But compared to the energy of the dragon vein, this historical culture is not that important.

Neji did not stop.

After passing through the dim passage, he soon came to a larger cenote.

The space here is very large and the whole is circular.

There are corridors built of stones around it, and there is a circle of doorways several meters high.

In the center of the cenote, there is a circular stone platform connected by a stone bridge.

Neji walked across the stone bridge and came to the circular stone platform in the center.

Looking up, the ground between the statues was covered with ritual symbols, and there was a special kunai inserted in the middle, like a keyhole. Is it the seal left by Minato Namikaze?

Neji knew about it.

He was just thinking about whether he should go to the parallel world to take a walk.

There must be benefits.

Apart from anything else, it would be a big profit to catch a few tailed beasts.


The power of the dragon vein can make people travel through time and go back to the past. There is no reason to say that you can't go to a parallel time and space.

Compared to changing history,

Neji still wants to search in the parallel universe and grab more things.

After all, he still has to live in this world, and Neji doesn't want to make a mess and turn himself into some terrifying demon king.

It may be fun, but once the arrow is shot, there is no turning back, and the disadvantages are also not small.

But in the parallel universe, you don't have to care so much.

You can do whatever you want and grab all the good things.

Who dares to stop Neji?

He doesn't have to show mercy for fear of making things worse, how good.

Of course, even if you want to go, you have to prepare first.

First of all, study the sealing technique left by Minato Namikaze thoroughly.

Then send someone over.

Build a large device above this dragon vein.

This device should be able to control and channel the power of the dragon vein, prevent it from running wild, and extract energy for its own use.

This is what Neji thought about, and this is what he did.

Take some time.

He understood the sealing technique of Minato Namikaze.

After that, he used the space-time ninjutsu to summon some of his men and asked them to start working.

Detect the strength of the dragon vein energy.

Design the functional diagram, planning diagram, and parts drawings of large-scale equipment.

These things are done by researchers.

As for Neji himself, he was thinking about how to make a space-time gate.

It is too rough and wasteful to rely solely on the energy of the dragon vein.

With a large control device, it is the most reasonable to make the most of it and make a matching space-time gate.

As a scientist and researcher, elegance and precision are the right principles.

You can't rush forward like a wild monkey, waving a big stick and howling.

That's too embarrassing.

Even if it takes more time, Neji has to do these preparations, and he is also responsible for his own life.

Otherwise, who knows what the result will be.

If he doesn't get it right and the dragon vein explodes, it will not be a trivial matter.

Just when Neji was busy.

At the same time.

Sasuke was also gathering people to form his small team.


Hozuki Hozuki asked that she would join Sasuke's team and work for him only after Sasuke helped him find the beheading sword.

But the beheading sword is still in Neji's hands.

In addition, Uzumaki Karin didn't go to Orochimaru's side, so Sasuke wouldn't meet her.

And Kimimaro wasn't dead yet, and Jūgo, who only recognized Kimimaro, wouldn't follow Sasuke.

So his team was formed with difficulty, and it took more than ten days to barely get one and a half people together.

Well, except for Sasuke himself.

The remaining half is Hozuki Hozuki.

After all, Sasuke hasn't met his request yet, so they are no longer companions. At least Hozuki Hozuki thinks so.

"Hey, we've been walking for several days, where are you going?"

Gui Deng Shui Yue asked boredly while drinking water on the path, looking very unmotivated.

"Go to the next place!"

Sasuke still didn't believe it.

Orochimaru has so many secret bases, but he can't find a few people he can use.

"Still looking for it, don’t you think it’s troublesome?"

"It's troublesome to find someone, we are too few in number"

"You haven't told me what you are going to do by gathering all of us. Let's talk about it in advance. If it's too dangerous, I won't work for you."

·· ····Request flowers0 ·····

"Dealing with Akatsuki"

"What it is?"

"An organization composed of S-rank rebel ninjas, probably about ten people."

""Ha, well, I suddenly remembered that the stove at home is not turned off yet. Goodbye!"

Hozuki turned and was about to leave.

But the next second, Sasuke's Kusanagi sword was placed on his neck.

Feeling the sharp and dangerous blade, Hozuki couldn't help but shed two drops of sweat.

"Haha, I was just kidding you. How could I be the kind of person who doesn't keep my word?"

"It's better this way, otherwise I will really kill you!"

After saying this in a cold tone, Sasuke retracted his Kusanagi sword.


He was getting a little impatient. He had wasted so much time to find a helper like Gui Deng Shui Yue, and this guy was still trying to escape.

Who wouldn't be angry?

"No problem, you can rest assured about my character, I will definitely do what I say, isn't it just the S-rank rebel Akatsuki organization, I will definitely help you deal with them!"

After saying these words while patting her chest.

When Hozuki turned her head, two lines of tears were flowing down.���Method.

The baby is feeling miserable, but he can't say it out loud. Don't let him be too upset because of this incident.

A month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Sasuke is still busy gathering people, and he hasn't confronted Deidara.

Because Deidara's will has been modified by Neci.

Not to mention that his temperament has changed drastically, but he also knows the importance of things, and he didn't go looking for trouble with Sasuke because of a momentary anger.

He still stays in the Akatsuki organization, and like Hoshigaki Kisame, while performing various tasks, he is also passing messages to Neci.

Let's talk about Neci.

After a month of arrangement.

The ruins of Loulan have also changed a lot.

All useless things have been cleared out, and the unstable places have been replaced with metal materials as supports.

The overall look has a lot more sense of technology and less vicissitudes of the ruins.

Especially at the location of the tiankeng.

There is an extra large metal device.

This is the machine used to control the energy of the dragon vein, and it has been completed.......

Ask for money.

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