Neither Neci nor Hinata escaped.

Hinata joined the team normally, nothing much to say.

As for Neci.

Although we know that he is quite strong.

But I guess it is also to show fairness and not to treat him specially.

In addition, what they need to face this time are those S-level rebels of Akatsuki organization, so strong strength is a good thing.

So Tsunade did not let Neci go and let him be lazy. Instead, she gave him a captain position and let him take on more responsibilities.

Nothing to say.

After staying in the village for a long time, it would be nice to go out for a walk.

"Everyone, now that we understand the situation, let's hurry up and act. Disperse!"

At Tsunade's command, the twenty teams left instantly and went outside Konoha.

Neji was followed by Tenten and Xiao Li, as well as some minor ninjas.

"Captain, where are we going?"

Xiao Li asked as he hurried on his way.

"The plan is to search an area of 150 miles in radius with the Fire Temple as the center. Let's start searching from the south."


The team members all responded.

There was nothing much to say about the next action. The key point was that

Neji knew who the enemy was, and in order to revive the Ten-Tails, he couldn't kill the Akatsuki organization.

There was no benefit.

So he could only pretend and continue to do it.

"Tiantian, the clothes you are wearing today are very beautiful"


Just when Neji was flirting with Tenten and playing with a playful mentality, on the other side,

Asuma's team became the protagonist.

They searched the Fire Temple and tracked down the nearest bounty exchange based on the clues they found.

Then they faced the Immortal Duo.

Because they didn't know Hidan's ability and the information was not up to date,

Asuma and the others were in a tough battle and suffered a lot.

In just a short while, several people were injured, especially Asuma, who was the main attacker, who was almost beaten to death by Hidan.

In the end, when Ino and Choji, who went to other bounty exchange centers, came back, Asuma was already seriously injured and dying, and there was no way to save him.

After a few last words, he died in the sudden rain.

To be honest,

Asuma was a pretty good guy.

Although he was a bit fussy, which didn't match his appearance, he took real care of his students.

So, after Asuma died,

Shikamaru and the others were very sad. Not only did they burst into tears and their eyes were wet, they also stood in the rain for a long time.

As for Neji, he also did something.

Because of his strong perception, he was very clear about the situation within a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

You can't say you know everything, after all, you didn't see it.

But everyone's life breath and fluctuations are different. When they die, where they go. went.

Neji could not hide these.

He would not care about Asuma.

But Feidan and Kakuzu...

More precisely, it was the body of Jilu that Neji wanted to study.

Not for anything else, but he thought the ninjutsu used by Jilu was very interesting.

Come to greet the Thousand Hands Killing and the Wrathful King Kong.

It can actually use chakra outside the body and condense into several meters high Thousand Hands Guanyin and Vajra Arhat Dharma.

This is similar to Susanoo.

But Susanoo is a pupil technique, which relies on the spiritual power of Yin Dun to achieve this effect.

What does Jilu's ninjutsu rely on?

Neci was a little curious about this.

After Shikamaru and his party left.

He asked his clone to go to the gold exchange office and use the invincible strength. He forced his way in and snatched away Ji Lu's body.

Anyway, Neji is now a collector.

No matter whether it can be used or not, as long as he thinks it is interesting, he will never let it go and get it first. Even if it is left to gather dust, it is better than not having it when it can be used.

This idea is definitely a good way to live, there is nothing wrong with it.

The next day.

Because of Asuma's death.

All the team members were recalled to Konoha.

Neji and others also came back and listened to Tsunade's words.

Then Asuma's funeral was held.

After all, he is the son of the Third Hokage, and his status is different from that of ordinary ninjas, so the scale of the funeral is also quite large.

And many people attended.

"What's wrong? Are you still sad?"

Putting his arm around Ino's shoulders, Neji also comforted her.

"Brother Ningji, is it true that people are always like this? They are gone in the blink of an eye, without even a chance to explain anything."

Ino said with some sadness, and she no longer had the liveliness she used to have.

"This is the case for ordinary people. They cannot escape birth, aging, sickness and death. Unless they can break the routine, a hundred years is the limit."

"What about us? Will it be the same in the future?"

"That's not necessarily true."

Rubbing Ino's hair, Neji smiled and said,"Everything is possible. It depends on whether you dare to think about it and try your best."

"Is this what Ningji-brother works so hard for?"

"Almost. There is this reason."

"Then I will also work hard like Neji-nii and strive to become stronger."

"Is that right? Well, you are crying like a cat. Go wash your face. I will take you to eat something."

"No, unless Neji-geun goes with me, I don't want to be separated from you"

"All right."

Ningji was satisfied with Ino's little willfulness.

After all, she had just been sad, and now was the most vulnerable time.

He accompanied Ino for a long time.

After eating, he sent her back home. After that, Neji left alone and went to visit Kurenai.

In fact, Kurenai was fine, and she was not too sad.

Because she didn't have a relationship with Asuma, she just missed her colleagues and classmates, just like other people.

She didn't need to be coaxed, she could adjust herself.

They had dinner at Kurenai's house and had dinner together again. After chatting for a while, it was time to rest.

Neji didn't leave either.

Well, how should I put it?

We should thank Asuma for this.

Because it was because of his death that Kurenai felt the fragility of life, and that it could be gone at any time.

In addition, Kurenai was already thirty years old.

Even with the life energy given by Neji to keep her young, her mental age was also mature.

She didn't want to leave any regrets. She had never tasted that before she died.

So Kurenai was brave and let Neci stay.

The next morning,

Neci came out of Kurenai's house and returned to the Hyuga clan.

Added by: TONY2k5

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