You know.

The reason why Sasuke's body was changed was because Orochimaru saw his potential.

If he changed to another eye, wouldn't it be a waste of Sasuke's potential and lose the watermelon to pick up sesame seeds?

As a smart man, Orochimaru would definitely not do such a stupid thing, at least in his opinion, there is no need.

Isn't it just waiting a few more days? He can definitely wait.

But in this matter, in Neji's opinion, Orochimaru is playing with fire.

Because whether it is to let Sasuke awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan first, or to let Uchiha Itachi react, it is very disadvantageous to Orochimaru.

With his current strength, facing a pair of normal Mangekyō Sharingan, he will definitely be at a disadvantage and his winning rate is not high.


Neji didn't remind Orochimaru again. There is no need.

Orochimaru is still a little arrogant and disobedient.

So it's better to let him die once.

At worst, he can be resurrected afterwards.

I believe that after this lesson, this guy can adjust his mentality, be a scientist honestly, and make more contributions to scientific research. He doesn't have to think about so many things all day and waste time.

With this idea in mind,

Ningci didn't chat with Orochimaru anymore and left with his things.

At the same time,

Guren, Youkimaru, and Kabuto Yakushi, who were sent by Orochimaru to capture the three-tailed beast, also encountered Konoha's troops.

A lot of things happened during that time.

But Ningci didn't get involved.

It wasn't until everything was almost over that he sent a clone to take Guren and his gang away.

Ningci has conquered quite a few people.

The Kusagakure Village has Natsuhiroshi and Uzumaki Karin mother and daughter.

The Star Ninja Village has Akahoshi and his gang.

In the anime, Akahoshi is a villain.

But with Ningci, he can only be a subordinate and can't make any waves.

The Snow Country has Fuuka Koyuki.

The Vegetable Country has the new queen Haruna.

The Four Celestials are watching over the Land of the Artisans.

The Four Celestials are also villains in the anime. They want to revive the founder of the Ninja Artisans, Qingming, and they even tried to capture Gaara for this purpose.

But now it is different.

After Neji took charge of the Takumi Village, he asked his subordinates to scrape out the Four Celestials and brainwashed them with the Kotoamatsukami Eye Technique.

Now, the Four Celestials are Neji's loyal lackeys and have long forgotten about the resurrection of Qingming.

Uzumaki Honoka is on the Spirit Island.

Uchiha Izumi is also with her, responsible for handling various matters, including the intelligence organization that was established.

In addition, there are Kuroki Raiga, Hara Kazehana's subordinates, Hiruzen and his group, and the evil ninjas who made trouble in the Land of Vegetables.

People from the Uchiha clan.

Four bloodline ninjas who were almost killed by Hiruzen's breath but are still alive.

Hagura from the Sand Village, Kari from the Iwagakure Village, Troy from the Cloud Village, and Nakayoshi from the Mist Village.

Some were brainwashed.

Some were beaten violently.

Of course, there were also smart ones who felt that following Neji was indeed a good idea and had a better future, so they surrendered on their own.

To sum up, there were more and more people around Neji, and the forces he created became stronger and stronger.

But because of this, the reputation of their Hyuga clan among various countries became more and more famous, and it was almost exposed.

It was not Neji himself who was exposed.

But it exposed the strength and ambition of the Hyuga clan.

It made some people, even those in the ninja village, feel uneasy.

Therefore, many forces have planted spies on the Hyuga clan.

Even if they can't get into the core.

But as long as it is related to the Hyuga clan, they will not let it go.

You know.

After these years of development, the Hyuga clan has long been different from the past. It is completely different from before.

Just talking about this industry.

It is really blooming everywhere, involving all aspects and all walks of life.

Hotels, clothing and catering, mineral energy, medical care, as well as metal smelting and agricultural planting.

Because there is a vein of Gray Stone.

It can make animals and plants mature overnight, and the results are not withered for years. With such a powerful thing, it would be a waste not to engage in agricultural planting.

In addition, real estate and banks are not only opened in Konoha, but also in other cities of the Land of Fire, and even in cities of other countries.

They have been promoted and branches have been established.

It can be said that the current industrial chain of the Hyuga clan is really old and powerful. They are absolutely rich and powerful, with assets of more than 100 billion.

Well, they have occupied so many small countries.

There is also a booming business of detonating talismans, which supplies ammunition in the back.

Under such favorable conditions, it is normal for the Hyuga clan to grow and develop. If they are still so small, it would be abnormal.


There are troubles when the plate is big.

It is easy for spies to infiltrate.

But it doesn’t matter.

Because the Hyuga is a blood family.

Those people below, no matter how capable they are, it is impossible for them without the White Eyes to enter the core of the Hyuga clan and become real people.

With this restriction, what intelligence can those spies get.

It's just some useless business secrets. At least for the people of the major ninja villages, they definitely don't want these things.

But there is no way.

The Hyuga clan's confidentiality measures are too good. Everything related to Neji and his son has been mentally sealed by him.


Even the clan members can't tell others.

What can those people outside get?

In a word, it's a waste of effort.

In the Moon Palace.

Ningci was watching the sky at night, and suddenly a flash of inspiration came to him, and he thought of a good way to use the forbidden technique of Kiyara.

You know.

Kiyara is not a forbidden technique that can be used whenever and wherever you want.

It requires the right time, right place, and right people.

Only when the three talents are combined can it be successfully performed and the bodies of other people can be integrated for one's own use.

Otherwise, if you mess around and cause the fusion to fail, the consequences will be very serious.

Apart from anything else, just looking at the appearance of Beiluo, who is neither human nor ghost, you can also know how much he paid.

After all, it is really not so easy to integrate other people's bodies, and it is very difficult.

Let's talk about the three talents again, that is, the right time, right place, and right people. Among them, the right place and right people are the easiest to get.

Because one is the geographical location, and the other is the target to be integrated, both can be determined and there will be no changes.

Only the time.

This condition is uncontrollable.

According to the idea of Beiluo's version of the forbidden technique of Kiyara, if you want to integrate the fifth ninja and achieve a perfect body, you must wait until the moon covers the sun and draws a golden ring. Only by bathing in that special light can you succeed in one fell swoop.

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