"This is the good news I want to tell you."

After coughing,

Hyuga Takatsuki waited for the villagers to turn their attention to him before continuing,"Konoha was in trouble and everyone suffered heavy losses. This is something that makes everyone very sad."

"Our leader, Rishi, is sympathetic to the people and understands their difficulties."

"That's why we opened a bank. The purpose is to help the people of Konoha solve their problems and share some of the pressure."

"What exactly are you going to do? What are you going to do?"

The supporting actor then asked

"That's right, can you give us some money?"

Someone else said, which also caused laughter.

"Of course it's impossible to split the money, but it's almost the same."

Hinata Takatsuki replied with a smile.

His words made the people present even more curious.

"What do you mean, Gao Zhujun, are you Hyuga clan really going to give us some money?"

"It's a share of money, but it's not free"

"Is it a loan?"




The villagers all laughed and made various noises.

However, Hyuga Takatsu was not in a hurry and said slowly,"Listen carefully, the loan project launched by our Hyuga family is different from other places because it does not require collateral to process."


"real or fake?"

"Is there such a good thing?"

The villagers opened their eyes wide, thinking that they had heard it wrong. It was not until Hyuga Takatsu repeated it again that they knew that it was true, and then the villagers were boiling.

Of course.

The Hyuga family is not a fool.

How could they do something that is thankless?

To put it bluntly, although this loan business does not require collateral, it requires the signing of various indentures.

On the surface, the terms in these contracts are indeed good, and they are very relaxed and beneficial to the lender.

First, the interest rate is very low.

Second, there is no rigid repayment date.

As long as you have a stable job and can take out part of your salary every month to repay the loan, that's it.

Even if you have to repay it for decades, no one will come to you to collect the debt.

It's really good.

But, these are all things on the surface.

In fact, at the moment of signing the contract, the rest of the borrower's life, including his soul after death, does not belong to him.

Let's talk about the rest of his life first.

He is just a wage earner.

As long as they are guided and let them learn to consume in advance, how can they get rid of the chain of loans.

This is just like habit It is the same as swiping a credit card.

You can't stop just because you want to.

Even if some people are very determined, they are only a minority.

Most people don't have that ability, and can only go with the flow and become debtors and slaves of the Hyuga family, and that's enough.

Let's talk about the soul.

That's right.

The contracts used by the Hyuga family bank all have ninjutsu added.

As long as the debtor can't pay the money, is overdue for too long, or has an accident and dies.

Then the spell on the contract will be activated.

Those who don't pay back will become puppets and have to give the Hyuga family a chance to pay back the money. Work for the family for the rest of your life. And for those who have died, it is even simpler, and the blood is used as a medium to summon the soul of that person and continue to be driven by the Hyuga family.


If you can't pay the money , you won't even have a next life. That's how cruel they are, they won't stop until they squeeze you dry. Needless to say. This kind of contract was also made by Neji. As I said before, he is a very realistic and pragmatic person, and he eliminates all waste. In addition, as a time traveler, to be honest, except for those who are relatively close to him, Neji really doesn't regard these natives as human beings. They can only be objects for him to squeeze.

""Has the pseudo Jinchūriki been found?"

In the dim Root base, Danzo sat on a chair and asked the ninja kneeling in front of him.

"My Lord, I haven't found it yet."

"What's going on? Is it so hard to find?"

It's been a few days, and Danzo has lost his patience.

""I'm sorry, sir. We tracked him to a remote valley, but we couldn't find any clues there, and we don't know where the Jinchūriki went."

The ninja lowered his head and said.

Where did he go?

Of course, Neji took him away.

Unfortunately, the people of the Root and Danzo didn't know, so even if they invested more manpower, it would be in vain.

"What a good-for-nothing, he can't even do a small thing!"

After cursing, Danzo said,"Take more people to look for him. I don't believe that guy can fly away with wings!"

· ·····Request flowers···· ··


"What's going on with the Hyuga clan recently?"

There are no more Uchiha clans.

So the increasingly powerful Hyuga clan has now become a thorn in Danzo's eyes, making him feel more and more uncomfortable.

"My Lord, they opened a bank."

"A bank? The kind where you deposit and withdraw money?"


"Did you find any problems or something wrong?"

"Haven't seen it yet"

"Then keep watching, arrange more people to take over, don't let them notice"


"Go down"


After the ninja left,

Danzo was the only one left in the dim room. He leaned back in his chair, his one eye flashing an inexplicable glow in the firelight.


I don't know what bad ideas he's thinking of.

"Danzo, please come with us, you have committed a crime and the Hokage wants to see you!"


Just when Danzo was pretending to be deep, several ANBU ninjas barged in without even saying hello.

This really pissed Danzo off.

What the point is, where is his Root base? Can they just come whenever they want? And are all his subordinates dead?

What a pity.

Facing the ANBU personnel,

Danzo couldn't even curse at them. Even the slightest movement would touch the nerves of these ANBU personnel.

"Danzo, I advise you to be honest!"

He didn't even raise his hand.

Five or six blades were placed on his neck. Faced with this situation, Danzo was helpless and didn't want to speak.

After that,

Danzo was tied up with iron chains and escorted to the Hokage Building by a group of Anbu personnel.

Not to mention how Tsunade punished Danzo and what excuses she used.

Neji didn't pay attention to those trivial matters.

The Land of Lightning.

The Hidden Cloud Village.

After receiving the news from Hoshigaki Kisame and knowing that the Akatsuki Organization was going to capture the two-tailed beast, Neji also came here.


He wants to cultivate a clone of the Ten-tailed Beast.

The chakras of the nine tailed beasts cannot be spared.

Naturally, he had to come here in advance to collect some money first.......

Come on , guys, let's spend some money.

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