.

Just based on this point, it's true that she is a trap master. But. It

's not enough to use this kind of ninjutsu against Neci.

With just one Bagua Kongzhang, Neci smashed all the rocks in front of him, and opened an empty passage between him and Buyuan.

Then 077.

Before Buyuan could react.

Neci came in front of her at the speed of teleportation.

He stretched out his hand and pinched her, and lifted her up.


Buyuan was dumbfounded. She tried to pry Ningci's fingers apart, but it was useless, let alone untying them.

As Ningci exerted more force, she could not utter a word.

What trap master? The elite jonin was nothing. He had no power to resist Ningci and could not even get through two moves.


Throw the person into the small gourd container.

After that, Ningci disappeared without a trace and went to find other people.


Use the same method and let Yamato go first.

And Ningci stayed and defeated this Budong with only two moves.


Throw into the gourd.

Then Ningci went to find Bufeng, the hair spirit.

"Naruto, I saw that Akong in the north, go find him"


"Akong is being beaten"

" about you?"

"Don't you know my strength? Don't worry."

"Okay, I'll go first then." Naruto, who believed in Ningci very much, didn't waste any more words, turned around and jumped, and ran to the north.

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