This condition is difficult for others.

Because it cannot be done by personal strength, it can only be done when the celestial body changes by itself and a solar eclipse occurs.

Neji is not so bad.

After all, he is on the moon, and he can use the large Rinnegan to control the orbit of the moon and let it block the sun.

In this way, the condition can be met.

But the key problem is that Neji's appetite is too big.

Look at the five targets he wants to merge.

The first one has dozens of blood limits and can evolve infinitely.

The second one is a clone of the Ultimate Summoning Beast who also has multiple sage human bloodlines.

The third one is a clone of Uchiha Madara who has multiple eye-type bloodline genetic information.

The fourth one is a clone of the descendant of Otsutsuki.

Although the genetic information is not that complicated, the potential of this bloodline is also very high.

As for the fifth one, it is simply a clone of the Ten-Tails. With such a big appetite, how can it be achieved with the original Kidomera forbidden technique?

What about the golden ring time, the solar eclipse light, those things are not enough.

This is the biggest problem that bothers Neji.

The power of the time is not enough, and it will definitely not work if you insist on fusion.

So this problem must be solved first.

And Neji, when he was watching the stars, suddenly remembered the astronomical phenomenon of several stars in a row.


If three stars in a row are not enough, then connect a few more.

Although this is not the solar system of the previous life.

But there are other planets in the galaxy outside the earth.

It is enough for Neji to complete this plan.

The figure flashed.

He appeared in the place where the large-sized reincarnation eye was stored.

Neji stretched out his hand and pressed it. As he input a large amount of chakra, he also used this reincarnation eye to see the star field beyond a very long distance.

Venus, Jupiter, Mercury......Let's call it that for now.

All the planets within hundreds of millions of kilometers have been captured and observed by Neji. It's not that they can't be observed at a greater distance

, but Neji didn't do that. Instead, he did an experiment first.

He abandoned other planets and focused his attention on the planet closest to the Earth.

It's about 80 million kilometers away.

The star is grayish white in color, and it does look a bit like Mercury.

He didn't think too much about it.

Neji once again input a large amount of chakra, and then used the ability of the Samsara Eye to control gravity and repulsion to reach out to this"Mercury".

After a while, it really moved.

Although the amplitude was very small and almost unobservable.

But Neji could indeed feel that under his control, the Mercury shifted outward by more than ten meters.

Even in the galaxy, this distance is the same as nothing.

But as long as it can be done and the method is proven to be feasible, that's enough.

Open your eyes.

Neji, who retracted his palm, also curled his lips.

Because the method was found, but he had to face two new problems.

The first one.

Too much chakra was consumed.

If you want to control the movement of celestial bodies, the speed cannot be too slow, and the chakra required is also an astronomical number, which is huge.

It has only been a few seconds.

Neji only controlled Mercury to move for a while.

The chakra he consumed can destroy several Konoha.

You have to know that this is only a distance of more than ten meters.

If you want to pull several planets into a straight line, even if you succeed once, the distance is tens of billions of kilometers.

How much chakra will be consumed?

Neji alone, he certainly can't do it.

This is definitely not modesty.

Neji still has self-knowledge.

He is not yet at the Six Paths level. Even if his body is very strong, the chakra he extracts is more than a thousand times that of ordinary people. It is more arrogant than the Uzumaki clan.

But if you want to play with planets.

This thing is not enough, it's just a drop in the bucket.

So you have to think of other ways.

Let's talk about the second problem.

It's planning.

The distance between the planets is too far, and the span is too large. If you want to pull them into a straight line, you have to predict the time it takes.

Calculate the orbit of each planet.

It must be accurate enough that there can be no mistakes.

Otherwise, it will not only fail easily, but also waste a lot of chakra, which is not a joke.

But compared to the first problem.

This second problem is just an arithmetic problem, which is relatively easy to solve. Just spend some time.

As for the first problem.

It didn't make Neji embarrassed for too long. He soon thought of a solution.

Not using the energy of the Gray Stone Vein.

That's too wasteful.

Because the energy contained in the Gray Stone Vein is close to life force, it has a very magical effect, and it is also a difficult-to-renew resource.

Just consume it on the running celestial body.

It is definitely the behavior of a prodigal son, not taking good things seriously.

So, Neji will not use these energy sources. What he thinks of is the dragon vein that exists in the ruins of the ancient country of Loulan.

Nearly unlimited energy, and chakra.

What else can he use if he doesn't use it.

Just do it.

When Neji went to the Kingdom of Wind to look for the ruins of Loulan,

Orochimaru was unlucky and was found by Uchiha Itachi.

In fact, this is normal.

Because a few years ago, when he left the Akatsuki organization, Uchiha Itachi came to hunt down Orochimaru and fought with him.

Then, knowing that Orochimaru had the Mangekyō Sharingan, how could Uchiha Itachi be at ease with Sasuke's safety and ignore everything?

So, after calculating Sasuke's growth rate and the time Orochimaru had to change the container,

Uchiha Itachi came to the door.

He didn't want to kill Orochimaru, but to destroy Orochimaru's Sharingan, and then leave this guy to Sasuke.

Let Sasuke kill Orochimaru personally and grow further.

For his own Ododou.

Uchiha Itachi also took great pains and calculated everything.

As for the final result, he succeeded as expected.

There is no way.

Who made Orochimaru not Uchiha Itachi's opponent.

Even if there is���He has a Mangekyō Sharingan, but because of his lack of soul and pupil power, he can't beat Uchiha Itachi who has a cheat.


Uchiha Itachi didn't mean to kill Orochimaru.

He just forced him to use the Izanagi technique twice, using up his remaining Mangekyō Sharingan, and then let Orochimaru go.

After that,

Orochimaru was blinded by anger.

After transferring to another base, without waiting for any preparations, he used the Corpse Reincarnation Technique to try to occupy Sasuke's body.

The result is predictable.

After losing his Mangekyō Sharingan and suffering mental trauma, he was killed by Sasuke and died on the spot. It

's really tragic.

Added by: TONY2k5

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