""Hehe, little brother, you let my prey go, shouldn't you compensate me?"

Bu Feng licked her lips and said with a smile.

She didn't try to stop Naruto, but kept staring at Neji. It was obvious that this new prey was too much for her appetite. It also made her give up chasing Naruto.

"Compensation, no problem, as long as you can beat me, everything else is easy to talk about."

Ningji also said with a smile

"You are really a caring little brother. I, your sister, am a little reluctant to kill you. How about you follow me in the future?"

"not so good"

"Don't be ungrateful."

"Even if I don't recognize you, what can you do to me?"


Bu Feng was choked.

He then became very angry and said,"Little brother, you can easily die if you talk like that!"

"Really? I don't think so."

Ningji shook his head.

"Humph, I think you won't cry until you see the coffin, so I'll teach you a lesson on behalf of your parents!"

Bu Feng made seals with both hands.

He said he would start fighting.

"Water escape, evil mouth!"

With a splash, a stream of water rushed over from behind Bu Feng, of course bypassing her.

"Earth escape, mud mage!"

Another mud appeared and mixed with the water.

"Do you know, little brother, earth escape plus water escape will form a mudslide, I want to see how you deal with this ninjutsu!"

Bu Feng said with a confident smile.

But for Ningci, this ninjutsu is too childish.

How can he deal with it?

With just a leap, Ningci used the Peacock Magic to fly into the air and avoided the impact of the mudslide several feet high.

I didn't expect Ningci to be able to fly.

Bu Feng was also surprised.

But she was not discouraged, thinking that she would lose.

"Wind escape, flower scattering dance!"

No wind released a small tornado, with flower petals mixed in it, and it flew all over the sky and hit Neji.

But this ninjutsu covers a wide range, but the power is too weak.

Neji didn't use any ninjutsu, just relying on his own chakra, just a small burst, and the petals were scattered.

"Damn, it's not over yet..!"

"Wind escape, practice air bullets!"

Bufeng opened his mouth and blew out another wind ball, which hit Neji at a high speed.

What a pity.

Although this hairy spirit Bufeng can use five kinds of ninjutsu, the power of these ninjutsu is too low, at least for Neji.

He just waved his hand and knocked the attacking wind ball away.

After that, without waiting for Bufeng to make any more moves,

Neji, who had had enough of playing, cast a confinement technique to freeze him, and then threw him into the small gourd container.

As the three men of Kazuma were captured by Neji. The barrier covering Konoha, The dirt mountain at the gate and the dead bodies on it were all untied and disappeared.

In addition, Yamato and Haruno Sakura also killed one of the Four.

As a result, the Thunder Dream Thunder Ninjutsu could not be performed.

At this point,

Kazuma's plan to destroy Konoha has actually failed.

Even if he still has one last trump card, that is, his son, Sora, who has the Nine-Tails Chakra.

It's useless.

Because, based on the strength of Sora, even if he bursts out four tails, he can't beat Naruto, let alone destroy Konoha.

It's really too much to think about.

"There is?"

"what happened?"

"This Chakra......"

"What an evil feeling!"

Seeing the fiery red chakra column that erupted in the village and soared into the sky, many people couldn't help but frown.

And the older villagers.

They remembered the horrible night more than ten years ago, and couldn't help shivering, their legs trembling, and almost wet their pants.

Of course, there were also those who were hysterical, and they opened their mouths and cursed the fox demon and cursed people's eight generations of ancestors. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There are really all kinds of ugly, each with its own characteristics

"Is that Naruto over there?"

In the hospital, Ino, who was bandaging the wounded, raised her head and asked.


She also became Tsunade's apprentice, and now she is considered the apprentice of Neji and Haruno Sakura.

"It's not him, but it will be soon."

With Neji's chakra, he can have as many clones as he wants.

For example, right now, he has created dozens of clones, but most of them are busy doing things or practicing ninjutsu.

There are only a few left in Konoha, but they are enough.

After all, Konoha is so small, and there are no powerful enemies.

Neji's clones only play the role of transmitting messages and protecting the family, and they don't do anything else.

"What do you mean?"

Ino didn't understand.

"This means that it is not him who is releasing the Nine-Tails Chakra now, but after he passes by, he will have to use the power of the Nine-Tails to deal with this fake Nine-Tails."


Ino nodded, finally understanding this time.

Neji didn't say anything more, after all, he was just an avatar here, and he was usually silent as long as no one asked.

As for Neji's real body, he didn't go to find that Kong, but went to find Kazuma first.

When Neji came over,

Kazuma was fighting with Asuma.

The two of them fought back and forth, and the fight was quite fierce.

But how to say it. Although

Asuma has a big beard, he is fussy and hesitant when doing things, and he is not decisive at all. Look. He obviously has the same strength as Kazuma, but he is suppressed by the opponent, and it seems that he has no ability to fight back.

Asuma's thoughts are understandable.

He just remembers the old friendship and can't bear to kill Kazuma.

But don't you see when this is[]

They came to our door and wanted to destroy Konoha, but you are still being soft-hearted and showing them mercy. Aren't you a fool?

""Get out of here!"

Ningci kicked Asuma away.


, without giving the two a chance to talk nonsense,

Ningci cast another illusion to���Both Sima and Kazuma were controlled. Kazuma was put into the small gourd.

As for Asuma, he stayed in the woods and took the blame.

The illusion that Neji used on Asuma would make him think he was still fighting with Kazuma, and finally he killed Kazuma with fire escape.

The bodies were burned to ashes, and nothing was left.

When Tsunade asks something, this guy will explain it, and it will have nothing to do with Neji. So far


Kazuma and his gang have all been captured, leaving only Sora.

On the other side, the people of Konoha are fighting Sora who has transformed into the Nine-Tails.

It's just because Naruto refused to use the power of the Nine-Tails, and Sora didn't have Hashirama's necklace, so Yamato couldn't use the Wood Release Sealing Technique.

This led to a group of people being bloodbathed, and they didn't even have the ability to fight back..

Added by: TONY2k5

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