The pursuit of Akatsuki is not over yet.

With Asuma's death, it can be said that old hatreds have not been resolved and new hatreds have been added.

So in the next action, except for Neji who is heartless and really doesn't care about Asuma's death, everyone else is very active.

Many teams set out again to expand the search for traces of Akatsuki members.

And this time, it is the immortal duo who are in trouble.

Kakuzu and Hidan are quite awesome.

One has five lives, and the other is simply immortal.

But their shortcomings are also obvious.

Kakuzu is not very mobile and has no ultimate move.

He is a relatively ordinary existence among the Kage-level ninjas.

Once he is surrounded, he can't escape and can only fight to the death.

He is not as difficult to kill as White Zetsu and Obito.

As for Hidan, let alone.

If he is not immortal, with his little skills and the defect of not being able to use ninjutsu, he is at most a jonin.

In addition, his mobility is too poor, even worse than Kakuzu.

He has no means to escape.

If he is caught, he will be just like the mini-boss in the game, he will be beaten to death.

And the reality is the same.

The result is similar to that in the anime.

Without Neji's intervention, Kakuzu had four hearts broken by Kakashi and others, and finally"died" under Naruto's newly practiced Wind Style Rasenshuriken.

Hidan was even worse.

He was lured into the woods by Shikamaru.

He was blown into pieces with a detonating tag, and then buried alive.

After Shikamaru left , some time passed.

Suddenly, light footsteps were heard in the quiet woods.

The person who came was Neji.

Immortal body, it is still worth studying.

As a collector, how could Neji let Hidan rot underground, what a waste.

He stepped on the ground lightly.

There was a rumbling sound.

As the soil rolled up, it soon pushed up a pile of Hidan buried dozens of meters underground.


They were all blown into pieces, but they are just a pile, right?

""Pfft! Who are you?"

It must be said that Feidan's vitality is really tenacious. He has been buried for a long time, but he is still alive.

Now he spits out the dirt in his mouth and questions Neji.

"Is this how you treat your savior?"


"Say a dirty word and I'll bury you again"


Feiduan shut up immediately.

The key is that the situation is stronger than the person.

Feiduan is reckless, not stupid. He has experienced the horror of being buried alive, the darkness, being squeezed by the soil, and being unable to speak.

He doesn't want to go through it again, even if he dies.

"this......Little brother, thank you for saving me. Well, if you have any needs, just tell me. I will try my best to satisfy you and never break my promise."

Fei Duan bared his big white teeth and spoke kindly.

"There is no need for return"

"You are such a nice person."

"You are wrong. What I mean is that you are the best reward, so you don't have to worry about anything else."


Hidan was stunned at first, and then he opened his mouth to curse.

But Neji didn't give him the chance.

He just waved his hand and imprisoned Hidan's head, and put all the pieces of his body into the small gourd container.

He took care of this side.

As for Kakuzu, Neji didn't plan to let him go.

And he had sent a clone over long ago.

When Kakashi and others were fighting with Kakuzu,

Neji's clone had already arrived here and hid underground.

Then when Kakuzu was hit by the wind-style Rasenshuriken and was about to die, he used the space-time ninjutsu to transfer Kakuzu away.


Must be more valuable for research than dead.

This is talking about Kakuzu's body, which was transformed by the Earth Grudge Secret Technique. If the cells were broken by the Rasenshuriken.

That would be a waste.

So, Neji simply took everyone away instead of using the secret technique to take away only Kakuzu's soul.

As for.

What would Kakashi and others think of Kakuzu's sudden disappearance?

Think whatever you want.

What's the big deal?

Anyway, Neji didn't show up, so this matter can't be pinned on him.

Besides, even if it will be exposed in the future, with Neji's strength at that time, he will just admit it. Who can do anything to him?

There is no need to think so much.

The next day

· ······Request flowers··· ·····

All the teams that went out were recalled to Konoha.

Kakuzu disappeared mysteriously, and it was suspected that he was rescued by someone who was proficient in space-time ninjutsu. Kakashi also reported this to Tsunade.

After that,

Neji was also called over by Tsunade.

Of course, it was not because of Kakuzu's disappearance.

But because of the continuous use of Wind Style Rasenshuriken, Naruto's right hand was almost disabled, and the injury was very serious.

This kind of injury.

Tsunade can definitely treat.

But she still let Neji do it, the purpose is to cultivate his practical ability.

This teacher.

It can be said that he is very attentive.

So, Neji did not refuse and treated Naruto personally.

You know what.

The injuries caused by the Rasenshuriken are indeed different from other injuries.


It penetrated deep into the cells and damaged the molecular level.

Even Neji spent some effort to treat Naruto without using life energy and Yangtun Ninjutsu.

This was barely enough to cure Naruto.

And this long treatment process was also good for Neji. The increase in experience was also good for his future development.

"Brother Ningci, thank you."

After the treatment, Naruto touched the back of his head and thanked him.

"You don't have to be polite with me, but I still have to warn you, just like what teacher Tsunade said, you should try to use this ninjutsu as little as possible, otherwise it won't be long before your hand is really broken."

Ningji said with a smile.

Although he could help Naruto solve this problem, it would undoubtedly expose his own ability, so it's not worth it.

The key is Naruto's character, he yearns for light too much, he is selfless, destined to be only a friend, and can't become one of Ningci's own people.

If he knew.

Ningci's life energy was plundered.

Then Naruto would definitely be the first one who couldn't accept it, and would stand on the opposite side of Ningci.

In this case, how could Ningci expose himself to solve Naruto's problem? That's definitely overthinking.

"Well, I will pay attention. I will leave first, Brother Ningci."

Waving his hand ,

Naruto left.

As for Ningci's warning, he probably didn't listen to it. When it comes to using the Rasenshuriken

, he will definitely use it without hesitation.

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