After all, it is only used to channel and extract energy. As long as the power is large enough to suppress the dragon vein energy, it will be fine.

It does not require much technical content.

At least that is the case for the scientific research team under Neji.

There is also the time and space gate.

Neji has also made it.

This thing is not difficult for him to make. There are three reasons.

The first one.

After accumulating information and technology from the Snow Country and the Craftsman Country, Neji really came up with a secret technique for refining equipment.

Although it is not as arbitrary as the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements in the anime.

But it is also a semi-finished product.

The technology is sufficient.

In addition, the space gate has been built before, traveling between Konoha and the moon. With this experience, it will not be difficult to make an upgraded version.

Let's talk about the third aspect.

Traveling through time and space.

It is mainly about the dragon vein energy, not the device.


After all, even without any other aids, the purpose of traveling through time can be achieved by simply relying on the dragon vein energy.

It is clear who is the main and who is the subordinate.

Therefore, there is no need to think about this so-called time and space gate so profoundly. As long as it can play the role of regulating and controlling the dragon vein energy, it will be fine."

"Testing Equipment!"

"Debug power!"

"The data shows normal!"

"Now listen to my command, 1, 2, 3, activate the space-time gate!"


With the infusion of dragon vein energy, the four-meter-high space-time gate was successfully activated, and a purple vortex condensed from it.



Several researchers shouted excitedly, waving their hands in celebration.

However, this was only a successful start. To know the specific situation and whether it can travel through time and space, we need to experiment again.

As for the experiment,

Ningci would definitely not let ordinary people do it.

Because it is not certain whether the past is a parallel time and space, or whether it has returned to the past.

Parallel time and space are fine. No matter how you toss, it will not affect you.

But if you return to the past and make any unexpected events, the impact will be immeasurable.

So, for the experiment, Ningci sent several clones who were 100% under his control to ensure that there was no mistake.

After preparation, several clones walked into the time and space gate.

Although, as soon as they entered, they lost contact with Ningci, but Ningci did not panic.

Because this is a normal phenomenon.

After all, they are separated by a barrier of time and space.

They belong to two completely different worlds.

If there is still contact, it would be abnormal.

The time is not too long.

It can also be said to be very short.

Less than a minute has passed, and the several clones who walked into the time and space gate have all returned.

"grown ups!"

"Well, how about it?"

"My Lord, that world is the same as ours, except that the time difference is more than 20 years."

"How long did you stay there?"

"It took about five days."

Ten seconds equals one day?

Of course, it is also possible that this minute is just the time it takes to travel through. No matter how long you stay there, you will always be at this anchor point when you return.

This question needs further experimentation.

"You go again, this time stay for 20 days, then kill the daimyo of the five great countries, and then come back."


Several clones turned around and walked into the time-space gate again.

This time, they were back in less than a minute.

Obviously, the time in the two time-spaces was unrelated, and the one minute they used was just the time required to travel through time.

"How is it?"

Neji asked without any expression.

Even though there were five clones when they went, only three came back now, and they were all injured and looked quite embarrassed.

But for Neji, these clones were just tools, and he would not feel bad no matter how many losses there were.

This had nothing to do with inhumanity.

Normal people still needed to go to the battlefield, so what was the point of having more clones.

Besides, they were not bred to eat dry food, so how could they do nothing?

"My Lord, according to your instructions, we stayed there for 20 days, and then went to assassinate those daimyo."

"It went smoothly at first, but when we were trying to kill the third person, we were ambushed by a ninja. The fourth and fifth targets were completed at the risk of their lives."

The clone knelt on the ground and reported.

"Well, you guys get up."

Let these warriors rest.

Ningji called another clone team.

"Number Six, take your people to check and see if our Daimyoji lineage encountered any assassination attempts 20 years ago, and whether anyone was killed."


Number Six took the order and left with his men.......

The reason for this investigation is very simple.

It is to see if the other side of the time-space gate is the past of my world.

If it is, then it goes without saying that five daimyos here should have died.

If they are not dead, it proves that the world on the other side of the time-space gate has nothing to do with my world. It is just a parallel time and space at most.

The death of five daimyos is still easy to investigate, even if it is more than 20 years later.

So it didn't take long for No. 6 to send the news back.

The result is that there is no such thing.

And this also proves that the other side of the time-space gate is a parallel world, not the past of my main world.

This is easy to deal with.

Let people seal off the entire Loulan ruins and set up a large defensive barrier.

After that, everything is ready.

Neji didn't waste any more time and walked directly into the time-space gate.

The feeling of weightlessness came over him.

He couldn't see the surrounding environment clearly.

It was mainly time-space turbulence, and there was no specific information.

Then the sense of time was also stretched.

It was only a dozen or twenty seconds, but it felt like a very long time had passed.

However, with Neji's strength, he was not affected much, and he did not lose his will and sense of direction due to the impact of these space-time turbulences.

Soon, a bright light appeared 0.7 meters ahead.

Neji also sprinted out of the space-time channel and stepped on the ground.

"Sir, this is the underground of Loulan Kingdom."

Clone No. 1 who followed over reported


Neji nodded and looked around.

There were high walls made of stone bricks all around, and the top was sealed. It looked like an underground space.

"Let's go up and take a look first"


In a flash,

Neji and No. 1 came to the ground and flew into the air.

Because they came early, the puppeteer named Baizu had not come yet.

So the country of Loulan had not been built yet, and there were not so many high towers.

Today, Loulan is just a small country in the desert, and the buildings are mainly flat. Only in the center, there is a small palace.

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