"Where are you going?".In the underground base, it was already the second day after Orochimaru's death.

Seeing Kimimaro leaving, Kabuto called him

"Avenge Lord Orochimaru!"

"Go kill Sasuke? Do you think you can do it? That guy even killed Orochimaru!"

The death of Orochimaru also affected many people. Kabuto

Yakushi was one of them. He couldn't find the reason for his existence and lost a lot of self-confidence.

"Some things are not done until you can do them."

Kimimaro said without turning his head.

"Haha, faith alone is useless. You have to consider the success rate when doing things, Kimimaro!"

"That's your idea, not mine."

"Does it make any difference?"

After taking a breath, Kabuto Yakushi said,"Now that Lord Orochimaru is gone, we should stick together and gather more strength to survive in this cruel world."

"Don't forget Kimimaro. There are not only you and me in the base, but also so many children. If you leave, who will protect them? Have you ever thought about this problem?"

Knowing what kind of person Kimimaro is.

He seems indifferent, but he is actually kind-hearted.

So, Kabuto Yakushi used this method to keep him.

And the effect is really good.

Kimimaro, who was determined to get out just now, became hesitant after listening to Kabuto Yakushi's words.

Seeing this scene.

Knowing that he was about to succeed, Kabuto Yakushi put more effort

"Kimimaro, I'm not trying to stop you from seeking revenge, I just want you to wait."

"What are you waiting for?"

"Lord Orochimaru won't die so easily"

"What do you mean?"

Kimimaro couldn't help but turn around.

"Very simple."

Pushing his glasses, Kabuto Yakushi continued:"Don't forget what Lord Orochimaru left on you, and Sasuke also has it."

"You mean the curse?"

"That's right"

"The curse seal contains the power of Orochimaru. As long as this thing is still there, he will not die completely."

As he spoke, Kabuto Yakushi also regained some self-confidence.

"But Sasuke......"

"It's just that the reincarnation was not successful, but it's not a complete failure. Orochimaru is so powerful, how could he die from a ninjutsu? It's absolutely impossible."

"I think his soul was wounded and he felt that his chances were slim, so he gave up fighting for control of Sasuke's body and went into hiding."

"You mean......Lord Orochimaru is still alive in Sasuke's body, but he is hiding?"

Kimimaro asked in surprise


Actually, Kabuto Yakushi had just thought of this.

The main reason was that Orochimaru's death had been such a huge shock to him that he had stopped thinking and hadn't come to his senses.

But now, after sorting out his thoughts, Kabuto Yakushi was more and more convinced that Orochimaru was not dead yet.

"Kimimaro, if this is true, if you kill Sasuke, it would be equivalent to killing Lord Orochimaru. Do you understand this relationship?"

"this......I understand."

Kimimaro took a breath and gave up the idea of seeking revenge on Sasuke.

"By the way, Kabuto, do you think we should inform Lord Neji about this matter?" Kimimaro said again

"Why notify him?"

"It's very simple. Lord Orochimaru is gone, and he left behind so many bases. Do you think we can control them all?"

"Then give up some places and don't want them!"

Kabuto Yakushi still didn't want to inform Neci.

It was because in his eyes, Neci was a stronger and more unpredictable person than Orochimaru.

If Neci intervened, he would not be able to keep these bases and would lose his voice.

It's not that Kabuto Yakushi has great ambitions and wants to be the boss himself, but he doesn't want to become a marginal figure or even a stray dog.

But this is Kabuto Yakushi's idea alone.

Not to mention that he underestimated Neci's tolerance and would not compete with him for anything.

Kimimaro didn't have so many thoughts.

And on the contrary, in Kimimaro's opinion, it would be better to inform Neci about this matter.

Even if Kabuto Yakushi disagrees.

When he was alone, Kimimaro still sent a letter to Neci with the summoning snake.

Besides, Feng In the country of Kotoamatsukuni.

It was two days later when Neji received the letter.

In fact, Neji knew about Orochimaru's death even without Kimimaro delivering the letter.

Because the intelligence organization under his command is not just for show.

Even on Orochimaru's side, there are people they have infiltrated.

In addition, the people around Orochimaru, such as the Otogakure Four, the still-living Kidomaru Tayuya, and Sakon and Ukon.

All of them had their wills modified by Neji using the Kotoamatsukami eye technique and became his people.

These guys acted much faster than Kimimaro, and had passed the news to him a day ago.

Of course.

It doesn't matter whether it's faster or slower.

After all, Neji just wanted Orochimaru to die once so that he could calm down.

So, Neji was not in a hurry to take care of this matter. According to the original idea, he started looking for the ruins of the ancient kingdom of Loulan.

The ancient kingdom of Loulan is quite famous.

Although no one lives here in the ruins, sometimes there are some travelers or caravans passing by and stop to take a look.

The location is not difficult to find.

The only difficulty is that because it is in the deep desert, the environment is too harsh, and it is not convenient to walk back and forth.

Of course, that is for ordinary people.

What about Ningci? It

's much simpler for him.

Even if the dragon vein is sealed, it can't be detected by perception and can't be located.

But he can still fly.

Use the electric charge magnetic field to protect himself and isolate the yellow sand.

Then the purple wings behind him spread out and quickly crossed the sky.

It took others several days to reach the deep desert.

Ningci flew in just over an hour. Arrived.

From a distance.

A ruined ruin was seen.

After landing, he stepped on it.

There was a loud bang!

As the ground was broken, a deep pit was revealed.

Below was the destination of this trip, the Lost Tower of the ancient kingdom of Loulan.

Without hesitation.

Ningci jumped directly.

Descending at a high speed.

The surrounding environment was getting darker and darker.

But this was nothing for Ningci. Even without opening the Byakuran, he could see things clearly at night. He descended hundreds of meters deep.

After landing steadily on the ground, Ningci also looked around.

The ancient kingdom of Loulan.

Although a long time has passed, based on the remaining buildings here and the murals on the walls, some things can be seen.

Added by: TONY2k5

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