With a wave of his hand, the Nine-Tails-transformed Kong, including Yamato, the senior ninja, flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

Haruno Sakura was so frightened that she stood there in a daze, forgetting to dodge Kong's attack.

This was a common thing.

Haruno Sakura often made such low-level mistakes. If it weren't for someone else saving her, she would have died many times.

This time was no exception.

If it weren't for Shikamaru's shadow imitation technique to restrict Kong's movements, and if it weren't for Choji rushing up and blocking in front of him regardless of his own safety, if

Kong really slapped her, Haruno Sakura would be half-crippled if she didn't die.

As a ninja, she was so frightened in the battle that she forgot to resist. She was absolutely a freak. There was no one else like her.

After Neji came over, he was speechless when he saw this scene. He wanted to give Haruno Sakura a big fight.

The key is that it's okay to seek death yourself.

It's too annoying to implicate others.

So, it is better to stay away from such people, otherwise you will be either implicated to death or angry to death.


The nine-tailed Kong attacked again, and the strong wind he stirred up knocked all the cockroaches away, making them roll on the ground.

But even so, Neji was not in a hurry to take action.

It was not the right time yet.

In order to make the real estate plan go more smoothly, he had to let Kong destroy some more houses.

As for Shikamaru and others.

They can still hold on. It is not so easy to die.

Besides, doesn’t Neji have it? If it really comes to a life-and-death moment, he will not just stand by and watch, so heartless.

After all, it is just a matter of convenience, and it is not a big deal for him.



Even if Naruto didn't want to use the power of the Nine-Tails.

But due to the influence of the chakra on Sora's body, the Nine-Tails chakra in his body still came out involuntarily.

Now it's good.

Two little Nine-Tails appeared on the scene.

Shikamaru and the others couldn't deal with one, let alone two. It would be no different from seeking death if they rushed forward.


It was a battle between the two little Nine-Tails. Shikamaru and the others could only hide far away and couldn't get involved at all.


The loud noise continued.

Even if it was not a tailed beast ball, but just an ordinary chakra ball.

But under the use of the two little Nine-Tails, it was like a missile washing the ground, destroying large areas of houses and land.

"This won't work, the whole village has been blown up by them!"

Inuzuka Kiba spat out mud and said sarcastically.

"Yes, we have to find a way to lure them out and away from the village. Shikamaru said

"Do you have any solution?"



Inuzuka Kiba was speechless.

The point is that if there is no such thing, what's the point of talking about it? It's not enough to waste your feelings.

But this can't be blamed on Shikamaru.

Because at the moment, to put it bluntly, he is like a good cook without rice.

Even if he has many ideas, without sufficient strength, he can't invite two big Buddhas like the Nine-Tailed Fox.

In just a short while, Shikamaru thought of more than 200 ways, but he gave up one by one.

There is nothing else.

It's just that he can't implement it, he doesn't have the ability.

With these people, they can't even get close to the two Nine-Tailed Foxes, let alone hurt them, so the method of attracting hatred is also not feasible.

What else can be said.

Just give up struggling and wait for support.

Just when Shikamaru was at a loss and was about to lie down.

On Neji's side, he was also ready to take action.

Because the large army of Konoha was coming soon.

In addition, the surrounding houses were almost destroyed by the two little Nine-Tailed Foxes, and bombing them again would just plow the land, so let's stop here.

The White Sharingan opened.

The powerful eye power extended out, and in just a moment, it controlled the Nine-Tails-transformed Sora.


Neji let Sora leave the battlefield and ran out of Konoha.

Anyway, he created the illusion that he ran away because he couldn't beat Naruto.

"What's going on?"

All the little warriors were confused.

But they couldn't care less at this time. More importantly, the nine-tailed Kong took the initiative to leave Konoha, which was a good thing for them.

They would definitely not stop him.

"Captain Yamato, Naruto is in your hands."


If you can't cure Sora without the necklace, how can you cure Naruto with the necklace?

Yamato's confidence is back. He quickly formed seals with both hands, and muttered something at the same time.

"Naruto-style ear-obedience technique: Kuoan Rugu Chuan Shou......"

"Wake up, Naruto!"

Yamato leaped over and slapped Naruto with his palm, then used the power and seal from Hashirama Senju's necklace to pull out a chakra light band.

Bang, bang, bang!!

Wooden pillars rushed out of the ground and trapped Naruto in the center.

After the technique was activated, the Nine-Tails Chakra in his body was suppressed at a speed visible to the naked eye and returned to his body.

After the Nine-Tails Chakra disappeared,

Naruto, whose skin was severely burned and still unconscious, also appeared.

"What's going on here? Where are the enemies?"

The main force of Konoha finally arrived.

Well, just like the police officers in the movies, they always show up after the fact.

Shikamaru stepped forward to explain the situation to the other party.

But it didn't matter anymore, and Neji didn't stay to watch.

With just a flash, he left Konoha and went to find Sora who had transformed into the Nine-Tails....

The next day.

Konoha was filled with gloom again. There was nothing they could do. The losses were too great.

Not to mention the casualties, the houses and properties alone were enough to stop the villagers from smiling.

Of course.

The smile would not disappear, it would just shift.

Compared to those ordinary ninjas who had no ability to protect themselves, there were also the villagers.

The Hyuga clan did not suffer any losses at all.

If Neji's gains were included, they were the biggest winners last night.

Crackling~ the sound of firecrackers rang out, seeming so abrupt in the quiet streets.

"Gao Zhujun? What are you doing?"

One of the onlookers asked��

"I have good news for you all. From today on, the bank opened by our Hyuga family is officially open for business."

Hyuga Takatsugu, dressed in formal attire, announced with a smile on his face.


"What a big deal!"

"The Hyuga clan is getting better and better, and they can even open a bank."

There are banks in the Naruto world.

So after hearing this news, the villagers did not find it strange, but just lamented that people are different, and the Hyuga clan is really going to be prosperous.

"Gao Zhujun, do you have any preferential activities when you open a bank?" The man just asked.

This familiar rhythm, who knows if it is a shill? Anyway, with the eyesight of these villagers, they can't tell.

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